Sincere Good Morning QQ
Boil wine and discuss the world
2023-07-13 13:40:55
Complete sentences

1. When the whole world has nothing to envy, nothing to occupy and let down, and no one cares about your crying, you are too lazy to talk about your pain, this is the deepest loneliness. good morning!

2. Those who have no courage to break the secular eggshell can only dominate in the eggshell and never soar in the sky. good morning!

3. Buddhism says: "Cultivating the mind". Cultivating the mind is to fight against the vexed desire. If you can't restrain the material desire, cultivation will become a devil. To win on the edge of trouble and temptation, we must rely on the restraint of "wisdom" and exert the power of "self-control". good morning!

4. Don't say who you love most. Life is still long. No one can predict tomorrow. Maybe your true love will wait for you in the next second. good morning!

5. Choosing a wife is like buying a bird. If you have beautiful feathers and a flexible attitude, you may not be able to enjoy your heart and ears, and you may not be a foodie. Choosing a husband is like buying a horse. You should know that a man who is strong in physique and full of spirit may not be able to shoulder heavy responsibilities or be a straw bag. good morning!

6. No matter how lucky you are in life, you should wake up with gratitude every day. Somewhere in the world, some people are still fighting hopelessly for their own destiny. So, instead of thinking about what you missed, think about what you have now. good morning!

7. To love a person is to hope that he can be happy, that he must be happy, to love the person in the heart of the softest place, silent joy. Dear, you told me that you would like to cherish this encounter. good morning!

8. Only when we are fully prepared can we grasp the opportunity. good morning!

9. Once wrong, let it wrong, leave it to the years to wash. good morning!

10. Get along with people and treat them honestly: there is a kind heart, there is a quiet; There is a good deed, there is a merit; A little tolerance, a little more happy; If you count less, you will be more happy; If there is any concession, there will be some profit; If you lose, you gain! good morning!

11. Go inside, go inside, it's still empty. The trouble has arrived at the station. Don't come up with bad luck. Hurry up with joy and squeeze with good luck. The blessing train will take you to the next station of happiness. Please take the train with this message. good morning.

12. Dear self, in this world, there are only those who can't go back, and nothing can't get through. good morning!

13. You can't afford Chanel, or you can't have many clothes to choose from, but never forget one of the most important clothes, which is called ego. good morning!

14. Life is a mirror - you smile at her, and she smiles at you: you treat her coldly, and she glares at you... Good morning!

15. All dreams begin with humble values in persistence and struggle - refuse procrastination and cheer for dreams! good morning!

16. In the days without you, my imagination lost its inspiration and my soul lost its conversion, just like flowers left the sun, dark and lusterless; The fish left the water drop, life suffocated. good morning!

17. A lot of troubles in life are caused by ignoring a lot of objectivity around you. The biggest neglect is your own personal problems. As long as there are troubles in your heart, don't pat yourself on the chest and say that you are perfect. Only those who are in trouble but don't know it, can see themselves as impeccable. good morning!

18. If you place happiness on others, you will inevitably be disappointed. People can't pay 100% for others beyond a certain limit. good morning!

19. Life is an eternal and heavy effort. Nothing in life is more regretful than giving up the things that should not be given up easily; The most precious thing in life is not what you can't get, but what you have in front of you; The best thing in life is not what you have lost, but what you have grasped now. good morning!

20. Even if you are useless, you don't have to be sad. Even simply because you are still alive. good morning!

21. Never say you have failed before you make the last attempt. And before you succeed, never say this is your last attempt. good morning!