Make 84 sentences with buts
Non willful
2023-01-31 12:13:35
A compendium of sentence making

1. Although his words are few, they are thought-provoking.

2. Although he is rude, he is kind-hearted.

3. Although he tried his best, it didn't help.

4. Although her attitude was cold, she was polite.

5. Although she knows it, she doesn't care about it.

6. Although this is wrong, it also makes sense.

7. Although candy is delicious, eating too much will cause tooth decay.

8. Although this dress is beautiful, it is too expensive.

9. Although this gift is simple, I like it very much.

10. Although he is not clever, he studies very hard.

11. Although Xiao Ming is sometimes very naughty, he is also very sensible.

12. Although this is inappropriate, I can't help it.

13. Although the weather is not very good, we still go for a spring outing.

14. Although I am ill, I still want to go to school.

15. Although your grades are not very good, you can't abandon yourself.

16. Although I knew he was lying to me, I still forgave him.

17. Although this question is very difficult, I still worked it out.

18. Although this bridge has been built for many years, it is still very strong.

19. Although this is your own chocolate cake, I don't like it.

20. It is impossible to have two lives, but many people are not good at spending even one.

21. There are many ways to make money, but if you can't find the seed of making money, you can't become an entrepreneur.

22. No matter how talented a person is, the collective is often smarter and more powerful than him.

23. Although we now have good living conditions, we should not waste money.

24. Dad is a sacred name. Its love is invisible, but its love is the most touching!

25. Although this matter has passed for a long time, every time I think of it, I will feel guilty.

26. Although that dream seems far away from me, I believe that it will come true through my efforts.

27. Anyone who makes excuses for failure, although he has been comforted mentally, will always have failure.

28. Happiness is not inherently bad, but some happiness producers have brought many times more trouble than happiness.

29. If you want to win, you must not be afraid of losing. Not afraid of losing, the result may not win. But if you are afraid of losing, you will lose.

30. Going against the wind is risky, and sometimes it may be fatal. But on the question of truth, we cannot give in.

31. The light sounds so insignificant, but this seemingly small light brings people infinite courage and hope.

32. Money is a good thing, but it can meet the needs of personal life. It can't be too much, and more will harm people.

33. If life is a gamble, it is God who shuffles the cards, but it is us who play the cards. We play well or badly.

34. Although everyone wants a lot, what they need is very little. Because life is short, people's destiny is limited.

35. On the way of life, there are white and fragrant flowers and sharp thorns, but those who love themselves will forget the thorns and only want flowers.

36. When the Chlorophytum is big enough, it will blossom. Its flowers are beige and small. Although they are not so fragrant, they also have their own charm.

37. One turn of the clock can return to the origin, but it is not just now; The sun will rise again, but it is not yesterday.

38. The slim waist outlines a beautiful curve. Although her height is not high, such a perfect proportion makes her look much taller.

39. My face is a little tight and itchy from the cold. Although it is very cold, the cold is also covered by my happy mood.

40. It's midsummer, the breeze is gentle, and the moon rises on the Dongshan Mountain. Although there were no magpies on the old locust tree, cicadas kept singing and frogs in the pond were making loud noises.

41. A person with career pursuit can dream higher. Although it was a dream at the beginning, as long as you keep doing it and don't give up easily, your dream can come true.

42. You are like a candle. Although it is thin, it has a certain heat and light, illuminating others and exhausting yourself. This selfless dedication is unforgettable.

43. Lightning goes on one after another, and thunder goes on one after another, like a lion roaring. Although I don't know why there is lightning, I still like him.

44. Oh, the beautiful evening primrose, although you bloom at night, you bring fun to my childhood, but what I can't forget is your noble quality!

45. Mother has short black hair and neat bangs on her forehead. The nose is a little upward, a small mouth like a cherry. The eyes are not big, but they are full of energy.

46. Although snow brings inconvenience to people's travel, people still like snow because it is pure and white. I hope it will snow more this year, because I love snow.

