100 words of blessing after opening
Dream Love Night Star
2023-01-28 15:26:03
SMS Collection

1. My dear, your business has opened. I wish you a prosperous and prosperous business!

2. Congratulations on your prosperous business and wealth. Abundant financial resources reach all directions. A successful career brings happiness. Every day is worth fighting for money.

3. You are like a ship that has just set sail. Let's look forward to building a better tomorrow together. Let's hope that the business will be profitable as soon as possible.

4. The firecrackers are celebrating in the sound, and the sound of blessing is endless. The flower basket greeting presents the heart, and the source of wealth is even longer than water. I wish the opening a great success and smooth sailing!

5. The ceremony is here, everyone is here, and the new store is very lucky to open. The flowers bloomed, the cannon fired, and the financial resources surged. I wish you good fortune and good fortune.

6. For the flower basket, I wish you a springtime opening, a plaque, a prosperous business, news, a thriving career and a bright future.

7. Fragrant, purple, surrounded by flower baskets, and opening ceremony, I wish you great success in your business, more long-term business, strong business like spring, and financial resources like water.

8. Give your best wishes for the opening of a new store, and send a couplet to express your heart. The first couplet: Business is booming, wealth is like the sea; The second page: guests flow like water, money flows like tide. Horizontal batch: the opening is good.

9. I wish you a prosperous business and a prosperous start in this perfect day.

10. At the opening of your store, I sent you a message of congratulation. I hope your career can be more prosperous than trees, and your good luck can be more than stars. Your grand plan will be as you wish, and your good luck will be as happy as you wish!

11. With the sound of firecrackers, it's really lucky to open up: one boom in business, two booms in customers, three booms in wealth, and four booms in good fortune.

12. The opening firecrackers resounded, and guests from all over the world flocked to it. Qi Tian had great luck to bless you, and made great achievements every day! I wish you great success in your opening, prosperity and wealth!

13. First, I wish the guests a happy life and meet from all over the world; Second, I wish good luck, brothers and sisters to help; Three wishes for good fortune and happiness from all over the world! Wish the opening a great success!

14. All people work together; Ge strives for the stream and has its own style. It is rich compared with Zhu Tao, and its guests are like flowing water. I wish my brothers and sisters a great success in opening their business, and we can make money on the way!

15. The opening is a great success. Congratulations on making a fortune. The source of wealth is extensive. There is a lot of luck. Good luck is always there. Good things happen again and again. The future is bright!

16. Say hello to the boss. I wish you to ride the auspicious clouds and earn more money every day; Congratulations to the boss. I wish you the God of Wealth! I wish the opening a great success and the financial resources will roll in!

17. Unite as one and work together; Hundreds of barges compete for the current, which is unique. Fubi Zhu Tao is like flowing water. I wish you a good start, good fortune in all directions, and wealth in all directions!

18. Open, open a store, open a business, open a wonderful life; Wealth comes, fortune comes, good fortune comes, perfect life comes to you. Brothers and sisters, I wish you success in your career and happiness in your family.

19. Open the door to business and attract wealth from all sides. Business is booming. Make friends from all over the world. The money keeps rolling and the happy events keep rolling. A friend sends a message to you, wishing you a happy opening.

20. I used to work for others. I finally got my own business today by working hard for myself. I wish myself a prosperous business and a prosperous financial source.

21. It is popular to drink late tea, watch a party, get married late, and say good night these days. But it is not too late to congratulate you. If it is too late, you cannot seize the opportunity. I wish you a successful opening!

22. Unite as one and work together; Hundreds of barges compete for the current, which is unique. Richer than Zhu Tao, guests are like flowing water, and Sichuan is endless. I wish friends a great success in opening, treasure in all directions, and wealth in all directions!

23. I heard that your new store has opened. It's a pity that I can't go there to join in. The special god of wealth will stay in your home to ensure that your money is rolling. You will get cramps every day when you count your money. I wish you every success in your career.

24. Let's welcome the money cat and attract customers; On the right, we welcome the money tree, and the gold will be paid every day; Follow the heaven and earth, welcome good luck; Take the seat of God of Wealth, and ensure the success! I wish you good luck and prosperous business!

25. Congratulations! congratulations! The opening ceremony is a great joy to attract the god of wealth and welcome all the guests! congratulations! Congratulations! I wish you a prosperous business, a prosperous fortune and a prosperous people! Wish: Go further!

