Quotes about people's sad mood
Dried confusion
2023-01-28 18:47:31

1. The roses bloomed quietly, and the violets thanked quietly. The quiet spread of grass, a trace of sinking and depression, but there is taste. I am silent and will not leave.

2. When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, the pain is most real when the memory is diluted.

3. Duan Meili's love will eventually become a permanent memory.

4. If loving you is hurting you, I choose to like you. If liking you is bothering you, I choose to leave you. If you can use all my things for your happiness in this life, I would like to pay all. All because I love you!

5. The destruction everywhere also has vitality. What's more, I will see the beauty of withering, and I can hear the sound of leafstalks leaving the branches, loud and tragic.

6. Will my dream be warm tonight? Behind every gentle dream, can you hide the sadness?

7. The Buddhist relics emit not only light, but also worry and melancholy in the heart behind the light.

8. Leaves fell at my feet, and sadly completed the journey of wandering with an unfinished yellow face and a creeping posture.

9. It was just a passing accident. Why remember it so clearly.

10. Is there such a person, no matter how much I miss him, I never meet him again.

11. If you give me a tear, I can see the ocean in your heart.

12. I forgot which day in which year I carved a face on which wall, smiled and looked at my face sadly

13. The gentleness and gentleness of perfunctory is perfunctory after all.

14. There is always a person who has been living in the bottom of his heart, but has disappeared into life.

15. How strong you need to be to compromise your obsession with you.

16. If the stone will cry, I want to be a hard stone and cry in your heart. At least, I can feel your temperature.

17. The moment when the chrysalis broke out of the cocoon was the pain of tearing off a layer of skin. Many butterflies died of pain at the moment when they broke out of the cocoon.

18. We are always injured, but we did not give up strong; We are sometimes confused, but always adhere to the original direction; We will also escape, but never give up!

19. I was afraid of losing you, but I never reached out to hold you firmly. Time took away your smile, but it wiped out my impetuosity.

20. Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others; Good people choose to hurt themselves.

21. We should all laugh brightly, even if it is mixed with heartbreak.

22. The day you left, I decided not to cry, but to hold my eyes against the wind without blinking.

23. Fenghua refers to quicksand, and aging refers to a period of time.

24. The expected result was so heartbroken.