47. His golden chestnut beard, though never cut, is very shallow. It is tightly rolled into two neat bunches on the lips with beautiful outlines.

48. Plum flowers are not as beautiful as peonies, roses are beautiful and flashy, roses are colorful, and lotus flowers are noble and elegant. However, I prefer the plum blossom with frost and snow.

49. The cold wind brought in the terrible winter, and the body of grass was shrunk by the cold wind. However, its roots are like maggots in their mouths, deep into the soil.

50. Although the frozen watermelon tastes better, it will destroy its nutrition and reduce its nutritional value. Therefore, do not be greedy for cold and delicious food, and then go to refrigerate watermelons.

51. There is a kind of small wild flower that also blooms in the rain. Although the small wild flower can't compare with peach blossom, her skirt is really many! There are red ones. Yellow. There are countless blue and various skirts.

52. But the spring wind is as gentle as spring. It doesn't roar like the winter wind, and rolls helplessly at you. It has no fear of cold, but it makes people feel cool and comfortable.

53. Positive encouragement is better than negative stimulation, but the encouragement law should not be too excessive, for fear of losing its effectiveness; Stimulation, if properly used, is also very good, but only occasionally.

54. One should think carefully before doing things; However, once the plan or policy has been decided, we should identify the goal and move forward without hesitation. This is perseverance.

55. Although winter is not as vibrant as spring; It's not as hot as summer; It is not as cool as autumn, but it has its own style and beauty. But I still love this beautiful winter.

56. Looking at the azalea, it is so ordinary, not so noble and popular as the peony, but it also adorns the spring, adorns the earth, and flowers persistently, adding some vitality to the campus.

57. Although the water in autumn is cold, it is also tinged with light green, so it is not astringent. Along this clear water, from far to far, the three colored woods went straight into the water sky, casting a reflection all the way and shaking in the water.

58. People are just a river. The water in the river is still water wherever it goes, which is undeniable. However, there are narrow rivers, wide rivers, calm rivers, clear rivers, cold rivers, muddy rivers, warm rivers, and so on.

59. You can choose what you want. What kind of choice is what kind of life. Although we cannot become the descendants of the nobility, we can become the ancestors of the nobility through our efforts.

60. My mother is 35 years old this year. She has short hair with full ears and a pair of loving and bright eyes under her curved eyebrows. Although she is acute, she is very careful, and the biggest characteristic is that she is not afraid of hardship and fatigue.

61. My family also raises a little hamster. I named him Heihei. It has light black fluff, a furry little brain melon. A pair of watery little eyes, a small black nose. Although its nose is small, don't underestimate it.

62. It's really easy to make the world happier. Why? Just say a few words of sincere appreciation to the lonely and discouraged. Although you may forget what you said today tomorrow, the receiver may cherish life.

63. Among many flowers and plants, my favorite flower is jasmine. Although jasmine looks ordinary, to me, jasmine is very beautiful. A few white petals and a green flower stem make jasmine look dignified and elegant.

64. In today's competitive world, you can win more if you pay more. Like the Olympic Games, if you run a short race, the first runner wins, but only a little more than the second and third runners. If you run faster, you will win.

65. Thank you, thank you for every hug, thank you for every never giving up, thank you for your silent blessing when I was sad, thank you for your messages sent every holiday, thank you for wishing me happiness forever, although I know it is always an extravagant hope.

66. Plum blossom is not as strong as pine and cypress, nor as graceful as willow, but it is not afraid of wind and snow. It never bows to the wind and rain. The colder it is, the more the wind oppresses the snow. The more energetic and delicate the blossom is, the more I like it.

67. Sometimes, cicadas and ants do have some dealings, but they are just the opposite of what is said in the previous fable. Cicadas don't live on others. It never went to the Ant Gate to beg for food. On the contrary, the ants begged and begged the singer for hunger.

68. Although the hot sun has not yet shone directly, the sand beside the road has shown timid light. As if the grass could not stand the sun, it slowly dropped its leaves. Only the fish in the pond are not afraid of the heat and swim freely in the water of the trees beside the bank.