26. Give you a flower basket. The flowers represent colorful life, the flower stems represent rolling money and wealth, and the green leaves represent a smooth career. I wish you a successful opening and prosperous business!

27. It's a great success to open a shop, a great joy to open a shop, congratulations on making a fortune, and a prosperous source of money. I wish you peace and prosperity, and wealth and popularity. Treasure shops are like cash cows, which can be used to spend money.

28. Congratulations on your successful opening. I wish you a lot of money every day; Monthly profit, busy counting money; Every year, it is flourishing. Every minute prospers, every second prospers.

29. Give you a lucky fruit basket, and the low floor installation will be smooth; In the middle, there are many financial resources; Surrounded by wealth and auspiciousness; It is paved with success and happiness forever! Wish you a great opening!

30. When a new store opens, I will give you my best wishes, make a prosperous fortune, celebrate your success, and make a great fortune. I will congratulate you on your wealth, and send you a winding text message. I sincerely wish you a prosperous business and continuous wealth.

31. Ambition creates great cause, and ambition creates spring and autumn. Open a welcome newspaper and walk through the spring. Lingxiao waves his huge hand and stands tall. Fly a thousand miles to a higher level. Wish you a successful opening!

32. I'm glad you opened your business. I'll send you a short message and good wishes. I hope you have a clear vision, a lively mind, a wide way, many channels, a wide network, a hot business, fast development, strong money making, and a good mood!

33. The store has opened and the dream has come true; Opened and celebrated; Open, step on; Blessed and lucky; When money prospers, it prospers; Great plans have been made; It's successful and complete.

34. The sound of firecrackers is heard, blessing bursts of warmth. Money is rolling in and money is flowing in. Joy has been circulating for a long time, and laughter has been lingering. Life is full of pride, and opening is always good!

35. The opening of the new store is joyous and auspicious; Business will surely roll in, and financial resources will certainly be uninterrupted; Send a short message to attract money and fortune. Luck keeps going, and your wallet is full of laughter!

36. It is a good omen that I have ordered people to manage the celestial phenomena and found that golden weather will be encountered and spring rain will be dotted. Grasping this opportunity, your business will be prosperous and prosperous!

37. The opening of the store is a great joy. On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, go forward with the wind and water; The opening was good, and in August 8, Hengfa Longfa Longfa was good; It is a great joy to open up, and good fortune will last forever. I wish you a prosperous business!

38. When the new store opens, I wish you: open your smiling face to attract people, open your mind to have good plans, open your mind to do business, and open your arms to embrace wealth; I wish you a good start and a lot of money!

39. The business is booming, and it blooms in the sound of gun salutes. Customers are crowded, surrounded by flowers, and the financial resources are rolling. I wish you a prosperous career and the God of Wealth is chasing you!

40. When your store opens today, I send you a couplet to express my congratulations. The first couplet: look forward to the prosperity of the boss's career; The second line: I wish your store a prosperous business; Horizontal scroll: unstoppable!

41. Good luck and wealth. The god of wealth looks on, and all the immortals hold the market. It's strange that they don't make any mistakes. I wish that the source of wealth will roll up to the three rivers, business will prosper, and the opening will be successful!

42. Congratulations on the opening of the new store, my congratulations, a fortune cat for you, a fortune tree for you, a prosperous fortune tree for you, a god of wealth for you, and a prosperous fortune!

43. I wish you good business and no worries; I wish you a wide source of money, guests can not rush away; I wish you good reputation and money every day; I wish you a beautiful heart and benefit all mankind! I wish you a prosperous business and a successful opening!

44. Give you a fortune tree, which can't stop the money rolling; Give you a lucky flower, and the god of wealth will help you every day; Send you a blessing long, prosperous business and wealth; I wish you a prosperous opening and continuous financial success!

45. Today's opening is very lucky. Seeing the miracle of SMS, the god of wealth will never give up. Good luck will bring you good luck. Happy company, good luck will bring you happiness. Wish you a prosperous business and happiness!

46. Congratulations on the opening of the new store. Here's my congratulations. Here's a fortune cat for you. I hope you can make more money. Here's a fortune tree for you. I hope you can make more money. Here's a god of wealth for you.

47. There is a kind of celebration called opening, a kind of business called opening, a kind of hope called getting rich, a kind of firecrackers called warm congratulations, and a kind of blessing called opening a congratulatory speech, wishing the opening of a new store and making fortune.

