Learn to accompany and love reading
Rose with thorns
2023-12-02 19:12:06

When it comes to children's education, every parent has something to say. Although the family conditions are different and the education methods are different, the goal is to hope that their children can grow up healthily and happily. As parents, how should we educate our children?

As the saying goes, "One key opens one lock." Do you know your child? Do you understand your child? When you are faced with a "petty talker", a "king of destruction" and a "hundred thousand whys", can you answer patiently or just muddle through? Children's growth depends not only on teachers, but also on schools. It also depends on parents and families. Parents are the children's first teachers and lifelong teachers. Parents have far greater influence on children than others. Parents can grow up together with their children from the very beginning, look at them from their children's perspective, and always maintain a childlike innocence. With the growth of children, you will find that while children slowly understand the world, you also slowly understand the children's book.

I find that no matter how old a child is, a mother should take care of his growth with incomparable patience and infinite love. Teaching by example may be more direct and effective than any other way. Now many parents lack a real understanding of how to educate their children, do not understand their children, and do not understand their real needs behind "doing". Children aged 3 to 4 are in the embryonic stage of self-consciousness, eager to get attention and recognition from others. However, the children's mistakes are either beaten or scolded; He even indulges in doing everything, and excessively protects and restricts children's behavior with adult thought. Not only did it fail to achieve educational results, but it was also counterproductive. Although we are not the best and best parents, we can work hard to stay close to our children

Learn to accompany and learn to love There are many lively cases in the parents' school, which put forward various simple and practical educational methods and techniques. Let's find the right way when we are at a loss. Reading also gives me the honor to enter the children's thinking world, and can further understand the children's careful thinking

Summarize the following points through learning:

1. Teaching according to the different characteristics of children's growth stage;

2. Learn to "let go" properly to help children build self-confidence;

3. "Love should be square and strict";

4. Be a warm person