Qq sex signature love 110 sentences
Youth is used to waste
2023-06-12 19:03:33
Complete set of signatures

1. Perhaps you will never know, your words, I will remember for a long time; I am waiting for your unfavourable promise.

2. Have you ever been like this? You obviously want to chat with someone, but you want him to come to you first and stare at his head again and again.

3. If he (she) doesn't like you, it's useless for you to pursue deliberately. If you really like each other, it's too late to like each other.

4. Be careful, jealous, hateful, and vindictive. A woman's trick is just like this. It doesn't matter if you want to show it, but it does matter if you don't get caught.

5. May all happiness accompany you, looking up is spring, bowing down is autumn; May all the joy follow you. The full moon is a poem, and the moon is a picture.

6. I'm not afraid of the world, but I'm afraid of you. My reason and self-control are useless. You hold my heart, is my only fatal place.

7. Now together, may be together, will not be together, remember my words: missed, may never come again.

8. I really want to know that if one day, I lose everything and become nothing. Who will stand beside me and say, "It's OK, but also me.".

9. A good love should let you see the whole world through one person, while a bad love is that you abandon the whole world for one person.

10. Love is as clear as glass, and as fragile as glass. The glass used to hold tea can be replaced, while the glass used to hold love is only one in your life!

11. When a person is hurt by feelings, it can be forgotten slowly, but if he keeps thinking about it, () will make the hurt he has suffered and will never recover.

12. Do you know that you can walk out of my vision but never walk out of my ardent yearning for you; You can stay away from my figure, but you can never stay away from my deep attachment to you.

13. If there are only ten minutes left in the world, I will recall the storm with you. If there are only three minutes left, I will kiss you. If there is only one minute left, I will say I love you once!

14. When love is absent, learn to live your own life. To live your own life is to fall in love with yourself, treat yourself as your lover, and spoil yourself.

15. Everyone has a star to guard. It is said that it is a lover's heart. Dear you, I have carved your name on the star. That is the star I am waiting for you to love for you.

16. If predestined, time and space are not distances. If not, we can't get together all day long. Don't care too much about everything, let's just let everything go!

17. When we lament the fragility of modern love, the parents' plain and deep love makes us sigh. In fact, what we lack is just to integrate love into each other's life.

18. In my opinion, true love is shown in the lover's implicit, modest and even shy attitude towards his idol, rather than in the casual expression of enthusiasm and premature intimacy.

19. My legs have been trapped in the sea of blood for a long time. I can't stop looking back. It's like the end of my journey. It's chilling. There is no way to retreat. The future is a swamp, which makes people sink deeper and deeper.

20. I think that some things can be forgotten, some things can be remembered, some things can be willing, some things have been powerless, love you is my disaster.

21. A gentle heart is for happy people! Romantic heart! It is a gift to the eternal heart of the loving person, and it is a gift to the waiting person. I would like to send a blessing heart to my dearest person!

22. On the way to love, who has no idea of breaking up, and who has no sense of struggle? The key is that we cannot give up. The longest persistence can bring us the most permanent happiness.

23. Love is a special test in life. No one is allowed to cheat in this test room. Once the cheating is exposed, it will affect the test results or disqualify the test.

24. Emotional people are eager for a sense of existence. Deliberately speaking ironically is to attract your attention. You should know that those awkward and rebellious dislikes are my unspeakable likes.

25. Due to the strong solar ions recently, there will be no signal when you call your mobile phone in the sun. Please hold your other hand high to cover the sun when you call your mobile phone! Remember, the higher the better!

26. There should be several close friends. When you are alone, you can ensure that there are still close friends who can serve you tea and water. It is not the howl of trying to hiss why the person who loves you can't come to accompany you.

27. In fact, I have been waiting for you. When you lean on my shoulder to tell me, will one day your tenderness belong to me, and I will not make you sad again, and let your tears flow again!

