Comments on Yang Shanzhou
grasp all, lose all
2023-10-09 04:12:14

I watched the movie yesterday, and the scene in the movie has been lingering in my mind, and it appears from time to time. During the movie, I had tears in my eyes several times. I was deeply moved by the film. It's not how good the film is, but the impact of the characters in the film.

The film depicts Yang Shanzhou's ordinary and great life in a realistic way, starting from his position as the secretary of Baoshan prefecture party committee. Some scenes of the film are still fresh in my memory.

When Yang Shanzhou was secretary of the prefectural Party committee, he often walked in the field with a stick and a small black bag. At that time, a rice transplanting method of "Double Dragons Going to Sea" was being promoted. When he came to a village, he saw that everyone did not accept this method of transplanting rice seedlings. He took off his shoes and went to the field to demonstrate that the seedlings were straight and good. Only then did the village head realize that the secretary of the prefectural party committee had personally come to guide him, and he hurried forward to say hello. Yang Shanzhou asked him: The "Double Dragons Going to Sea" can increase the yield by 80 jin per mu. Can you ensure that all fields in the village can use this interpolation method? The village head replied: Yes. Yang Shanzhou rubbed the mud on his hands and waved away happily.

Another time, Baoshan suffered a severe drought, and the people faced the dilemma of crop failure. Yang Shanzhou led the cadres to dig wells. But soon difficulties followed: insufficient funds! He decisively called a temporary meeting of the local party committee members at the scene, and raised his hands to vote that the funds for building the office building should be used as well drilling fees, so that the project could continue.

When a person is in a high position, he is faced with many temptations and has to make many difficult choices. Yang Shanzhou always put the interests of the people first in his choice, without hesitation or any selfish thoughts. He never shouted any impassioned slogans, but left a admirable example for us to follow.

Yang Shanzhou retired. The superior cared about him and asked him to spend his old age in a cadre's retreat in Kunming. He said with a smile, "I used to work and listen to the organization. Now I'm retired and want to do something of my own. I want to plant trees in Daliang Mountain.". He returned to his hometown and began to mobilize the masses. His method is very unique. First, he organized the masses to watch a movie. At the end of the movie, he asked everyone: "Is the movie good?" Everyone replied with a smile: "Good!" He said: "Yes, the movie is good because of the beauty of the trees on Lushan Mountain. Our trees on Daliang Mountain are like hairs on the head of a bald man. There are few. You use land to buy shares, and I will grow seedlings, and plant trees. Would you like to share dividends?" Someone asked, "What do you share?" He smiled faintly and said, "I have a salary, so I don't want anything." Moved by his sincerity, everyone signed tree planting contracts one after another. Since then, he began his 17 year long journey of planting trees.

Planting trees in Daliang Mountain is not as smooth as you think. The survival rate of seedlings is low, and weeds occupy the survival space of seedlings. He only explored the solution, chose to plant seedlings with developed roots and higher than 50 cm, and successfully overcame this difficulty; The source of saplings was scarce, so he ran to the street to pick up fruit stones as seeds, and picked up baskets every day. More than 50000 mu of trees, each of which was full of his heart and blood, he stroked them as if looking at his own children, with a loving expression on his face.