A Complete Collection of Lyrical and Beautiful Sentences
Know yourself
2023-07-08 18:42:19
Complete sentences

1. If one day, you are tired, you are tired, as long as you look back, my smile will be in front of you.

2. If you can put it down, you will not be lonely. If you stand far away, you will be clear. If you do not dream, you will not feel. If you do not expect, you will not care.

3. Although the joy of love is extremely sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist.

4. There is always a time in life full of fear, but we have no choice but to face it bravely.

5. No matter how arduous the struggle for happiness is, it is not a pain, but a joy, but a comedy.

6. Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others; Good people choose to hurt themselves.

7. I miss you every day, I miss you every night, I dream about you, I look at you in my eyes, hold you in my hands, and I love you in my heart!

8. Some people argue with you every day, but they never blame you. Some people, even without quarrel, have disappeared into the sea of people.

9. The reason why we like spring outings is not because the tourist attractions are so interesting, but because we like to have fun with the class.

10. Love you is my life without regret, the stars are my eyes watching you. No matter how it ends, I know that you are the love of my life!

11. Keep physical contact with you when you go out, whether holding hands, holding shoulders, or holding your waist. In short, I don't want to be separated from you, except for special circumstances.

12. If you don't pay attention, even if you are rich, you will be treated as a champion in the end; Even if you are handsome again, if you don't pay attention, you can only be a vase in the end.

13. Some people say that the sun is silent, but it brings warmth; The land has no language, but it shows extensive; The sea is silent, but it breeds life. I want to say that love has no words, but it benefits the world.

14. The second chance encounter, it is chance; To know each other is a predestined relationship; To know and love each other is love; Hand in hand, it is marriage. Dear, we are destined to create a better relationship in this life!

15. Thinking about you, looking forward to you, thinking about you, thinking about you, thinking about you, wishing you, pursuing you, finding you, loving you and protecting you, there is only one you in the world, and I also love only one you!

16. I dare not recall the past, but I don't want to fall into grief, but the locked pain is still aroused by sacrifice. In the tears, the kindly faces of both parents became clear, and the pain in their hearts became clear.

17. The moment I saw you, I was at a loss. There was only a heartbeat. You changed me. I would never have done this before. If there is one person who can make me change willingly, that is you?

18. A person always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery, listens to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

19. If you know the end of the story clearly, you can either choose to tell it or pretend not to know it. Don't stop talking. Sometimes it hurts more to leave others hurt by choosing silence than confessing.

20. The willows are leaning against the breeze, and the graceful branches are hanging down to caress the lake. A few birds chirped in the branches, telling the past of that spring. The past has gone away with time, leaving the love alone in the world.

21. Until a ray of sunshine scattered in the palm of our hand, the golden mang, which had hidden all night, slipped through our fingers, accompanied by the sour and ignorant green time when we were seventeen or eighteen years old, floating across the four seasons, dreamily bringing a beautiful yearning for warm colors.

22. Hello, beauty, I was shot by Cupid. The arrow of love, he said that only you can save me. For the sake of my kindness to you, please save me. The way is: use your mobile phone to call out: I love you. Then reply to me.

23. Life is endless and lonely. Lonely life is always loving. Loneliness is the eternal theme of love. My shadow and I are alone. It says that it has a whisper to tell me. It says that it misses you very much. It turns out that both my shadow and I miss you.

24. You are destined to be the scenery I love to stay in this life, and the attachment I will never give up. For you, I would like to cut my fingers, drop blood into a circle, and circle your affectionate feelings. Even if the roses fall into mud and grind into dust, I am willing to wait for the heartache of this life.

25. You left so thoroughly that my hope for the whole life was extinguished with the bright red everywhere. I lost my way at sunrise and dusk. Meet a moment, meet a journey, life is not the first time, love and scattered, leaving only painful scars by the wind and rain.

26. Two people are together for happiness. Breaking up is to alleviate pain. You can no longer make me happy, and I have to leave. When I leave, it is also very painful, but you must be more painful than me, because I said goodbye first, and I was the first person to pursue happiness.

27. The classical and graceful words are pulling the vines of my thoughts, stirring up my tender feelings, forcing me to walk into the long and wet path on this misty moonlit night, calling out the beauty on the water side in a soft voice, and looking for a place of misty rain south of the Yangtze River that lives in the depths of drunkenness.

28. The years are like a river. The left bank is an unforgettable memory, the right bank is a youth worth grasping, and the young and faint sadness flows quickly in the middle. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many really belong to themselves. Seeing the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, I am not surprised by the honor or disgrace.

29. There is basically no right or wrong person in love. If he or she wants to leave you, there is always something you cannot satisfy him. Looking back on the past days together, it is always beautiful. Of course, there are also despicable emotional cheats. Their rhetoric is totally to cheat each other to have sex with themselves. Such people are still rare.