28. In those days, you held a plate of cheap strawberries, knelt on one knee and said: Marry me! So I became a bride. Because the strawberry is too cheap, I ask you for a kiss every day.

29. I would like to embed my heart in your heart, so that our love will never change. Time will not dilute the wine of true feelings, and distance will not open the hand of missing. Miss you, until the end of time, until forever!

30. I think I've had a crush on you for a long time. People say: love a person is not for return. But I want you to repay me, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!

31. In fact, it's very simple to love someone. He makes you cry and disappoints you. Even so, when he stands there, you will run to him and hold his hand. Uncontrolled, this is love.

32. The heart of a lover is always made of glass! String your thoughts into wind chimes to spread your heart's voice, fold your blessings into paper cranes, release the news of love, and turn love into spring breeze to hug you tightly.

33. Everything will run out one day. The sun will run out, the air will run out, the fuel will run out, and the energy will run out. Patience will run out, fighting spirit will run out, and why won't love run out?

34. Honey, I have gained weight again. Do you know why? Because my heart is full of you, my mind is full of you, I think of you, I think of you, I care about you, do you think it can not be heavy?

35. I hope you know that someone cares about you all the time, and someone thinks about you all the time. Like stars shining, are your smiling eyes. It hangs on the curtain of my heart, shining every night.

36. Don't be too impatient. Have you ever drunk lemon tea? You can't force a piece of lemon to give all its flavor within minutes, otherwise, the tea will become bitter; Similarly, too urgent love will become bitter.

37. Friendship is that if you have something delicious, I want you to share half or even all of it with me; Love is that if you have something delicious and I don't want it, you will want to share half of me, even if I'm not around.

38. Is the leaf a tree or the wind? Is cloud the story of the sky or the story of rain? Are you my story or someone else's story? I really want to walk into your story, my favorite!

39. If the world is only minutes away, I will recall the ups and downs with you; If the world only has minutes, I will kiss you affectionately; If there were only minutes left in the world, I would say I love you once.

40. There is a kind of yearning called Yueman West Tower, a kind of tacit understanding called heart to heart, a kind of feeling called breeze and drizzle, a kind of happiness called red lotus root with pity, and a kind of blessing called as long as you live better than me.

41. There is a person in everyone's heart who is no longer a lover or a friend. Time goes by, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. You will always be used to thinking of you, and then I hope you are all right.

42. There is no one who completely fits you, and there is no perfect relationship. Whether everyone is suitable or not, and whether everyone is perfect or not, both parties need to pay, sacrifice and create each other.

43. Destiny is the continuation of feelings at the end of a previous life. Destiny is the unchangeable pledge before this life's reincarnation. Destiny is the happiness you and I have said. Agreed fate is a beautiful dream to meet again when we are human again.

44. The love that can be saved by crying is very bad. Do we cry too little? Maybe we cry not only for love, but also for our own unhappiness.

45. Speech is to meet the right person in the right place, look up and be surprised. In a twinkling of an eye, my heart blossoms all over. It's like a woman under a peach tree. She doesn't expect to meet anything, but she meets love when she raises her hand.

46. Long time no see, I miss you very much; Best wishes for you. Brilliant flowers bloom for you, and happy fruits are picked for you; Smile is endless happiness; Sweet little points of happiness every year.

47. Love is like a whirlpool made of honey. It is sweet and makes people jump in regardless of everything. Even weak water is sweet. May you swim happily in the whirlpool of love and never drown!

48. Love is a matter of two people. Love needs two people's maintenance. Love is reflected in the most difficult times. Love is the weaving of heart and heart. May our love last forever and life go up a new level.

49. What is love? Love is the process of changing two people from strangers to acquaintances, and from acquaintances to strangers. Love is a part of our life. Love makes us learn to cherish and let go. sweet talk.

50. Now that it is time to part, he has gone ahead of me, and I feel a little relieved. Such sadness, sooner or later one of us will experience alone, let me bear it.

