Gentle and romantic writing (gentle and romantic writing)
A red heart
2023-07-06 20:08:18
Complete sentences

1. A gentle woman, always smiling to sing the songs of life, never complaining about the hardships life gives. To sum up every failure as an attempt, not to inferiority; Think of every success as a kind of luck, not arrogant.

2. If you like waves, I will fight for the world with blood. If you like stability, I will give up fighting for your family.

3. I'm anxious to give you the most luxurious gentleness.

4. There is a beauty who never forgets what he sees. One day he disappears and thinks like crazy

5. The biggest regret in life is to meet a special person, but never be together, or sooner or later have to give up, the most sad thing is, can not get, and reluctant.

6. It can't be because of work that you lose your health. It can't be because of comparison that you lose your smile. It can't be because of feelings that you lose your dignity. It can't be because of money that you lose your conscience.

7. The best thing in life is to meet. The most extravagant thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then share the fragrance of flowers. In my lifetime, I will only talk about warmth without saying sorrow. I will love to meet you and accompany you in peace.

8. You know, with the passage of time, many things may be solved in the end.

9. Don't think too much of yourself. No matter how strong your perfume is, it can't equal leek hemlock.

10. If I can have 999 good luck in this life, I would like to give you 997 times, leaving only two times for myself, one is to meet you, the other is to accompany you forever.

11. I thought later that if I didn't delay you, someone else would delay you. I wouldn't be reconciled. Let me delay you.

12. In fact, the happiest fairy tale in the world is just to spend time with you.

13. I can't say anything touching. I just want to take you home.

14. Likes probably means that when you reject me, I think you are good for me.

15. The wisest way to deal with the world is to not only cast eyes at the secular world, but also be willing to associate with it.

16. Life is like a duckweed. Gathering and dispersing are always in a hurry. What you get and what you lose is just a feeling in your heart.

17. There is a stain on the white clothes, but it can not be seen from the black clothes. It is natural for good people to make mistakes, while bad people should make mistakes. It is normal to be muddy, and innocence is a crime.

18. Once in a while, be a gentle person, never say a word, never fight, never rush, never slow down, and take it lightly. good morning!

19. Five hundred times of looking back in the past life, in exchange for passing by in this life. If it is you, I would like to meet you ten thousand times and tell you: "I really want to see you"

20. If I show my love one day, that person must be the best in the world. The true love is that I make you moved, and you make me at ease.

21. Be gentle, but not compromise. We should be calm and strong. Lin Huiyin

22. Meeting you is a kind of fate, falling in love with you is a kind of beauty, and accompanying you is a kind of blessing. I would like to accompany you forever.

23. There is a kind of love that is strong. Adhere to love until the end of time, give you a broad shoulder, shelter you from rain and wind. There is a kind of power called love. It can ride the wind and break the waves, just to marry you as my bride.

24. If there is a distance of 1000 steps between us, just take the first step, and I will take the other 999 steps in your direction.

25. Loneliness, like fever, is most prevalent at night.

26. My happiness is not because of what I have, but because I am not afraid of losing anything. I hope you can do the same.

27. The sunset in the sky, the gentle evening wind, the lover's dinner, there are many beauties in the world. Don't be confused by the darkness in front of you. You should believe that you deserve all the beauties in the world.

28. Those who are so old and have no one to say are sad, just solve it by yourself.

29. The pursuit of anything in the world is always more exciting than the enjoyment—— Shakespeare

30. I spent all my life's luck just to meet you. How lucky to meet you at the most beautiful age!

31. I exhausted all my sincerity and strength, but finally I only moved myself.

32. The gentle rain, like you, moistened my heart, gently broke into my heart and left your mark deeply. I acquiesce that you are the only one for me. I am sure I will and will catch up with you.