95 sentences about feeling unhappy
Old people worried
2023-05-25 13:59:40
Complete sentences

1、 I love you, but that was once.

2、 How many things are too late and close in a lifetime.

3、 In this fleeting time, there are too many beautiful lies.

4、 I will think of your smile when I have no motivation.

5、 Please forgive me for being crazy about you.

6、 Bravely write a review and admit mistakes, vow to die and never repent.

7、 The eyes are raining for you, but the heart is beating mulberry for you.

8、 I will not detain the feeling of leaving after making troubles.

9、 I can be selfish enough to have no friends in loving you.

10、 If there is no you, there is no pity where I am.

11、 No matter how hard I try, I can't erase the trace of your coming.

12、 My bright youth is wandering in your palm.

13、 There are many feelings in the world. True love is hard to find. If you don't love, let go.

14、 You have been so obsessed with people, and now he is lost.

15、 Everyone knows your happiness, and I have nowhere to hide my embarrassment.

16、 Give up the chance to accept the sunshine and let the darkness devour you.

17、 Whenever I think about you, I feel sweet fermentation.

18、 How long will you like me? Will you stay with me for a long time or just leave after enough play.

19、 You said I was your life. Are you still alive when you lost your life.

20、 In fact, I used to be very cute. At least be sure to last forever.

21、 I feel strongly about you, but I don't know much about you, just by intuition.

22、 When you are really loved, you don't have to be so beautiful.

23、 I know your tears are helpless, why outline the future.

24、 I think the most romantic thing is to grow old with you.

25、 Time blurred our figure, so we went farther and farther.

26、 What I once thought would last forever is actually just a chance encounter.

27、 After all your enthusiasm, you get your indifference and determination.

28、 Can you just put me in your heart and get the others out.

29、 In fact, sometimes, a person is also a thing worthy of happiness.

30、 In your most memorable journey, I can give you an exclusive smile.

31、 I tried to smile, but tears could not help falling down.

32、 I can think of the most romantic things. Is to grow old with you.

33、 Once said not to separate, finally found that it was just my wishful thinking.

34、 Love and being loved are so far away, and the existence of silence is helpless.

35、 A person comes to you from a stranger, and then another stranger, from beginning to end.

36、 One day, you inadvertently become all my concerns.

37、 Don't blame others for letting you down, blame ourselves for expecting too much.

38、 Don't wait. You can't wait any longer. He doesn't belong to you anymore.

39、 The brightest sunshine in summer dispels all the sadness about you.

40、 Sorry, the lost will never come back, I have my pride.

41、 Want to express but can not find perfect words, only endless silence.

42、 We always meet the best love in the age when we least understand love.

43、 I told myself that if I can't take it easy, I will not want it. If I can't get it, I will not.

44、 I still believe in love, but I will not believe that love can last forever.

45、 The so-called maturity is not what we want, but we can no longer be children.

46、 Love is like this. Some people would rather die than let go.

47、 Lower your head and touch your own shadow, and only you will never leave me.

48、 When you were away, I had a good time, not as good as you, but I was very good.

49、 What you have given me is just a dream. I will not turn back when I hit the south wall.

50、 The highest level of being a man is not to pick up girls, but to let them pick you up.

51. Even if you give me roses in full bloom, you will only be greedy for the fragrant smell.

52. Can I take a leave of absence from the world and come back after a while.

53. Later, I found that I was not unable to put it down, but I was unwilling to put it down.

Fifty four. I can wait for you for a long time. I'm not afraid of waiting for you in the end.

55. Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings about a person, the deeper you fall into it.

56. Everyone thinks that it will always be far away. In fact, it may be too short for you to see.

57. Because I don't know what a lifetime is, it's easy to swear for a lifetime.

58. The flowers on the other side of the river have no leaves when they bloom and no flowers when they grow on leaves.

59. I do not blame living itself, but I blame my expectations for living.

60. I used to think that owning is not easy; Later I learned that giving up is more difficult.

61. Without a beautiful appearance, who will pay attention to your heart is called reality.

Sixty two, I don't understand why God let us meet, but not let us together.

63. People who go to extremes are either crazy like maniacs or apathetic and quiet.

Sixty four. It's brilliant in the sun, running in the wind and rain, having your own dreams, and going your own way.

65. I yearn for that starry night, the warm night when you are alone in my arms.

66. Happy Father's Day, my favorite father. I hope you are happy every day.

67. You always say that I am too indifferent to you, but you don't know that I just didn't express it.

Sixty eight, I would rather we had never been together. I hope we never forget each other in the Jianghu.

69. I am afraid that I have decided to live without you in this life, but suddenly I hear from you.

Never give up what you really want. It's hard to wait, but it's even harder to regret.

71. Many times, one person's change begins with the arrival or departure of another person.

Seventy two, I learned to swallow a long paragraph of words and all my emotions, and express all my thoughts with only "um".

Seventy three. At least our love is a tragedy with a little comedy. At least I miss you with a smile.

Seventy four. Change is change, and it can't be undone. No matter how hard you try, you won't be crowded.

Seventy five, I only hope that in the next life, you are a tree, and I am a vine that entangles you.

76. If you love me, you will suffer. I would rather let go of your hand. Really, I hate to let you hurt.

Seventy seven. When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.

Seventy eight, I am just an ordinary person who will drink water when thirsty and sleep when sleepy. Maybe I will let go when I feel pain.

Seventy nine, light, loose, not much, just a little is enough, sleep, snoring, understand? yes.

Eighty, you said that I was more and more intolerant. In fact, you were wrong, just because I cared more about you.

Eighty one, I said you should not look so arbitrary and do what you want. It will never happen again, and it will lead to crimes.

Eighty two, poke your open thorns, go all out to warm you, even if you are stabbed.

83. Sometimes those who seem strong in the daytime are the ones who cry and fall asleep in the dark.

Eighty four. Do you know why I like wrapping quilts? Because I want to relive the warmth in your arms.

Eighty five, everything is instantaneous, everything will pass, and the past will become a kind nostalgia.

86. Although you can't be the best person, you can be the best person to each other.

87. One day, you will find that not everyone can replace me, whether it is friendship or love.

Eighty eight, I found that I am not so noble, I can not bless you happiness, I just want to give you happiness.

89. Does my memory live on the other side of the street, while my growth ring died on the other side of the street.

Sometimes God doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better.

Ninety one. There are always times when others have said something in our hearts, but we are unwilling to admit it.

Ninety two, I would like to write a wandering poem for you, take you and sunflowers, to wander, to the ends of the earth, to the cape.

Ninety three. I am a man who pursues the sun on foot. No matter how fast I run or how tired I am, you will not be a little closer to me.

Ninety four, some feelings, no matter how time goes by, can never be forgotten; Some feelings, destined to be buried in the heart, wasted life.

95. If I can't put it down in my heart, I should pretend to be calm. I'm not so strong and brave, but I have to hide this cowardice in my heart.