New Year greetings in the Year of the Goat and the Year of the Ox (95 selected sentences)
I want stability
2023-02-17 20:41:06
Blessing words

1. The Year of the Goat is coming. When the cause is on the way of Yangguan, people are full of joy. The husband and wife are kind and envious, and the happy life is always around. Healthy, healthy and worry free, happy and Taotao in the Year of the Goat!

2. At this moment, I am with my family, thinking of you in my heart; Presumably, you are also worried about me in the distance. Holding up a glass of red wine, I seem to see your beautiful image. I hope we can join hands on New Year's Eve next year!

3. Collect every blessing and wish in my heart, describe every detail and expectation in my heart, and place your deep concern on it. Wish you a happy New Year!

4. In the new year, I will send you a thousand flowers, asking you to love yourself; A thousand paper cranes are for you to keep your troubles away; A thousand lucky stars for you, let good fortune surround you; A thousand pistachios for you, let the good mood accompany you every day!

5. Missing you is like a wisp of smoke, and blessing you is the tinkling of a babbling brook. Maybe the years will fade, maybe the space will be isolated from each other. But what is worth cherishing is still the friendship you gave me. Say to you again: Happy New Year!

6. When the spring breeze first arrived in the Year of the Goat, the singing voice shook the sky. Thousands of families are happy and happy. I have my blessing in my heart, and it will be sent to you quietly. May your love be sweet in the Year of the Goat and your family be happy and blessed.

7. Steamed fish, sweet and sour fish, boiled fish, sauerkraut fish, endless fish joy, like fish in water, fish eyes mixed with pearls, fish I fry, fish incoherent, I wish you a happy year of sheep! may you always get more than you wish for!

8. The happiness of the Year of the Goat goes from day to day. May you be sweet and happy; The success of the Year of the Goat is one after another. Wish you luck and happiness; The Year of the Goat goes smoothly again and again. May you be relaxed and beautiful; Wishing you happiness and peace in the Year of the Goat.

9. Fast Goat raises its whip to welcome the Year of the Goat. When the cause is on the way of Yangguan, people are full of joy. The husband and wife are kind and envious, and the happy life is always around. Healthy, healthy and worry free, happy and Taotao in the Year of the Goat!

10. Settle down in the present, and feel cool in body and mind; Compassion and joy, happiness and wisdom grow! I wish you and your family happiness, good luck and good health in the New Year!

11. With the sound of firecrackers, I miss you deeply and love you very much. I sent you a cup of Tusu wine and sent you greetings. To preach for you, to shed tears for you at the fireside of the New Year's Eve, and to celebrate the Year of the Goat!

12. Cold winter can't cool my feeling of missing you; The breeze can not disperse my attachment to you; Time can't kill my care for you; White clouds can't block my prayer for you. I wish you a happy and wonderful New Year!

13. The auspicious tide of the new year, the red lanterns floating, the beautiful spring couplets around, the auspicious firecrackers sounded, the reunion wine poured, the harmonious toast, the family and everything, the country and the people laugh. I wish you a happy Spring Festival, a happy family and new harvest in the New Year.

14. Best wishes for you in the Year of the Goat: good things come in pairs and are beautiful and famous. Luck is like snow in the sky, happiness and sweet smile in the face, career and love in the hands, and happy and auspicious life.

15. In the years of peace and prosperity, Sanskrit music, drum music and dance dance lightly, and a pillar of Sanskrit incense to the Buddha. May the blessings and wisdom increase immeasurably! I wish you a happy New Year and good luck!

16. Bright stars are shining, and the joy of the Year of the Goat is dancing. Aoshuang wintersweet smiles in the wind, and the happiness of the Year of the Goat warms the heart. Warm sunshine shines on each other, and the blessings of the Year of the Goat cannot be lacking. Wish you happy Taotao in the Year of the Goat and a new high in your career.

17. The Year of the Goat is a beautiful scene in the cycle of time, full of brilliance; The Year of the Goat is a happy melody in the changes of seasons; The Year of the Goat is a warm memory in the years of life, full of blessings. Wish you good luck in the Year of the Goat and good luck in everything!

