Chinese Valentine's Day 2022 Friends Circle Script Short 2022 New Year Friends Circle Script Nine Palace Pattern (88 selected sentences)
2023-04-08 15:52:24
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1. Tanabata is coming, I want to have a romantic Valentine's Day with you!

2. 2022 Qixi sends funny stories to the circle of friends. No gifts will be accepted on Qixi this year, only boyfriend 1 will be accepted

3. We still can't make it this year. Come on next year

4. In the long darkness, you are my only light.

5. Who will accompany you to watch the meteor shower on the Double Seventh Festival.

6. I didn't participate in the first half of my life, but stayed with me in the second half of my life.

7. Don't ask for advice for the rest of your life. Just listen to me.

8. When others talk about the object for three years, I will talk about it for three years

9. Valentine's Day is coming. Welcome to invite me to be a light bulb, just to manage the food. I will shut up when it is time to shut up, and tell jokes when the atmosphere is embarrassing.

10. I was shocked that my lovesickness did not show. It turned out that I was already in my bones, and I didn't know what was going on. Hatred disappeared with a smile. There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite.

11. Even if the world abandons you, I will not abandon you.

12. There is a kind of affectionate dialogue, written for you; There is a romantic confession made by you; There is a kind of honest heart, love you for life; There is a kind of sincere confession that will accompany you forever.

13. Valentine's Day is just a few days away. Here, I sincerely remind you that dogs will die if they eat chocolate.

14. Be safe with or without love

15. Boys who have no objects in the circle of friends ask me to delete each other's unwanted boys

16. Why does everyone celebrate Valentine's Day and my family celebrate Labor Day.

17. Human affairs are too vulgar. It's better to watch the sunrise alone

18. I want to use my fireworks to change your confusion.

19. I'm just an ordinary single genius

20. I hope one day, you will meet the person who is willing to bend for you. From then on, others are just floating in a hurry.

21. Are there a few people who started planning to play computer games at home long before the Double Seventh Festival.

22. Before I met you, I didn't think about getting married. After I met you, I didn't think about anyone else.

23. Don't ask me whether I am alone on Valentine's Day. Will I become a dog on Valentine's Day?

24. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming. I wrote three hundred pieces of notes about our breakup bar and put them into every box of chocolate on the supermarket shelf. Don't ask who I am. I'm Lei Feng.

25. I was shocked that my lovesickness did not show up. It turned out that I had gone deep into my bones, and I didn't know what was going on. There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite.

26. 2022 Qixi sends funny stories to the circle of friends. No gifts will be accepted on Qixi this year, only boyfriend 2 will be accepted

27. I will use my lifelong tenderness to open your dusty memory; May your heart follow your wishes and everything will come true.

28. I have met people in the eyes who I want to marry.

29. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming again. Some friends will be urged by their parents to marry again. If you have no object, you can consider me. I will be your father, and I will not urge you.

30. Tell me you don't have to plant peach blossoms

31. Lighting up around you is like fireflies flying all over the sky.

32. Ask the world what love is, and teach life and death.

33. Does anyone collect idle babies? I'm free anyway

34. On the Chinese Valentine's Day, I will hire two children. If I meet a man, I will call him father. If I meet a woman, I will call her mother. If I break up a pair, it will be a pair.

35. Singles should also smile on Tanabata, because if you don't smile, your former partner will become a dog.

36. There is only one name in the world that makes me so worried. It is like an invisible thread, one end firmly tied to my heart and the other in your hand.

37. Some people love each other, some people watch the sea at night, but I can only watch your objects change one after another and still don't repent

38. It's almost Valentine's Day on the Double Seventh Festival. Just now I went downstairs to buy something. The boss asked me: "Do you buy flowers, sir?" "Why buy flowers?" "Buy flowers for your girlfriend" "Oh, how many flowers can you buy for your girlfriend?" Then the boss silently collected the flowers

39. When the Chinese Valentine's Day arrived, the boss of the hotel smiled. The next day, the boss of the drugstore also smiled. A month later, the doctor of the hospital should also smile.

40. On the Double Seventh Festival, we hire two children. When we meet a man, we call him father. When we meet a woman, we call him mother. If we can split a pair, we can make a pair.

41. I am not afraid to live alone on Tanabata, but I am afraid that the person I like will live with others.

42. The sixth and eighth festivals are just like the seventh festival. Festivals are not important, I like you, no matter Tanabata or Tanabata.

43. For your record, I started to fall in love with a boy I've known for a long time. I really like him so much that I don't have any discouraging words. He is also very considerate and happy. As for why he suddenly has a boyfriend, because I copied everything

44. Don't ask me out on the Double Seventh Festival! In the morning, I want to sell flowers, in the evening, I want to sell sets, and in the morning, I have to squat at the door of the hotel to sell medicine.