69. Although rape flowers are not as enthusiastic as roses, they can emit distinctive fragrance and attract thousands of bees. No matter who walks through the rape lace, they will involuntarily walk to the rape lace, squat down and smell it.

70. Everything is like a miracle. The white thousand layer long valve suddenly trembles, and then slowly closes in the dazzle of eyes. Although the flower blooms briefly, at this moment, it can devote all of its energy to the sublimation of the short life. How valuable it is!

71. After lunch, the weather was too hot to stay, so I decided to go out and find a good place to cool off. I went out with an umbrella. I wanted to go to a nearby park. On the way, although I was holding an umbrella, I still felt hot, as if I were sitting next to the stove.

72. Nearby, there are lots of rich trees. Although it is winter now, they have no meaning of falling leaves at all, so they are also very rich even in winter. Colorful houses are arranged in rows on the top, regularly from high to low. Look, how neat!

73. A gentle breeze blew, and peach blossoms fell down in a whirlwind. A beautiful peach flower fell on my hand silently. I found it and looked at it for a long time, and I couldn't help but be stunned. I feel that although the peach blossom is beautiful, it will wither soon. How short-lived this beauty is!

74. In summer, the cicadas on the trees kept barking, and the grass gently bowed its head, but the leaves on the trees grew very luxuriant, just to shade the grass. The sun is merciless, and it is scorching. The school holiday, we reluctantly left the campus, also left the vicious sun.

75. Hello, everyone! My name is Zhang Yuhan. I am 8 years old and studying in Class 4, Grade 3, Jianshe Road Primary School, Jiayuguan City. Due to the genetic influence of my parents, I am tall, with a pear head and small but intense eyes. I have a collapsed nose and a flexible mouth.

76. Willow is not only the most common tree in my hometown, but also the tree that is easy to grow. A willow tree, especially under the ancient weeping willow, is often a good place for people to take a nap in the countryside. The drooping willow twigs slowly whisk away the most annoying flies in the world for you.

77. The rain hit heavily on the steel and cement in the distance, raising clouds of dust, and then being hit down by the subsequent rain drops. Seen from a distance, it seems that the city is covered with a layer of gauze. But this natural and fresh gauze is so incompatible with the steel and cement.

78. I walked quickly to the grapefruit and touched it. Oh! It's very smooth, like a layer of oil. There are many black spots on the pomelo. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see them! The pomelo skin is yellow with green. Although it looks like a pear, it is several times bigger than the pear!

79. Some people praise spring. Some people praise summer because it has the same emotion as fire; Some people praise autumn because they see its rich fruits. However, I praise winter. Although winter seems bleak, it breeds new vitality and is indomitable.

80. There is a flower on the rose hedge, the most beautiful flower of all. The nightingale sang to it his sorrows of love. But the rose did not say a word, and there was not even a dewdrop on its leaf as a tear of sympathy. It just hung its branches facing a few big stones.

81. The horn and the sound of the car starting are often heard on the road. Although the weather is very hot, there are still many cars shuttling back and forth on the road, and there are many people walking on the zebra crossing. The air conditioner on the car makes the outside even hotter and makes people feel irritable and lifeless.

82. My mother is 34 years old this year. She is medium height and fat. My mother's face is inlaid with a pair of watery eyes, and her eloquent mouth is inlaid under her high nose. Mother is generous to people. Although my mother is middle-aged, her cheeks have been printed with many fine lines by the years.

83. I love pomegranate! Although its red and yellow "clothes" are not very beautiful, it tastes sweet and delicious. Its fruit grains are crystal clear, like many beautiful pink small crystals! Its rough peel has great medicinal value.

84. My piano teacher is not tall, but he has a "general belly" and a pair of black leather shoes that are always polished brightly. He has a straight suit and looks like a gentleman. Although his appearance is very serious, he is easy-going in his daily life.