51. Red bean spreads love, and SMS sends affection; Bits of lovesickness, deep greetings; Life gains and losses, I accompany you; In the future, be firm and never give up; My heart is like a rock, never forget each other.

52. Love is too beautiful, which involves too much of our love experience. Although time is a truth-seeking experience for us, I always believe that you have the gentle charm I will never let go, and love you.

53. You turn around and leave, leaving me only a beautiful figure. Love is to dig a hole and jump down, and finally be buried by the person you love deeply. Get drunk so you don't have to think about anything.

54. Do you know? It's not easy to love you. When I am intoxicated with the world of love and enjoy the sweetness of love, I also deeply realize that "it is really difficult to love someone"

55. If you dare to sing happiness solo with determination, I will dare to sing love and time together with my life. If you dare to write me into your event, I will dare to commend you in my heart, dear, I miss you.

56. One you and one me on the Internet, let your thoughts fly with the keyboard, and let your thoughts pass through your heart through the screen. At this moment, under the cool display, our fiery hearts are closely connected!

57. If there is a will in love, nothing can separate us from each other, as long as we are together, no matter how rough, as long as we are happy, even if we are, and the afterlife is waiting for you.

58. Don't ask me how much I love you. I really can't tell you. I only know that you have become a habit in my life and are indispensable every day. I can not eat, not sleep, but can not miss you.

59. Only a wife is good in the world. It's a happy life to have a wife. I don't want to be in her arms anymore. Without a wife, I am most distressed. I feel lonely and miserable. If I leave my wife's arms, where can I find food.

60. In fact, I care about you very much. Just didn't tell you! I really want to say "I love you!" When I say it to my mouth, I will swallow it. In the days without you, the protagonist in my dream is you!

61. It turned out that love was just one thing. There was no absolute right or wrong, no perfect, no saying that love could not distinguish each other's thoughts in the extreme eyes. This is the reality. Love is just another fairy tale.

62. My definition of happiness: to be with happiness, to be with happiness, to make friends with joy, to fall in love with good luck, to break up with troubles, to say goodbye to sorrow, to see loneliness, to meet friends, and to be with you hand in hand.

63. The greatest act of secret love is accomplishment. You don't love me, but I help you. The real secret love is a lifelong career, not to give up because she is far away from you. Without this sentiment, don't talk about secret love.

64. What I want most is to hold your hand, and what I love most is your smile to me. Even if the world can change, but only I will not change, because my eyes, heart is your smile.

65. Some people will always remember. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

66. You are the water in the clear stream. Laughing, you flow into my heart and become wine. My heart is drunk. The gentle gentle breeze has sent my call for love. I will always love you. You are my companion in this life!

67. You are a warm lotus pond, and I am a surging brook. In order to be affectionate, we have fused sweetness; The nutrition conveyed to you has left me friendship; You bloom beauty, I harvest is joy.

68. To like you is to miss you hard when you can't see you, to like you is to see you but just look at you foolishly, to like you is to like the gentle eyes in your eyes and the smile on your lips!

69. Like subtle friendship, it is like being intoxicated with tea fragrance. Like the faint heart language, like a clear spring washing the heart. Like the light life, leaving traces quietly. Like the light scenery, reminds me of you far away.

70. If a drop of water means that I love you, I will send you an East China Sea! If a star represents a blessing, I will send you a Milky Way! If you are touched, I would like to stay with you.

71. I love you is my own thing, so you don't need to know my existence. Although it is endowed with many colors, I am satisfied when I hide in a corner and look at you with a sweet smile.

72. Some people can be easily erased by time, just like dust. The time when people became slaves was a peaceful time. One is the era when people wanted to be slaves but could not get them. That is the era.

73. It's very difficult to love someone. The furthest thing is my recent love. My life is tied up by you, and I miss you. The greatest happiness of my life is to have you by my side, so that I can shield you from the wind and rain.