48. Blessing is a magic weapon. Look at the luck. When you read the God of Wealth, you will bow to pick up the yuan treasure. The God of Wealth will run home. Business will come to you to look for gold and silver everywhere. You can take any jewelry. I wish you a good mood and smile when you open!

49. On the hot store opening day and the wonderful expedition, the business is more prosperous, the financial resources are more brilliant, the contacts are more grasped, the opportunities are more harvested, the luck is in the communication, the luck is in the opportunity, the success or failure is in the heart, and everything is good.

50. The flowers were blooming at that time, and the firecracker was making a sound at that time. Today, we are going to invite money and treasure together. The purple omen is coming, and Dongfeng is sending money and good luck. On the first day of opening, I wish you a lot of money!

51. The opening is a great success, opening up to laugh, closing down to worry, opening up to fortune, closing down to tiredness, communicating with customers attentively, holding employees back with emotion, facing setbacks with a smile, planning for the future with calm, congratulating and getting rich!

52. Make a flower basket with Daji and Xinglong, make a box of firecrackers with smooth and prosperous, and write a congratulatory message with blessings and wishes; I wish my friend a prosperous new store, a prosperous business, a smooth and profitable business, and a successful business in the end!

53. Exhausting all my efforts, racking all my brains, through my endless thinking, I would like to offer you my piece of heart, which is more valuable than Luoyang paper, rather than a thousand gold tosses. I wish you a prosperous opening and create a great future.

54. The store is open and the business is prosperous and the financial resources are extensive; Good luck and prosperity; Opening today is a great blessing! The wealth is rolling and you are happy. I wish you a successful start and everything is satisfactory!

55. A heart of blessing will make your career prosperous, and a sincere message will help you attract wealth from all over the world. Friends, on the day when you are about to open, I hope you will be prosperous in people, wealth and everything!

56. The perfect life starts from the opening, the brilliant business starts from the opening, the prosperous business starts from the opening, and the auspicious opening starts from the blessing; Brothers and sisters, I wish you a prosperous and prosperous start and a prosperous future!

57. Ambition creates great cause, and ambition creates spring and autumn. Open a welcome newspaper and walk through the spring. Lingxiao waves his huge hand and stands tall. Fly a thousand miles to a higher level. I wish my old friends good luck in opening their business and great wealth!

58. We are very happy to open the company, and our brothers are so far away that we feel extremely guilty. We can only send this message to express our sincere wishes and hope our friends will forgive us. We wish our friends a long career, strong popularity and huge financial resources!

59. Ambition creates great cause, and ambition creates spring and autumn. Open a welcome newspaper and walk through the spring. Lingxiao waves his huge hand and stands tall. Fly a thousand miles and take the next step. I wish the old brothers and sisters a great success in opening their business and a huge amount of money!

60. A short message is a heart, a bunch of flowers is a love; SMS wish you a grand exhibition, flowers send you business; When the bell rings, money comes, and the mobile phone shakes happiness; Every message in my heart, bless my friend Yonglongxing!

61. A lot of good wishes are sent to friends for their new business. Business is booming and business is smooth, and financial resources are endless. It will benefit the people and the society, gain both fame and wealth, and have a bright future. I wish you all the best!

62. Firecrackers bombard people with money and fortune, flower baskets send people to gather treasures, greetings bring good news, and the banquet is popular; The opening of the new store is very beautiful. I wish you a prosperous business and good luck!

63. The successful establishment of the team, the good operation of the model, the harmonious management of the staff, the rising of life, the crystallization of wisdom and pride, joy from this milestone, wish friends a successful opening, steady development, and grand prospects.

64. Choose a career if you have ambition; If you have courage, start a business; Be responsible and start a career; If there is, we will expand our business; If you have the ability, start business; On the occasion of your opening, I wish you a smooth and profitable opening and wish you a prosperous business.

65. I'm glad to hear that your store has opened. I'm asking the God of Wealth to give you money. I'm praying to the God of Heaven to send you money. I'm praying to the God to help you make money. I'm here to congratulate you and wish you a prosperous business and a successful opening.

66. You are happy to open your shop. I wish you a prosperous life, abundant financial resources, good fortune in opening your shop, good luck in everything, success in everything, good connections, many friends, praise from customers, frequent opportunities, good fortune, and happiness every year.

67. On the good day of opening, I will send you a short message with my best wishes. Anyone who receives this message can make a lot of money in business, have a sweet relationship, and travel safely!

