Common Goodnight Message in 2023
wild stock or floating clouds
2023-03-13 20:40:08
Blessing words

1. How can I be more calm until I reach the end. good night!

2. A person who does not appreciate himself is difficult to be happy. good night!

3. Your potential is much stronger than what you have shown. good night!

4. Catch up with each other and strive to be the first, bleeding and sweating without regret. good night!

5. If you can't fly, your ideal wings will become a burden of life. good night!

6. We don't need to follow the time, just follow the mentality and ability. good night!

7. If you walk away, I will cry, just like you just came in. good night!

8. There is no one in this world who is not wounded. Only himself can really heal himself. good night!

9. Heart can bear is limited, someone comes in, someone is destined to leave. good night!

10. Two people together, not for who can conquer who, but two people rely on each other and support. good night!

11. Life is a thousand petal lotus. Since I refused to bloom, I also refused to wither and fall. good night!

12. You should always go all out for the dream. Whatever the gossip, be yourself. If you win, you should win well. good night!

13. If what you give me is the same as what you give others, then I will not give it. Because of true love, please allow my little greed. good night!

14. It is another quiet night. May the full moon bring you sweet dreams, and may the twinkling stars sleep with you until dawn! Good night, dear friend!

15. Live every day, every moment, in the details of life. Look in the mirror every day, smile at yourself three times, and thank yourself for everything today before going to bed. good night!

16. In one's life, the most glorious day is not the day of success, but the day of challenge to life arising from grief and despair, and the day of courage towards will. good night!

17. Moon peered out of the window, narrowing her eyes and unable to sleep. Sweat wet greetings, come by the night breeze. The screen flashes with a string of happy symbols. Wish you a good sleep and good night!

18. In this earthly world, the word "fate" refers to a season of blooming flowers, and encounters a butterfly love, which represents the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion. The most memorable of these is the "Qing Cheng" covenant, which is often thoroughly loved and hurt. good night!

19. Do not assume, do not if; Don't be excited, don't worry. Prepare your mind and calmly do the things at hand. It is not yours, and cannot be forced; It is destined to happen or not. good night!

20. Only one person can hear his own voice when traveling. It will tell you that the world is wider than expected. Your life will not be without exports, you will find that you have a pair of wings, can fly without anyone's consent. good night!

21. Whether a person treats you sincerely is actually in mind. You know who treats you well? Who is just perfunctory? Those who really care about you are full of mud in their hearts. They don't care about you, so they don't care what you want to do. good night!

22. People who can control the morning can control life. If a person can't even get up early, what do you expect him to do that day? The ancients said: The plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in the spring. If you can't catch it in the morning, how can you catch the day. good night!

23. Life is not a pursuit, and only time can be wasted. The quality of life has little to do with fate. You still have to carve your own life form. Life is just responsible for painting, and time is just to let this sculpture go through vicissitudes of life. good night!

24. People, it is always like this. When you are sad, you should have a shoulder, while when you are happy, you should embrace the world. What time steals is always invisible precious under your eyes. The mountain of happiness has no top and no head. You should learn to walk and stop, blowing the breeze, and your heart will be satisfied in relaxation. good night!

25. Everything that appears in life can only be experienced. When a person feels satisfied, not upset, not tired, not asking for anything, and can feel at ease, happiness is in it. When a person feels satisfied with food, play, sleep well, no worries, happiness is in it. good night!

26. Some things can't be understood for a long time. When something is understood, it is too late. Youth, like a grand and magnificent play, is the only thing in the world that can last forever, not time, not love; Not life, not hate; Not a wound, not a pain; Not memories, not tears. good night!

27. Life is an indomitable and tenacious journey. Each section has wonderful tidbits and unforgettable memories! Sometimes, the things we encounter are confusing and disturbing, disturbing our mood, and occasionally, they also destroy our mood. Worries and sadness will not be eliminated by themselves. Try to adjust your thoughts and behaviors. Only when you are in a good mental state can you look at them and let them go. good night!