110 sentences of girls' super cute sexual signature
spring, summer, autumn and winter
2023-06-08 23:01:34
Complete set of signatures

1. Either you love me or you destroy me.

2. Come to me, don't touch my sister.

3. Everyone looks like a lecher in the street at midnight.

4. Be the most simple person and take the happiest road.

5. When the flowers bloom in spring, it is the day of rebirth.

6. Either you die or I live, choose one.

7. I don't know what love is, and what you and I are.

8. Why do people say you are ugly. I am very happy.

9. Don't think a little special treatment is a pet.

10. Sister has enough capital, I'm afraid you don't have that talent.

11. After graduation, we stepped out of this beautiful city.

12. Play with me and you will lose. You will cry if you can't fix it.

13. Do not disturb at work time, and do not disturb at work time.

14. Don't be a good man or a bad man, because disasters will last for thousands of years.

15. There are thousands of Chinese people. If we can't do it, let's change it.

16. People should live a life of arrogance.

17. As long as you want, I will do whatever it takes.

18. Blow your own horn and ruin yourself. Pull people's eggs and find them ugly.

19. People who can't forget their old love and coax new lovers are the most terrible!

20. The red sun shines on the earth. Don't fart when you talk to me.

21. Who do you want me to remember? I want you to be good.

22. Don't talk about gossip, just talk about money and ideals.

23. No one has ever loved a few scum in such a long life.

24. He lied and said that his white head had become a good gathering and scattering.

25. You can't be like this. You don't come to me until you are short of dog food.

26. Luminescence is not the patent of the sun. I can also shine.

27. It's better to fight with people who understand than to talk to fools!

28. I always remember that in the end, you said that it would be better to be friends.

29. I am still in this tone, and I am still in this high position.

30. I once thought crazily, but now I have tried my best to forget.

31. Don't ask me how I did in the exam. I can only say that I was burnt.

32. When are you going to get married.

33. It doesn't matter if you destroy me, because others will destroy you in the next second.

34. With your cold fingertips, you gently write dependence on my hand.

35. I love not you, but my love.

36. Since I can't walk into your eyes, I will let you leave my heart.

37. The loneliest person should be the one who should be forgotten in memory.

38. Hold my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost.

39. People are too good at disguise to know themselves.

40. You are my little end of term, and you can't get too many scores.

41. Your IQ is the same as the temperature in Heilongjiang in winter.

42. Don't mention others in front of me, mention me more in front of others.

43. Making money is like digging with a needle, and spending money is like water seeping into the soil.

44. Everyone has his own destiny, and everything has nothing to do with others.

45. I will put it down. Please give me a reason to let me leave you.

46. The road is at my feet, and no one can decide my direction.

47. Be infatuated with a delicious fragrance and time blown by a gust of wind.

48. Don't challenge my black pulling skills by talking about SP speed.

49. If God didn't give me a big responsibility, I would still suffer from mental distress and strain my muscles and bones.

50. If we are still together when we wake up, please allow us to live together.

51. Loneliness is air. You breathe it and feel your existence.

52. I can love you with vigor and vitality, or I can go straight away.

53. My temper drove away many people, but left the most authentic ones.

54. I didn't know what pain is until I was bruised all over by you.

55. The relationship will end when they have no words with each other.

56. If I still remember you in the next life, I will die without you.

57. Don't hide in the corner to install non mainstream, or I will kill you with my slippers.

58. The biggest woman is the biggest and everlasting. It's an excuse for being cheap.

59. I am just a child shining with stars and lonely at night.

60. I want to tell you that you have always been in my heart and never left.

61. Holding your hand, you will know that you are ugly. Tears flow down your face. If you don't leave, I will leave!

62. Men really like it when they cry, and women really hurt when they cry.

63. If you don't meet anyone who can take you home, I will take you away.

64. Everything about you belongs to me, but everything about me does not belong to you.

65. The humble vow always makes me sink deep in mud, even if I say it again and again.

66. Even though I can't hold you in my arms anymore, I want to hide you in my heart.

67. When you are with your girlfriends, all the images of ladies should go away.

68. Everyone enjoys the success, but not everyone wants to follow the path of success.

69. I decided not to cry, just as you decided to leave me.

70. I run like a child, a child who looks at the sky and tears.

71. I am your real frivolity, and you are my vigorous shallowness.

72. Don't do things that make you regret, but do things that make others regret.

73. As a monster, my wish is to destroy at least one Altman!

74. As a woman in the new century, we should seize money, food and men.

75. You never understand how much I hurt for you, but you always laugh.

76. It's none of my business to be nice; If I'm not good enough, it's nobody else's business.

77. The labor management is uninhibited under whose skirt, so don't force the labor management to dress up.

78. When dry firewood meets fire, it's called Mingsao. When wet firewood meets fire, it's called sullen.

79. When you found out all my secrets, you could not leave.

80. I can't hold you with a knife in my hand. I can't protect you by putting down my knife.

81. There are some things that we can't do, so we have to let nature take its course.

82. Everyone else is holding hands, but I am holding a dog in my hand to see who is unhappy with me.

83. Don't shake the two pieces of meat on your chest in front of me, or it will fall and hit your feet.

84. Chocolate, yours, roses, yours, diamonds, yours, you, mine.

85. Take out the man's fighting power and fight to the end with the world of hell.

86. The most attractive person is Master Kang. Thousands of people visit him every day.

87. If God gives me another chance to meet you, I will turn around and leave.

88. If love can be expressed in words, then everyone can talk about love.

89. I am a person with principles. My principles only have three words, depending on my mood.

90. I am a passer-by you forget when you turn around. Why should I accompany you to the end of the world in wasted time?

91. Is there anyone who, like me, persists in fighting for the sake of a no consequence.

92. Life doesn't care about the length, but it's about living brilliantly, eating and using up, and being healthy.

93. Not everyone can live a low-key life. The basis for low-key life is to keep a high profile at any time.

94. To live is to watch others die, and then let others see themselves die.

95. When I get rich, I will send my most hated people to the most famous mental hospital.

96. When others hold hands, I will lead my dog. I will walk around and see who gets upset.

97. We always yearn for extraordinary days, but in the end, we still live a very ordinary life.

98. I'm clumsy and tardy. Fortunately, I like you. But I did a pretty good job of this broken thing.

99. Seeing my sadness, you don't have any pain, which proves that you don't love me.

100. I never surrender. Although I fell like this, no one came to help me. I also stood beautifully.

101. In fact, I really don't care about your existence, so you don't want to wear B, I'm tired.

102. I don't really forget it. I just don't want to remind myself of you again. I can't forget it when I think about it.

103. Now I understand that a person can be sad without emotion, words or expression.

104. Bowing down is not to admit defeat, but to see your own way; Looking up is not pride, but seeing your own sky.

105. There are some things that we cannot understand when we are young. When we understand, we are no longer young.

106. If you leave me, don't comfort him to be happy for you. You are not doing well. He is sincerely worried about you.

107. I will not turn around or leave, not because I still remember, but because I want to see your sad ending.

108. Face the past with the least regret, the present with the least waste, and the future with the most dreams.

109. You can always ignore me and have fun with others. When I'm good with others, you won't regret it.

110. Always when I am lonely, always when I am sad, always when I am lonely, you all left one by one.