2022 Epidemic Inspirational Sentences Complete 2022 Epidemic Cheer up Inspirational Sentences Primary School Students (53 selected sentences)
I will remember to laugh when I am sad
2023-05-26 13:51:57
Complete sentences

1. Ten kilograms of meat that was not easy to lose before the New Year. This is good. After an epidemic, I ate and slept at home every day, and fell asleep. Now the meat has risen again... After the epidemic, I must be more motivated to lose weight

2. We look forward to seeing the sunrise, the sea of clouds, the azaleas blooming here, and the wonderful scenery of spring and summer in front of the ice falls when the COVID-19 virus is defeated in the warm spring.

3. Brother, I miss you! [Poor] How are you doing recently? You should take good care of yourself! [Poor] Look forward to the spring flowers, and we will meet again

4. The sons and daughters of China are not ordinary, fighting against the new TPV news. More infected patients were cured, and the number of new cases decreased day by day. The countryside was unsealed and busy with farming, and enterprises resumed production. We hope that the whole people will work together to eliminate the plague and welcome the spring.

5. May this spring snow dispel the epidemic and usher in the warmth of spring.

6. However, we saw the epidemic situation of New Year's War, which sealed the city with one piece of paper and sealed it with science. With a single command, thousands of soldiers will fight. Medical care will go first, and warriors will go first. SARS looked grim in those days, and the situation was alarming. It's hard for a national scholar to know whether it's sunny or cloudy. He can win with his fingers. Don't ask if he can win.

7. The wind and thunder moved the heaven and earth to shake, and the angels set out to cast colorful bridges. Wind and thunder hasten the tide and waves, and send the plague god to the sky.

8. I hope that the spring blossom epidemic will end as soon as possible. Every kind person can be treated gently by life

9. One year and one month after the refrigerator was full, the epidemic situation, the sheep had little [lovely] [flowers] left at home, and the filled refrigerator gradually had more space [smile] [smile], and then continue to lose weight

10. To the public, to the financial sparse, Huaishang Xiuguan Luo Xiaju. How can the three counties make a living after ten years? Make a long break on the beach. Don't drive the ferry to get the book first. I am glad to see you again in peace, and all other foreign affairs are empty.

11. Give me a wooden peach and give it back to Qiong Yao.

12. China has built iron walls everywhere, and the military and the civilian can hold the sky together. The mighty east wind sweeps away the plague devil, and all the mountains and rivers are happy.

13. The epidemic is separated from feelings, and sincerity can awaken confidence. If the end of winter is not spring, the east wind will surely bring spring.

14. Yesterday there was snow, but today it's sunny [hee hee] [hee hee] The days of spring will not be too far away

15. Looking forward to the end of the epidemic, the heroic triumph, the warm spring, the blooming flowers, the rush of people, the frank meeting, the peace, the joy, and the refueling in Wuhan? Go China?

16. Women are not inferior to men. Shaving is only for national peace and security. You are the most beautiful in spring. We celebrate your success!

17. When the liver and gallbladder are in each other's eyes, curling reflects the cold moon.

18. The most beautiful faces in 2022: happy, calm, confident, firm... They are father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, and friend. They have loved people, and others love them. He said, "When the spring is warm, I will return."

19. We salute every Chinese who has made contributions in obscurity. I believe that when the sunshine of Hexi warms the whole sky again, we will meet again when the flowers bloom in spring. At that time, with you here, we will win!

20. There is no winter that will not go beyond. When the flowers bloom in spring, it will be better in 2022 when everything goes well

21. During the epidemic period, I was very worried about it; Good today, good tomorrow, good every day; A thousand good, ten thousand good, good health; Take care and wish peace; Pray for health and success; Say hello to you and wish you good health.

22. This year's Spring Festival is particularly long. There is no crowded Spring Festival travel and no return peak. I hope the epidemic can pass away earlier and miss those days when spring flowers bloom

23. We only hope that the epidemic will pass away soon, and that the mountains and rivers will be safe and the flowers will bloom in spring!

24. You will get better in Wuhan. Everyone is working hard for you. The cold winter will surely pass. When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, we will meet again!

25. The virus is just passing by, so we know that we are caught off guard by accident, and no one can predict what will come tomorrow.

26. The creation is wordless but affectionate. Every time when it is cold, it feels spring. A thousand red and purple arrangements, just waiting for the first sound of Xinlei.