45 Idioms about Darkness
A genial wind
2023-06-03 05:12:04
Complete sentences

1. Black light and blind fire: describe the darkness without light.

2. It's hard to see at night: it's a metaphor for the long rule of darkness.

3. Prison disguise: used to refer to the darkness and cruelty of society.

4. Seeing the sun again: This is used to describe getting rid of darkness and seeing the light again.

5. Under the black light: describes the scene where there is no light in the dark.

6. Daylight: daytime. Emphasize the contrast with the darkness at night.

7. Dark sky and dark earth: It is said that the sky is dark. It is a metaphor for the darkness of society.

8. One day without another: It means that the society is very dark and there is no justice.

9. Invisible: It means that the society is dark and there is no light at all.

10. Turn from the dark to the bright: get rid of the dark forces and move towards the bright road.

11. Hell on earth: living hell on earth. It is a metaphor for a dark society.

12. Darkness: describes the darkness of society under the rule of reactionary forces.

13. After rain, it will clear up. Metaphorically, from darkness to light.

14. After rain, the sky turns blue. Also metaphorically, from darkness to light.

15. The sun and the moon have no light: even the sun and the moon have lost their luster. The metaphor is extremely dark.

16. Poisonous Rain and Odious Fog: Bad clouds, rain and fog. It is used to describe the cruel and ferocious dark forces.

17. Dark Earth and Dark Sky: It describes extreme darkness and decay. It is also a metaphor for a dark and decadent society.

18. See the sun again: see the sky and the sun again. This is a metaphor for getting rid of darkness and seeing light again.

19. Darkroom deceit: do evil things without conscience in a dark room. It refers to doing evil things secretly.

20. Bribery is used to describe the corruption of the old society and the darkness of the officialdom. Without bribery, nothing can be done.

21. Totally dark: It means that there is no light but darkness. It also describes being ignorant of things.

22. The clouds open to the sky: the dark clouds dissipate, and the sky reappears. It is a metaphor for the transformation of society from chaos to governance, from darkness to light.

23. Whitening: whitewashing: painting the surface. Conceal the dark and chaotic situation of society as a peaceful scene.

24. Black patent lanterns: ① lanterns painted with black paint. It describes social corruption and darkness. ② It describes ignorance.

25. Moving down: It is used to describe people moving from light to darkness, or from a good situation to a bad situation.

26. Abandon the dark and turn to the bright: leave the darkness and turn to the light. It means to break away from the reactionary camp and turn to progress.

27. Exploring in the dark: Exploring: seeking, exploring. Look in the dark. The latter metaphor is to study alone without guidance.

28. Rainy weather: It is windy and rainy during the day, and the sky is as dark as night. Describe darkness and social unrest.

29. Dark: ① refers to ink. ② It is very dark, without any light. Or know nothing about people or things.

30. Long night: long: boundless. The night was endless. It is often used to describe the darkness of society.

31. Look through the clouds and mist to see the blue sky: only when you push away the dense clouds and mist can you see the blue sky. It is used to describe breaking through darkness and seeing light.

32. Backward: Backward: Backward; Toss: Toss. It refers to turning away from darkness to light. It's a metaphor for turning away from the blind master and turning to Mingjun

33. See the sun through the clouds: pull out the clouds and see the sun. It means that darkness has passed and light has come. It also means to eliminate misunderstanding.

34. Floating clouds block the sun: floating clouds block the sun. The original metaphor is that the treacherous and sycophantic people deceive the monarch. Later, it generally refers to that the society is in darkness when villains dominate.

35. Clear the clouds to see the sun: clear the dark clouds to see the sun. It means breaking through the darkness to see the light. It is also used to mean that when doubts are eliminated, you suddenly understand.

36. The people's complaints are like boiling water. It describes that the people's hatred of the corrupt and dark reactionary rule is extreme.

37. It's dark: faint: it's dark. The sky and earth are dark. It describes the scene of sand and soil in the sky when there is a strong wind. It also means corruption and social darkness.

38. Dizziness: Dizziness: darkness. It means the sky is dim or the light is dim. It also describes being delirious, dizzy or forgetful. It is also a metaphor for social darkness and chaos

39. Stealing: stealing; Name: reputation, name; Dark: Dark. Steal good reputations in the dark ages. It refers to the treacherous and sycophantic people who take the opportunity to cheat reputation in troubled times.

40. Smoke: Black smoke: Black smoke; Miasma: A kind of hot and humid air in tropical mountain forests, which was formerly considered as the cause of malaria. It means noisy environment, disordered order or dark society.

41. cynicism: indignation: hatred, hatred; Jealousy: hatred, hatred; World and custom: social conditions at that time. People with a sense of justice resent the dark reality of society and unreasonable customs.

42. East Sunrise Drive: Sunrise: Sunrise Harmony, the god who drives Japanese cars in the myth. The sun has risen in the east. It is a metaphor for dispelling darkness and seeing light. Also known as "East Sunrise is on the way"

43. Abandon the light and turn to the dark: Contrary to "Abandon the dark and turn to the bright", it refers to abandoning the bright and correct, and turning to the dark and wrong path. It is also called "back to the bright and cast into the dark"

44. Abi Hell: Abi: the transliteration of Sanskrit, which means that there is no discontinuity in pain. It is often used as a metaphor for a dark society and a harsh prison. It is also used to describe the extremely painful situation that cannot be extricated.

45. The Three Households of the Qin Dynasty: The Chronicle of Xiang Yu in the Records of the Historian: "Chu is the most innocent country when Qin destroyed six countries. Since the Emperor Huai was not rebellious when he entered Qin, and Chu people have pity on him so far, the Southern Duke of Chu said, 'Chu is three households, and Qin will be Chu when he dies.'" Later, the term "Three Households of the Qin Dynasty" was used to refer to the matter of fearlessness and rising up to rule in darkness.