68. The grand plan of the business exhibition will add happiness to your financial resources. I hope you will always be happy and cherish happiness. More happiness will come from your wishes. More opportunities will add happiness. Customers will be like floods, praise will be like tides, and life will be more auspicious, days will be more healthy, the future will be more exciting, and life will be more brilliant.

69. The flowers on the ground are brilliant, and the sky is full of colorful flags. The fiery cause has a wide range of financial resources. Warm wishes for prosperity and prosperity. Sincere wishes drive jumping notes and bring you the vitality of spring. I wish you a prosperous business! Everything goes well!

70. It's OK to get up late in the morning, eat late, and return home late. But it's a big event to send my blessing message late. On the occasion of opening, I wish my friends a prosperous career, a sweet love, and a happy family!

71. Firecrackers are running in a string, and the financial fortune is continuous; A lot of money, small money often earn; The appearance is lively, and tourists from all directions; Well managed, always smiling. Today's opening is full of blessings, and the cause of the Ming Dynasty is prosperous. I wish you a successful opening and prosperous business.

72. Start a journey, start a journey, and open a shop to make a bright future. Life will be different from now on. Joy is accompanied by joy, excitement brings enthusiasm, business is booming, and financial resources are widely advanced and successful. I hope you have good luck in opening a shop and business is more prosperous.

73. Being the master and boss of the family, the opening of the new store has begun to be extraordinary, and the happy life has finally risen. The bright future is under attack. Busy work will pay off, enthusiasm will pay off, and efforts will turn into gains. Life is booming, and the happy opening of the store will make everything all right.

74. Hang lanterns, play drums and gongs, and the business will be prosperous. Open the door to welcome purple, gold, silver and treasure, and everything is going well. Good friends, send your best wishes, business is booming, and good luck. When a short message is sent, it will be easy to make a fortune.

75. I am happy to open a shop for you. I wish you all the best. I am happy to open a shop for you. I wish you a prosperous business. I am happy to open a shop for you. I hope you have good financial resources. I am enthusiastic to open a shop for you. I hope your business will be full of enthusiasm and smooth.

76. Good luck in opening your business. One store, two profits, three times and four times of customers, five blessings shining on the door, six or six great businesses, seven immortals crossing the sea to help you, exquisite customers everywhere, nine or nine success, perfect life!

77. What do you give a friend for opening? Do you know whether it's not a flower basket, firecrackers, or a gift? It's a text message, or a text message full of blessings. I wish you a lucky start, a prosperous business, a prosperous financial source, and a grand future!

78. Opening a store is a dream, independent and promising, business should be prosperous, business should be enthusiastic, opportunities often come, and financial fortunes are always approaching. Harmony is always in the store, and wealth hood is always around, happiness is always accompanied, and every day is brilliant. I hope you will be happy when you open and everything is going well.

79. I will give you a blessing when your friend opens a shop. I hope your business will be prosperous and prosperous, your wealth will be prosperous, everything will be smooth and lucky, your team will be harmonious and happy, your friends will help you, and your customers will be satisfied with Hengfu. It will be a blessing to go all the way, and Wanfu will be more happy at hand.

80. Firecrackers burst out and flowers bloomed. Everyone laughed and applauded; The opening is prosperous, and the business opportunities are unlimited; The cause is smooth and prosperous, and every day we fight in the golden gate; Some people wish to come here today and bring the god of wealth never to go! I wish you great fortune and good luck!

81. I wish you the opening of the new store: your business will be prosperous and open to the world, and you can fly as far as the sea and sky, and fly to the clouds to show your lofty aspirations. There are three rivers with flourishing financial resources. You can swim in the deep water of the river. When you reach the Dragon Palace, you can reappear the king's style. I wish the opening a great success.

82. When a friend is successful in opening his business, he sends a congratulatory speech and feels happy. He rallies his staff to the top and bottom. He smiles at customers and looks happy. He never gives up in the face of setbacks. The Fortune Goddess will never leave you. I wish your store more and more prosperous and your business more and more prosperous!

83. The flowers are bright everywhere, and the sky is bright with colorful flags. Since today's fiery business, there will be no end to money; Warm wishes come along with prosperity and prosperity. Sincerely wishes today will lead to unlimited business opportunities! I wish you a prosperous business and prosperous financial resources!

