89 domineering sentences of qq signature
fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
2023-06-19 12:12:03
Complete set of signatures

1、 One bite for you and one bite for me, and see who gets upset.

2、 Although I can't save all living beings, I can harm all living beings.

3、 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

4、 I don't like cursing, because I have strong practical ability.

5、 I like to be a philanderer, but I won't be easily moved.

6、 Love is like going to the toilet, coming and going in a hurry.

7、 Men are good, only every woman around them knows.

8、 In the past, I didn't learn to cry, but now I am full of tears.

9、 Listen to me, I love you, and you can only love me!

10、 The social training let me see what you look like, how a dog you are.

11、 Integrity will always bring you success, but it may be the next stop.

12、 What are you talking about? There are a lot of repetition, aren't there?

13、 It took me a long time to pay for my mobile phone, and I realized that my words were so valuable.

14、 You and I are just passers-by in each other's lives. We eat dry, wipe clean and leave.

15、 Don't worship my proud stubbornness, you have no right.

16、 Even when you are sad, smile and say something, your uncle.

17、 Fortunately, you are beautiful, otherwise I would have dumped you eight times.

18、 I don't need others to comfort me. I love myself more than anyone else.

19、 I ate eggs after the exam, you didn't get it.

20、 I am the genius of Tsinghua University, but the teacher doesn't know the goods.

21、 Everyone has a dream, but the way of dreaming is different.

22、 You are good at bragging, aren't you? If you have the ability, you really blow one.

23、 History, only names are true; In novels, only the names of people are fake.

24、 Bed, you let me go! Don't do that! I am a person who wants to work!

25、 My man has already labeled me, so he should pay the bill.

26、 I feel that I am poor because I have a very weak life.

27、 God created you, so you are such a fool in the world.

28、 Don't think you look like a wolf. I can see you as a wolf.

29、 The PE teacher said: Anyone who dares to wear a skirt in my class will be punished for handstand!

30、 Duke Zhou took me to heaven, and when he left, I fell back to hell.

31、 At your age and appearance, toads may not like you.

32、 I have passed the age of making trouble without reason. It's time to start pretending to be forced.

33、 I gave you the warmest embrace, but you gave me the most painful joke.

34、 When I smile, my face looks like a spring flower. It must be able to move people, no matter who he is.

35、 Some people will never be forgotten, and some people will always be substitutes.

36、 Life must be like a madman at a glance to forget the bumps in life.

37、 Do you remember today two years ago? I can't hold you back after you said goodbye.

38、 Decades later, we have become a pile of ash, no one knows who.

39、 If I am not brave, who will be strong for me? If I am not happy, who will mourn for me.

40、 Go straight ahead. There are a lot of dogs behind you. One of them doesn't pay attention. The dog bites you and doesn't hide.

41、 If you are well, it will be sunny. According to the weather, you should be dead.

42、 In fact, everyone of us likes school, but we don't like class.

43、 I'm not Youlemei, I'm just DDVP, do you want to hold me in your hand?

44、 How can I feel isolated from the world and numb to everything.

45、 Once I thought that people who never forget, also forget in a moment.

46、 I still love you, because you are the only one I am looking for.

47、 Every time the lucky money is collected, it is pushed back and forth. I'm really afraid of being taken back.

48、 Wherever we are, those of us who have the audacity will never fail.

49、 Go on a trip. There must be a place where there is no memory or you.

50、 If the report card can rise as fast as the house price, the world will be too lovely.

51. I just want a true feeling, not too much ornamentation, just simple.

52. The so-called suitable person is the one who can be both subdued and subdued.

Fifty-three, find a reason to deny sadness, then the smile will be brilliant everywhere.

Fifty four. There is a song that says you are my eye. How can I feel that I have been blind many times.

55. Wear other people's shoes and walk on other people's roads, so that others can neither find shoes nor find the way.

56. I want to be strong. I can't afford to be strong. I want to find a shoulder to rely on.

57. People who are hypocritical, don't say sorry to me. The best way to apologize is to go away.

58. Who is the passer-by between the street lamp and me? Who is the embellishment of life.

59. In the process of running, if you fall down and don't cry, you can get up and continue running.

60. Whenever I find myself doing something wrong, I will hit others in the head with a brick.

61. In one's life, one will meet two people, one will amaze the time and the other will be gentle.

62. If one day you can't contact me, I must be frozen to death.

63. The most handsome man does not have many women, but gets out of bed with a smile and satisfaction.

64. Don't make any decisions when you are crying. The less you talk, the better.

65. When your hair reaches your waist and you are crouching, you must lift it. If you let it drift, the ends of your hair must be very coquettish.

66. How can I explain to you that when I love you without hesitation, fear is also boundless.

Sixty seven. I confessed to a handsome guy today, and he agreed. My heart beat faster and I was excited. I turned around and walked away.

68. Some people like to take advantage of others. They want to have a baby when they hear about the discount of painless people.

69. Don't complain about everything. Maybe you don't have what others have, but others don't have what you have.

70. Although penguins are birds, their fat bodies hinder their flight. So are you.

Seventy one. Hungry for ambition, eat the meat of Hu Lu, laugh and drink the blood of Xiongnu. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, Chaotian Tower!

Seventy two. If you can't accommodate me, it means that either your mind is too narrow or my personality is too great.

Seventy three, if the sun does not rise, I will not go to school; If I come out, I will continue to sleep.

Seventy-four, sneak into your space, only once forget to delete visitor records, the next time there will be no access.

Seventy five, change my heart, give me a heart of stone, and I will smile to see the person who hurt me die.

76. Love me. You said that you could be indifferent. Love you. I said I could do it with one mind.

Seventy seven, looking at you, I want to eat you. I can never resist your fragrance, dear braised pork.

Seventy eight, I hope you can hit my face with a bag of snacks. I just want such a simple and rude love.

Seventy nine. When I loved you, you were presumptuous to me. Now I don't love you. How can you be a bird?

80. The sword points to the sky. I would like to kill all the world for you, cover all the world, and kill all the rebels. I just want you to smile.

81. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but my invisibility. You are online, you are online, but I am invisible.

82. The mind can accept advice, but the heart cannot. Love, because it has not learned geography, does not know boundaries.

83. Sometimes when you ask a question, the other person is always dodging, just to tell you tactfully that the true answer is cruel.

Eighty four, whenever I don't want to listen to a class, I cut the table with a knife until I graduated, and the table also graduated.

Eighty five, you gave me a promise, I cried, you gave me a love, I really stand here reluctant to go.

Eighty six, I still need to walk a long, long way alone, but I tell myself that the wind comes from far away, so it's OK to go.

87. The difference between giving up and letting go: giving up is to sacrifice what belongs to you, and letting go is to let go of what was never yours.

Eighty eight, there is a word that time has changed, and there is a word that things are changed, so what else can be modified as before?

89. Men like beautiful women and women like sweet words, so women make up and men lie to appreciate each other.