92 slogans on water conservation and environmental protection
Aunt Bangbang
2023-02-03 10:16:02
Complete set of slogans

1、 Please cherish every drop of water.

2、 Be careful of falling into the water. No swimming.

3、 Open up sources and reduce expenditure, and drop water into ocean.

4、 Water dripping is like oil, saving is important.

5、 Saving water means cherishing life.

6、 No water today, no tears tomorrow.

7、 Protect water environment and save water resources.

8、 Cherish water, love water and save water, start from me.

9、 Water is an irreplaceable precious resource.

10、 Cherishing water means cherishing your life.

11、 To save water, we should start from small things.

12、 Use water circulation to create a better home.

13、 To cherish water is to cherish your own life.

14、 Living things need water, and life cannot live without water.

15、 Everyone cares about water conservation and always pays attention to water conservation.

16、 Bathing the blue sky and water, sharing green trees and flowers.

17、 Cherish water, love water, save water, start from me.

18、 We will promote administration in accordance with the law and achieve water control in accordance with the law.

19、 It is shameful to waste water and glorious to save it.

20、 Tick tock, this is not the melody I want.

21、 Save a drop of water and restore a piece of green land.

22、 Save every drop of water and care for the source of life.

23、 We should cherish water resources as we cherish our eyes.

24、 A drop of clean water, a piece of green land, and an earth.

25、 Be close to water, love water and protect water, starting from every drop.

26、 We will manage water resources in accordance with the law and strengthen unified management of water resources.

27、 Please tighten me hard, I am willing to bear the pain.

28、 A drop of water, a drop of tear; Save water, no tears.

29、 One flower, one grass, one world, one water, one river, one earth.

30、 Everyone cherishes a drop of water and leaves a spring everywhere.

31、 Man is iron, rice is steel, and there is no water source to perish.

32、 Today we save a drop of water and leave a drop of blood for future generations.

33、 One drop of you and one drop of me will form a stream to warm people's hearts.

34、 Use less water for brushing teeth and less water for washing face.

35、 We will strive to build a water-saving economy and society.

36、 The State implements planned water use and practices strict water conservation.

37、 Cherish the source of life and save every drop of water.

38、 The reason why life is wonderful is because of water irrigation.

39、 Leave a clear water and return the earth to moisten the rain and dew.

40、 Nature is colorful because of water, and life is colorful because of water.

41、 Saving water is every citizen's responsibility and obligation!

42、 It is our duty to save water, and the green earth will be better.

43、 Think of the source and know how to be grateful, and practice water-saving and environmental protection.

44、 You treasure water. I love water. He cherishes water.

45、 Efforts should be made to create water-saving cities and implement sustainable development.

46、 Establish a good fashion that everyone cherishes and saves water.

47、 Water is the artery of the earth. Cherishing water starts from small things.

48、 Water, the source of life, saves water, starts from the heart.

49、 What flows away is life, and what remains is life.

50、 Cherish every drop of water, let the earth mother no longer cry.

51. Scientific use of water, conscious use of water, small citizens of water.

52. A drop of water makes a small tree grow, and a glass of water makes a forest grow.

53. One drop of water, one life; One heart, one strength.

54. Everyone saves a bucket of water, and the world has a fresh water lake.

55.% of the human body is water. Save water and respect life.

56. Human life cannot be separated from water, and water protection cannot be separated from people.

57. Establish a good fashion that everyone cherishes and saves water.

58. Water is the source of life, the blood of industry, the lifeblood of the city.

59. Water, the source of life, uses water rationally and is natural and harmonious.

60. The source of life, wasting water is killing your own life.

61. The world is short of water, and China is short of water. Please save water.

62. Vigorously promote water conservation and comprehensively build a water-saving society.

63. Putting water conservation first and striving to build a water-saving city.

64. "Close" every bit.

65. Protect water resources and let streams flow in our sight forever.

66. Gentlemen should use water sparingly; A gentleman loves water and cherishes every drop.

67. Water is the source of life, the lifeblood of agriculture, and the blood of industry!

68. Water is the source of life, the lifeblood of agriculture and the blood of industry.

69. Waste of water and everything withers; Save water, make the earth more beautiful.

Seventy, the drop of water is valuable, everyone saves; Everyone cherishes the limited resources.

71. Water conservation is an important measure to implement the sustainable development strategy.

Seventy-two. save water. don't cry to recall it.

73. We are responsible for saving water; Rivers and seas dry up, which is about life.

74. Never let water become a luxury. Save water from the side.

Seventy five. The flower of life blooms under care, and the water of life remains forever in saving.

76. Stick to putting water conservation first and strive to build a water-saving city.

77. Strengthen the management of urban water conservation and save and protect urban water resources.

78. We should cherish the water on the earth as we cherish our own life.

79. To save a drop of water today and a liter tomorrow is to benefit the next generation.

Eighty, don't let us "drift" out of place.

81. Water is the essence of the earth; Water, the power of ecology; Water is the source of life.

82. Pay equal attention to saving money, give priority to saving money, put pollution control first, open up scientific sources, and make comprehensive use of it.

83. Let's cherish every drop of water. Such a small force is also a kind of support.

84. Water is the milk of life. Save water, love water and cherish water. Let water grow with us forever!

85. Don't wait for the broken wings to hope for the blue sky; Don't wait for the water to dry up before you know how precious it is.

86. The world is short of water, China is short of water, and cities are short of water. Our home is even short of water. Please save water.

87. Water is the source of life. Water is a precious resource. Saving a drop of water is the dedication of love.

88. The source of life comes from life - please save water.

89. Deeply carry out activities to create water-saving agriculture, industry and cities, and strive to build a water-saving society!

Ninety, every step gathers thousands of miles, every drop gathers in the sea - please cherish water.

Ninety one. When you have it, you don't treasure it. When you lose it, you feel pity—— Please cherish every drop of water.

Ninety two, water is the blood of Mother Earth. We love water and save water, so Mother Earth will laugh.