84. Keep the hope open, grasp the direction to operate, pay attention to politeness to communicate, adhere to struggle to grow, grasp the information and other opportunities, learn less about experience, smile more guests, happiness more in the heart, wish you a prosperous store and prosperous business.

85. Independence starts from entrepreneurship, success starts from opening a store, brilliance starts from operation, happiness starts from business, and financial fortune starts from today. Dreams start from now on. Luck and happiness will accompany you. Wish you all the best and everything goes well.

86. Through the bouquets of flowers, we can see the bright future, through the fruit baskets, we can see the arrival of wealth, and through the gathering of friends and relatives, we can imagine a better tomorrow. I wish you a prosperous business and a prosperous future.

87. Get up in the morning and open the door to welcome the God of Wealth sincerely. Make a bow to the god of wealth, and the god of wealth will give you a cornucopia. At night, close the shop and collect the money. The god of wealth will send you Jinpixiu. The goods are genuine and the money is prosperous, and the people who get rich all the year round are like a stream of customers. I wish you great prosperity and a brighter future.

88. When you start a store, you will have more hope in your life. I hope you can live up to your spirit and start a career. I hope you will have more care in your heart. I hope you can live up to your responsibility, have more money, and dream of a new direction. I hope you can live a peaceful life. I hope you can start your business successfully and prosper.

89. It is a great success to open a store, everything is going well, business is booming, happiness accompanies you, glory goes away, happy life, bright tomorrow, life goal, struggle accompanies you, wish you all the best, success in your efforts, gains in your business, and wish you to make a fortune today and prosper at this moment.

90. Prosperity in business and prosperity in financial resources are basic blessings, grand plans, and dreams. They are sincere blessings, prosperity, and brilliant life. They are future blessings, happiness in this life. Starting from opening a store, they are SMS blessings. I hope your business will be prosperous and happy.

91. The small world is full of achievements, big articles and career creation; Aspiring people, Lu Pengcheng, willing to bear hardships, will choose jobs; Be a man of noble character, have unlimited road, be realistic and dare to start a business; You are ambitious and promising. May your opening be prosperous! I wish you every success in your career!

92. Opening today - beaming with joy, sending a short message - feeling leisurely, gathering a large number of luxury customers - money rolling, friends from all quarters - business success. Congratulations on the opening of your store and infinite blessings. I wish the opening a great success and smooth sailing.

93. I heard that you opened your business today. Last night, I failed and told me that I would break up with you; Success tells me the truth about you, and we should be with you all the time! Don't worry about small setbacks. They may appear occasionally, but they will never cause great danger! I wish you a prosperous opening and a prosperous financial source!

94. The magpie comes to report the good news, and the opening sing: horse singing, the opening will be a success when the horse arrives, sheep singing, Sanyang opening will be a success, mouse singing, money mouse singing, turtle singing, longevity turtle singing, bull singing, opening stocks like a bull market, everyone singing, wish you a happy opening! Wish you a prosperous career!

95. My friend, I know you are a good material for doing business when you look lucky: a pair of bright eyes can illuminate the "money" path and the future; A smiling face welcomes guests from all over the world; A jade hand, like a lucky cat, can make money quickly! Hehe, my friend, I wish you a good start!

96. I'm glad to hear about the opening of your new store, and I hereby give you the "Business Treasure" as a business taboo: Do not sit at the door and wait for customers; Don't be afraid; Avoid saving your living money; Avoid overestimation; Avoid hot and cold; Avoid profitable sales. I wish you good luck in your sixty-six years. Your business is booming, your financial resources are rolling, and everything is going well.

97. Here are some flowers for you. I wish you a big pot of steamed buns and a steaming day; Here is a package of fireworks for you. I wish you red "fireworks" brothers and sisters, and I wish you a successful opening and gold everywhere!

98. "Open up" the wealth of the world, "promote" the happiness of all people, "expand" the business in all directions, and "prosper" the business of all generations! On this beautiful day of opening, send sincere wishes to everything goes well and business prospers!

99. On this special day, I will send you a wild goose. Riding on it, you will be able to fly to any height you want; This wild goose has a name called "Honesty" Dear friend, I wish you and your career will soar under the leadership of this wild goose and continue to create miracles!

100. Congratulations on the opening of the new store, and send a couplet to show your appreciation; The first couplet: "open" the wealth of the four sides, "open" the joy of the eight sides; The second line: "Welcome" friends from all over the world "happy" to get rich in all directions; Banner: Business is booming!