18. Raise the happy sail and march into the warm harbor of the Year of the Goat. Play the horn of dreams and drive into the palace of happiness in the Year of the Goat. Listen to the song of spring breeze and describe the splendid picture of the Year of the Goat. Touch the quiver of the heart and convey the warm blessing of the Year of the Goat. Wish you a happy Year of the Goat.

19. Cheer up for the dream and let the Year of the Goat shine in all directions; Cheer up for happiness and make the Year of the Goat full of happiness; Waiting for happiness, let the Year of the Goat warm and continuous; Bless friends and make the Year of the Goat prosperous. The Year of the Goat is coming. May your life be bright and beautiful.

20. When the Year of the Goat comes, we will customize a blessing for you in advance, wishing you a happy life; The cause makes great fortune, and the financial resources are rolling; Love is full of sweetness; The day is bright and sunny, red and red!

21. It's New Year's Day, and I have given you a complete couplet! The first couplet: bitter for you, tired for you, crying for you. The second line: crazy for you, crazy for you, hit the wall for your frame. Horizontal batch: related to the post. Wish you a happy New Year!

22. When the Spring Festival comes, auspicious words must come; The text message arrived with greetings, and the best wishes were also sent. I wish you: a new atmosphere in the New Year, a higher career, the god of wealth and fortune smile at you, and a smooth life.

23. Touch the sheep's back, and you will be more happy; Smooth the sheep's beard, and you will enjoy a long and happy life; If you touch a sheep's horn, you will be lucky; Learn to bark like a sheep and be in a good mood; Pat the sheep's head, and good luck is in the ascendant; It is sincere to send sheep blessing. Wish you a lucky and proud Year of the Goat!

24. On New Year's Eve, we sent four dishes and one soup: Braised Happy, Steamed Friendship, Fried Wealth, Boiled Healthy, Happy Everyday Soup, a bottle of Lanling Old Lucky Wine, and a bowl of Never Worry Rice, Happy New Year.

25. Climb bravely without fear of danger, and open up new paths to create brilliance. Work hard to start a new business, learn to be a silver sheep and dare to break through. In the Year of the Goat, we should follow the path of sunshine and overcome all difficulties to start our own business. Hard work can win the day, and the happy life will be better. Wish you success in the Year of Goat!

26. The New Year bell is ringing for you, holding a ray of moonlight to wish you a happy life, picking a lucky star to wish you all the best, picking a firework to wish you happiness, holding a lantern to wish you prosperity every day. Missing is the fragrance of flowers, overflowing the valley, haunting you and me. Happy Year of the Goat!

27. Dance out a peaceful and prosperous Year of the Goat, sing out a prosperous and happy Year of the Goat, paint a brilliant Year of the Goat with colored pens, and hold out a warm and happy Year of the Goat with blessings. The Year of the Goat is coming. May you have a wonderful Year of the Goat.

28. When the purple air comes from the east, blessings will follow. Magpies will climb the plum blossom, and fortune will also climb the eyebrows. The Spring Festival is coming, and festivities will linger around. On this beautiful day, I send my most sincere wishes for good health in the Year of the Goat.

29. The sound of "Weiyang" is a good news report. Touch the sheep's head and make a good start. Joyful sheep dance, lead sheep happy. Ruixiang's girlfriend in the Year of Goat is looking for her, and she will always smile when she loves her all her life. May your year of sheep be blessed with happiness and happiness!

30. Red plum blossoms to welcome the Year of the Goat and celebrate good fortune in the garden. The Spring Festival is full of happiness and excitement. Millions of families laugh and sing, and blessings are sent to add joy. Firecrackers, gongs and drums sound together. I wish you a happy life!

31. Fireworks are blooming with happy flowers, firecrackers are singing the happy song of the Year of the Goat, candlelight is flickering with auspicious flames, good wine is emitting intoxicating taste, and silver sheep is knocking at the gate of auspicious. The Year of the Goat is coming. May friends open the door and get rich!