74. The dark night gave me black eyes, but I used them to find your figure; God gave me life, but I used it to wait for you; Time has given me youth, but I love you with it! I would love you like this!

75. The sky is so blue, the water is so beautiful, and your heart is always missing you. It's a long way to miss you, and I hope your love is endless. SMS is so short, and I am worried about it for a long time. At this moment, I hope that blessings will accompany me. Dear, I love you forever!

76. Your eyes always stay in your direction, and your thoughts always fly because of your existence! My heart is flying, it's all because there are you besides me in the world, wonderful every day of me, nourishing every corner of my heart!

77. There is a piece of land called Zhichi, a mu of mulberry fields called Canghai, a bunch of love called undying until death, and a yearning called unforgettable. I would like to guard mulberry fields, spread my thoughts and look forward to the flowering of love roses in your horizon.

78. Give love an ageless face, and let love remain unchanged for life; Give love an oath of not regretting, let each other miss each other; Give love a vast blue sky, let that true love fill the world. Happy Valentine's Day!

79. God sent an angel to look for the most beloved couple in the world. After a day in the world, the angel went back empty handed. God asked her why she didn't find it. The angel said, "They are busy, one is sending messages, the other is watching!"!

80. What I can't imagine is the limit of missing, what I can't wait for is the time to recover, what I hope to see is your brilliant smile, what I hope to have is sweet meeting, happiness has spread in my heart, and I can't sleep for you and me in happiness!

81. If I were a star in the sky, although not the brightest, I would like to give this heart to you, and I will wait for you at the crossroads. Although there are many passers-by, I only see you, and I will wait for your return in situ.

82. I am not really a fool, but I was willing for you. Now, I also learned to disguise you, neither hot nor cold, neither salty nor light. Then listen to you gently, you have changed. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

83. The wind last night brought a gray sand stained white clouds, but I insisted on plowing and sowing my heart. Even if the fuzzy ridges were flooded by gray sand, there would be several green leaves waking up in the wasteland. That is the heart, a heart that loves you!

84. Love has nothing to do with poverty and wealth, love has nothing to do with region, love has nothing to do with reality, love is a matter for two people, and the important factor to maintain love is sincerity. Please treat your love sincerely, and hope your love will last for a long time.

85. When I saw you, I was happy, and when I left you, I was sad! You smile and blush at me, you are not happy and everything is boring! I just want to see you smile happily when you talk in a big way! My dear, just wish you a happy life!

86. Braids are not randomly scattered, text messages are not randomly read, and clover is not randomly sent. In my youth dictionary, there are a lot of random codes and blanks, but all of them are correct. Your name is the second most correct number.

87. I always dream in the warm afternoon. I don't know whether I will meet you in the future in the same time and space. With long dark hair and charming smile, I will capture our loving hearts and share sweet memories!

88. I often think far away, gazing at the reverie, I feel that having love, being able to love, is very happy, and my missing for you is like rain. I want to be the moonlight, accompany you to the dawn every night, and I want to be the sun, accompany you every day until the wind is cool at night!

89. I want to be in your eyes. It's your happy time. I want to be in your dream. It's the port you often visit. I want to be in your heart. It's your permanent place. Now I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to send a message saying I love you.

90. Seeing the changes of the clouds and flowing water, the mood is getting confused and lingering; The leaves shake off the branches and fall on your water, and you perch on the curved river bank; After the rain, the orchids in the empty valley fly with you among the grass and dew. I miss you again. What should I do?

91. Gold shuttles and silver shuttles, guard you and me. They are separated from the Milky Way. They come and go and weave, one knot at a time. There is a hidden grudge. After a long time, they became a net of thousands of tears, so they were called stars. May the hand of my son cover the sky and the sun to see the gold and silver magpie bridge meet!

92. The road to love you is paved with thorns and setbacks. You have too many pursuers and I am too small. However, I will never change my love for you. Therefore, the clockwork message tells you that I will still marry you even when I am 80 years old.

