Impressions of inspirational films
Suspended dust
2023-12-24 11:19:29
Grade 6
impressions of after reading

What is the purpose? What should I do when I have a purpose?
A few weeks ago, we watched an inspirational film about the dream and struggle of disabled wages - Bloom. After watching it, I was moved and a little shy.
There was a girl who was blind, but she played the piano well. She went to find a task, but failed many times because she was blind. But later, her piano skills and energy were finally discovered, and she became a music teacher, and finally she could play the piano for others. There are many disabled people like her in the film. Some are deaf and dumb, some have no hands, some have no legs. However, they do not keep themselves because they are disabled, but they all have their own purposes and want to play on the stage. For this reason, they fought hard, no matter how tired and bitter they were, they were willing to persevere for their own purposes. In the end, they achieved their goals on the stage, bloomed themselves on the stage, gained the recognition of the audience, and let us know that the disabled are stronger than us, and can enjoy more than us!
I am ashamed that I am not as good as a disabled person as a person with sound limbs. I have no intention to look down on disabled people, but I really find that I am not as good as them. They are very grand, but I am very humble. They can sweat and pay for everything for their own purposes. Why can't I? What's more, today's. I have no eyes, very vague, I don't know where the goal is. I really should reflect on myself. It's time to set my goal and pay for it. Let these disabled people who are physically and mentally disabled be my model!
After watching this film, I specifically checked the meaning of "bloom". Bloom is the flower opening. These disabled people are like flowers. They have blossomed themselves and their life, so brilliant and colorful. I felt happy for them and couldn't help clapping my hands for them.
All day long, it is a dream, and the purpose is to work hard to eliminate it!
When Happiness Knocks on the Door tells the story of Chris, a well-known stock broker in the United States. Chris and his wife experienced the hardships of entrepreneurship all the way. They founded a company to sell bone density detectors to hospitals and doctors, but found that they could never pay their rent, tax bills, and bills for all kinds of careers. In their difficult life, his wife finally left him. He took his son with him to pursue the happy life he wanted. He said to his son at the most difficult time: If you have a dream, you will go? Wei! Never let others say you can't! He is encouraging himself and his son. His young son seemed to understand what was going on. He sometimes sleeps in the street with his son, sometimes goes to the place where the rescue station lines up and waits to live. No matter how hard it is, he does not keep his dream of a happy life! While maintaining his basic life by selling his leftover instruments, he tried to win an opportunity to be employed. He finally went through the most rigorous and intense selection of stock brokers and became a member of the most famous stock broker company in the United States. And finally he started his own broker company!
I remember his tears twice. For the first time, he was expelled from the motel because he could not pay the rent. He took his son to the subway bench, but he finally chose to be pessimistic. He played a time machine game with his son, pretending that they were back in ancient times. In order to avoid the attack of dinosaurs, he fled to their cave to stay. (The cave is actually a latrine in the subway. When his son sleeps on his arm, and someone knocks at the door to go to the latrine, he should make more progress and stop the knock, so as not to disturb his son's good dreams. At that time, he shed tears silently, and I knew that he swore in his heart: I would redouble my efforts, because I would have a happy life with my son.
The second time he shed tears: after a six-month test period, he became the only winner among the 20 elites who were left behind. When the examiner said to him, "Everything seems not so easy, does it?" His eyes were wet, and he said, "Oh, no." Yes, he felt the hand of success and happiness! His tears are joyful and happy! He hurried away to share the joy with his son!
Chris's success lies in that he always faces everything with a pessimistic and positive attitude. He never complains about the hardship of his life, the ignorance of his lover, or his humble life experience and education. He always only talks and does what he wants! He believes that if you smile on your face, good luck will see you!
When he moved from selling instruments to stock brokers, he actually moved from life to the broad world of life. The most important thing is not who chooses, but his honesty, his diligence, his persistent pursuit of fantasy, his true love for his son. In his fragmented confidence, there is only a complex and decisive bias "to pursue dreams and the happiness he wants.
So when the opportunity falls, when we choose a bias, we should grasp the hand of opportunity like Chris, be fearless of difficulties and obstacles, and persevere. Come? Wei He finished his dream! And I firmly believe that we can succeed! We can certainly pursue the happiness we want!