Hard working copy
Old people worried
2023-03-03 08:11:01
Complete sentences

1. I am not a strong person, but I know that sometimes, there is no choice but to be strong.

2. Life only needs to do three things: know how to choose, know how to persist, and know how to cherish.

3. On the road of life, stop and go is a kind of leisure, walk and see is a kind of elegance, walk and forget is a kind of open-minded.

4. Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person who insists on doing it, there will be hope in the end.

5. Once you have the brain to save money, you will not have the energy to cultivate the courage to earn money. Therefore, you are poor and stable!

6. Dear self, don't be influenced by the external environment. When you think about what you want, you should be calm and secure to do the right thing.

7. Because a person likes you, love you will unconditionally tolerate you, but we also have to learn to convergence, learn to cherish, learn to be grateful.

8. You might as well make some achievements first, and then emphasize your feelings, otherwise, there will be only gossiping in your life, which is like affectation in any way.

9. Beautiful cars, houses and clothes are just decorations of life. The real value of life lies in who you are rather than what you own.

10. Look down a little and try harder. No one in the world can live easier than others, but some people are crying out for the sky and the earth, and some people are holding on silently.

11. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet. No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years.

12. When fate makes people fall into a low ebb, it is often the best time for life to turn. If you complain all day long, you will lose the best opportunity!

13. Look at failure optimistically and success pessimistically. Relax and look at yourself and others with tolerance. Look at problems rationally and look at life simply.

14. If you have nothing to do, just think about how to get rich. Don't always feel sad in the emotional world. Money in the palm of your hand is always more secure than the heart you can't hold.

15. Sometimes, we are tired of living, not because our life is too harsh, but because we are too easily affected by the outside atmosphere and the emotions of others.

16. All the anger basically stems from the lack of money. All inspirations are basically aimed at making money; All happiness, basically, is rich!

17. In fact, not everyone has such a good temper; If you happen to meet the person who is willing to accommodate you, please remember not to polish his feelings.

18. Sometimes, if you are free and easy, you will see more flowers in front of you; Be tolerant, and your heart will expand. The world around us is often wiser and more tolerant than we think.

19. Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later. Life is hard. If you don't suffer now, you will suffer more later. Only when you are tired can you relax. Only after suffering can we know how sweet it is.

20. If you have a good mood, you will have confidence, and you will have a yearning for the future life, full of expectations. Let's have this good mood, because life is lucky and happy.

21. Thank you for giving me an empty joy. The beautiful memories we had made our tears blurred. When I think of it occasionally, I still remember it fresh, just like at the beginning, I love you, with no purpose, but just love you.

22. Maybe you have taken a lot of wrong paths in your life, misjudged many people, suffered a lot of betrayals, and suffered a lot of humiliation, but it doesn't matter. As long as you are still alive, there is always hope. The rest of your life is very long. Why panic.

23. Give yourself time. Don't be anxious. Step by step, day by day. Please believe that the resilience of life is amazing. Cooperate with your upward heart and don't give up your love—— Sanmao

24. You can start doing what you want to do at any time, as long as you don't have to shackle yourself with age and other things, everyone has a sea in their heart, they don't sail, no one helps you set sail, work hard, and you can meet a better yourself!

25. You can understand life, but not necessarily yourself; The cold wind can pierce the bones, not necessarily cool the heart. Every step of life is taken by oneself, but not necessarily willingly. The warmth given by the sun is the same, but the difference is where you stand.

26. You can become better only if you don't make do with yourself; If you don't make do with life, life will give you rich rewards. Don't choose comfort at the age of struggle, and have more courage to step out. Life is like sailing against the current.

27. What you believe will become what you believe. Because there are two most terrible words in the world, one is persistence, the other is seriousness. A serious person changes himself, and a persistent person changes his destiny. He doesn't expect sudden good luck, but hopes that all his efforts will eventually pay off.

28. I have never felt bound. My promise has never been tightened. I am still too tired of falling off when I think of white. I think that who would like to wind up in heaven and tear the body? It is hard to break. Is it not willing to give up? Is love lovely because it is bound but you and I hold hands without ropes

29. If you want to get the best in the world, you must first let the world see the best of you. From today on, give yourself more new possibilities: wave goodbye to that impetuous, careless, negative and lazy self. Face the sun, and there will be no shadow in front of you.

30. Choosing comfort at a young age is the greatest cruelty to oneself. The more lazy you are in the early stage of life, the more likely you will miss the people and things that make you excited later. Remember that all comfort is a stumbling block until the ability matches the ideal. If you can solve it with sweat, don't use tears.

31. The original time is really cruel, so we gradually get used to the departure of some people in the blankness. The original time is really useful. Even if you love deeply, think more, and expect more perfectly at that time, you may end up running your own separate ways. Unfortunately, you can no longer contact.

32. If you can't find a reason to persist, find a reason to start again. Life is so simple. With a little courage, you can turn your life around and start again. Life is too short to leave time for regret. If it is not the end, please smile and move forward.

33. Once you had an operation, you knew that drinking medicine was not bitter at all. When you fell down hard, you knew that it was not worth crying to scrape your skin. When you were betrayed, you knew that quarreling would not hurt your true feelings. I hope you can learn to grow up slowly. I hope you don't care about injuries at first. I hope you are still shiny with many scars.

34. There is no wasted effort in the world, let alone accidental success; In fact, everything in life comes naturally; It is my years of painstaking accumulation and hard work that make today's seemingly effortless; There is no wasted time, no wasted road, what determines your success is to work hard again!

35. Life has never been easy, but we have become stronger. If you don't want to do it, you will always find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will always find a way. People who can't afford to lose often can't win. When you take the first step bravely, you have already won. It is better to practice than to hesitate a thousand times. All efforts and efforts will be rewarded.

36. Don't cry easily because tears can't retrieve what you have lost; If you are not sad, you must bow your head, so don't be stingy with a smile; Don't give when you think you can, so don't promise easily; It's not that you can't accomplish anything, so don't always think you can't do it pessimistically; You are not alone in your efforts. So don't give up easily.

37. A man can defeat himself or help himself. No one knows what will happen in the next second. As long as you don't give up in this second, there may be miracles in the next second. Successful people are not necessarily those with the best conditions and the strongest abilities, but they must be those with the strongest will and fighting capacity. As long as you don't abandon your dreams and efforts, you can also witness miracles!