93. After a farewell, the two places miss each other. It's only March and April, but who knows five or six years? The seven stringed zither is played unintentionally. The moon is full in August and the moon is not round. In September, ask the sky by candlelight. In October, the kite line is broken. A thousand thoughts are tied up. You can't help complaining.

94. You are my dream! You are like a confused dream. I am crazy for you, crazy for you, I will use all my love to melt you. My Heart Will Go On! Love is eternal - because I love you!

95. The sky is tired, giving up the sun and choosing the moon; The flowers are tired, giving up beauty and choosing fruits; Do you feel tired after a busy day? I hope my humble greetings can dispel your fatigue all day! Good night, dear.

96. You said you love me too. You always loved me. Your voice is as beautiful as heaven. Tears fall down on my face and flow into my mouth, but I feel sweet. In fact, all my waiting is for this sentence.

97. Young, frivolous and self righteous, sweet, crazy, sensitive and fragile, thin and powerless. A gentle, sweet and cruel devil. But we can only let his wanton voice leave an endless sadness in our hearts.

98. What should we talk about? Why should we fight? Even if you don't have affection, it is also affection. Even if you don't have affection, it also has friendship, right? He has the right to love you, and he has the right not to love you, right?

99. I will not paint my heart on the beach, because the waves will take away, I will not paint my heart on the sky, because the wind will take away, I will not paint my heart in the spring, because time will take away, dear, please let me paint my heart in your heart, let life take away.

100. Love does not exist where I live, but where I love. Love is an unknown world that cannot be explained by all the famous words in the world. Men can understand the universe but not women, because men lack that kind of brain cells.

101. Only when you are happy yourself can you make those who love you happy. Of course, don't forget another golden rule: Don't build your happiness on the pain of others! If you really love each other, respect his choice and make him happy.

102. What fate did we bear at that time? In the twilight of life, do we touch the forever we yearn for? The confused soul wants to cross the tunnel of time again and again. The wind sweeps through the vicissitudes of reincarnation, listening to the vows once made, and looking for the last eternity.

103. In the crowd, I found you at a glance. I dare not say that you are the most beautiful one among them, but I dare say that you are the most outstanding one among them. The beautiful body, elegant and charming demeanor, especially the dark hair, has an indescribable charm.

104. Some lovers never quarrel, and outsiders envy their sweetness, but break up like lightning. Arguing is crazy communication. Those who are willing to stay to quarrel always love you. On the contrary, patience will gradually become a timing. One day, suddenly, all feelings will explode in an instant.

105. My dear, you always say that I love bragging, so please listen to me: "For you, I can go up to the moon in nine days, and go down to five oceans to catch turtles!" Because: that "moon" is you, and that "turtle" is you!

106. One year ago, I met you by chance, and involuntarily wanted to get close to you! If the love that falls in love at first sight cannot be so strong, then through the accumulation of this year, only I know that my feelings for you are only increasing day by day! Missing you is suffocating me, and I will look forward to it forever.

107. Missing is a happy sadness, a sweet melancholy, and a warm pain. Missing is the long precipitation of yesterday and the yearning for a better future. It is precisely because of missing that we have the joy of reunion after a long separation, the surprise of unexpected encounter, and the toast celebration when relatives and friends get together.

108. No one can replace your love, you know? You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I am just a passer-by in your life. You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you. Every word you say to me seems to be for another woman to listen to, and I just cooperate with the performance.

109. Why do you break up when you love each other. Why do you want to hurt when you miss. We often make wrong decisions and do wrong things, not because of lack of judgment, but because of temporary excitement. If you really love someone, then try to make yourself calm to understand the other person. Not impulsive is also a kind of love.

110. One day, I will not be capricious, selfish, sentimental, or stubborn. If you are still here, let's get married! I don't want a big house or a princess's life. I only want you, love me, love me, eternal love. Whether you support me or not, as long as we are together, as long as we are together, that is happiness.