Sentimental Discourse Sentimental Discourse Short (75 selected sentences)
Finally woke up with a smile
2023-04-24 00:10:31
Complete sentences

1. I like winter, because the day is short and the night is long, so there will be more time to escape.

2. Worries are like drizzle, like cattle hair, like needles, which are numerous and beneficial. Each worry is like a dagger, stinging you, like winter rain, weaving closely and slanting, and hurting your face.

3. When days become old photos and old photos become memories, we become back to back passers-by, along different directions, stubbornly step by step away, no Athens, no Rome, no way back.

4. Don't fall in love for the sake of loneliness. Time is a devil. It will last forever. If you are a passionate person, even if you don't love each other, you will still have feelings. What will you do in the end?

5. Because I love you, I give up everything; But you smiled and pretended not to know.

6. The reason comes and goes, and I only look at the little girl, who is sad and anxious. When people wait until they are haggard, a flower that blooms alone can only admire itself and sob alone. Is this what we call love?

7. At present, you are getting farther and farther away. You cheat yourself to make you farther away. I am so dull, I may be a little cowardly, and let you choose to escape. Maybe it is right to forget all the experiences, rather suffer in pain, and slowly leave memories behind.

8. The most sad thing in the world is that when you hold the hand of the person you love, you inadvertently touch a strange ring.

9. Thank those who have loved deeply. No matter how deep the pain is, thank you. After all, you have loved deeply and walked happily together.

10. I am a tree on the roadside, watching the loneliness for thousands of years. Just for one day, you will walk past me and have a look at my face full of vicissitudes!

11. Please cherish the people around you who love you silently. Maybe one day when he really left. You will find that it is you, not him, who cannot leave each other.

12. Plum blossoms fall, leaving a lingering fragrance, adding to the sadness of parting. Pick up the remnant flowers, bury beside the wood, and come here to blossom at the end of autumn and winter.

13. So I have to keep telling myself not to stop wandering and trust the scenery along the way. The world is vast, let me walk at will; The heart is wide, and I can listen freely. Place your soul on the sky and let the myth stay in your heart.

14. When we break up, we can be ourselves. A person's world has its ups and downs as well as its beautiful moments.

15. After the breakup, there is always a place in my heart, humble and stubborn, no one can go in, including myself, as long as the previous love is true.

16. You are my dream carefully maintained. I am tired to enjoy this unapproachable light.

17. Since I came to this world and met you, I also have a reason to come to this world. Maybe this is our previous life agreement?

18. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm tired, and I want to use alcohol to let myself into a dream, but it makes me excited a lot in this timeless night, but it's not happiness. It may be loneliness in loneliness.

19. Perhaps, love breaks the line, just like a kite breaks the line, and can no longer fall to the starting point. Finally, I understand why I always look up to the sky after you leave, letting my tears run down my cheeks, and becoming a heartbroken person who looks forward to the end of the world rather than the way back.

20. Because the world is too lonely, so let us sad! Your sorrow is my sorrow! The reality is cruel, so I look forward to the future! Because of the illusion, there is always disappointment.

21. To forget a person is not to stop thinking of him, but to think of him occasionally, but no more waves in my heart. It doesn't take effort to really forget.

22. The first time I smiled was because I met you, the first time I cried was because you were not there, and the first time I smiled and cried was because I could not have you.

23. On the way home, I cried. My tears broke down again. I couldn't do anything to walk like this, and I didn't dare to be proud and extravagant anymore. What else can I say and do? I hope you will hear, because I love you and let you go.

24. Because of love, all the world goes down; Because there is love, so we will set foot on the road of no return. Even if the road is long, we will never turn back.

25. Some things will not belong to you no matter how much you like them. Some things are doomed to give up even if you miss them. There are many kinds of love in life. But don't let love become a hurt.

26. Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no end.

27. Happiness should be accompanied by sadness. After rain, it should be sunny. If it rains after rain, if it is sad after sorrow. Please let us calmly face the departure after the departure. Smile to find an impossible you!

28. All sadness always leaves a trace of joy. All regrets will leave a perfect corner. I am in the frozen deep sea, looking for the gap of hope. But when I woke up at midnight, I suddenly saw the beautiful moonlight.

29. The ups and downs of life will always have some feelings that need quiet aftertaste, there will always be some pain that needs to be felt alone, there will always be a way to go alone, and there will always be something to be frank about.

30. My tears flow from the bottom of my heart with painstaking efforts. On the eve of this festival, which symbolizes reunion, I bid farewell to the past love.

31. Disappointment is sometimes a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so we will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

32. The familiar scenery always reminds me of my sadness, consciously or unconsciously, and reminds me of the time when you were there. The fleeting time is beautiful, but my heart is broken.

33. Friends are like pieces of jigsaw puzzle, which together form a beautiful picture. If one piece is missing, it will never be complete. You are the important piece I don't want to lose.

34. Sometimes he is capricious, coquettish, naughty and angry, but he will never think that one day we will break up. Silly thought that as long as we hold each other's hands, we can go to the end happily.

35. You have your suffering, we have our suffering, you have your blessing, and we have our blessing. Do not think that you are unfortunate, nor that others are happy. Each person's life is different, and each person's path is also different.

36. It turned out that one person who had nothing said that he would protect another person who had nothing, and the result would be such pain.

37. I saw the sunshine as if it was a loud, unbridled, hysterical smile, so quiet, so bright, and the grief that pricked the pupils.