32. Before the sound of silver bells arrives, bleat bleats and blesses. Open the door and let the auspicious light shine. I wish you happiness. The rich life is getting higher and higher, and we set sail to float in the sea. Cross the ocean and make a fortune. Wish you a foreign exchange in the Year of Goat!

33. When the Spring Festival comes, I will send you four "concentric circles", and you will be happy and happy; The source of wealth and fortune is from both sides; Love and friendship are predestined to meet; Wish you a happy Year of the Goat.

34. Jade sheep sing and sing, and silver sheep dance and dance. Sing out the auspicious picture of the Year of the Goat, and jump out of the Ruyi smile. I wish you a fat baby in the Year of Goat and a happy family of three. May your life be beautiful and bright, and people will be happy and healthy in the coming years.

35. Be a good leader in the Year of the Goat, and take the lead in work. Go all out bravely on the way of career, ride the wind and waves, and set a new sail. Wish you a grand exhibition in the Year of Goat and a brilliant career. Cheng Peng spreads his wings and lives in a sheep villa. Yang Yang is proud to be the boss. The Year of the Goat Feast!

36. Come to New Year's greetings with good wishes. I hope you can make more money in the new year. Good luck and happy events are closely linked; To celebrate the new year with happiness, I wish you prosperity in spring, not tired of work, and intoxicated with life; Happy New Year.

37. The new year opens new hopes, and new gaps carry new dreams. Sweep away the dust of time, and let laughter and tears, love and sorrow condense into a thick crystal amber in the heart. Happy New Year!

38. When the New Year comes, wear new clothes and hats, and youth will never grow old; Eating dumplings and setting off firecrackers are carefree and worry free; Receive blessing and red envelope, work smoothly and earn high income; Send a short message to say hello, wish you a happy life, Happy Year of the Goat Taotao!

39. Auspicious dancing is colorful, and auspicious sheep bleat and sing. The firecrackers exploded in joy, and Silver Sheep came in to bless him. I wish you a prosperous Year of the Goat. May your good fortune shine and the foreign wealth roll into your home!

40. I wish you a happy and sunny Year of the Goat, with your love in high spirits, your career in high spirits, your bad luck in the long run, and everything is on the right road!

41. Do not give gifts during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Goat. Give gifts to a cash dispenser with a cash detector attached; The money dispenser spits out happiness and good luck, and the money detector detects sincerity. If you are not satisfied, then I wish you a big gift for the Spring Festival!

42. When the old year leaves, all the unhappiness will be gone at the same time; When the Spring Festival comes, new hope also comes. I wish you a happy New Year.

43. In the year of the sheep, you can climb high and climb rocks. Lucky Sheep gets rich by hard work, which affects the rich sheep's head to cover up the oil. Grab a handful of sheep's wool and keep on getting rich. Grab down the sheep and add longevity. I wish you the Year of the Goat and good fortune, longevity and health!

44. In the New Year, I wish you all the best; Make a concerted effort to achieve success; One capital and ten thousand profits will bring wealth from all directions; Life is safe and healthy; Kill two birds with one stone and enjoy both good fortune and good fortune; Happy life!

45. When the Lunar New Year comes, the whole country is happy. I will go home to see my parents during the holiday. Parents smile, children around the knee. A reunion dinner was held to gather relatives and friends. The country is rich, the people are secure, and the hall is full of happiness. I wish you all the best in the New Year!

46. When you see this message, luck has come to you, the god of wealth has entered your house, and prosperity is not far away from you. Wish you a happy New Year!

47. Stars build a bridge of happiness, happiness brews mellow nectar, rosy clouds awaken pure memories, and messages convey warm feelings. The Year of the Goat is coming. May your life be filled with eternal sweetness and create brilliant miracles.

48. Discover the beauty of the Year of the Goat with a pair of bright eyes, create the wealth of the Year of the Goat with a pair of hardworking hands, welcome the happiness of the Year of the Goat with a tolerant heart, and warm the scenery of the Year of the Goat with a brilliant dream. Happy Year of the Goat!