Dithering Winter Copy
One step away
2023-06-09 01:17:23
Complete sentences

1. It's winter. When I open my wardrobe, it's time to go shopping. When I open my wallet, I'm still young and not cold.

2. Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, not wearing pants.

3. How sad is it to see frost again in winter? When is it warm spring with sandstorm? More clothes, more exercise, more water. Only a healthy body is king! Here, I wish you all good health and happiness every day!

4. Can be brave, but not distorted.

5. Drink more hot water and hug me in winter.

6. The temperature has dropped, the weather has been cold, and my yearning for you has deepened.

7. I think the winter in the north is not as deep as the winter in the south. I prefer the south because there are you in the south!

8. What is redundancy? The cotton padded jacket in summer, the cattail fan in winter, and your hospitality when my heart is cold!

9. Do you think the most sour feeling is jealousy? No, the most sour feeling is that you have no right to be jealous, and it's not your turn to be jealous. That's the most sour.

10. Recently, when the cold wave came, I hurried to wear a thick short sleeve, insisted on drinking a cup of 10 ℃ hot water every day, insisted on exercising, ran 10 meters every day, jumped a little, to strengthen my physique, but I still shivered cold, so I hope you can wear cotton padded jacket, do more exercise, resist the cold, get healthy, and enjoy colorful life!

11. When it's cold, remember to wear less clothes and drink more cold water. Only when you have a cold can I care about you.

12. I like flowers in spring, trees in summer, dusk in autumn, sunshine in winter and you every day!

13. The autumn pants will last forever.

14. There are no people working in the countryside in winter. They stay at home and sit around the stove, smelling the strong smell of the baked sweet potatoes coming out, enjoying the leisure brought by winter.

15. It's time to breathe on the glass and write the names of people you like.

16. Learn to express love, you must be a great person.

17. You are two innocent and ignorant people drifting with the tide of time. You are trapped by time, you are driven by fate, and then you meet in front of the veil of ignorance, pull your hands to face the unknown future.

18. Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed!

19. Can you tolerate me for a winter? After a winter, it has nothing to do with who you are forever with!

20. Not only will tomorrow be better, but today will not be too bad.

21. There is a kind of yearning that looks through the autumn water, and there is a kind of cold that forgets to wear pants.

22. If the sky is full of love, it is also old. Pants are better to wear.

23. There is no reason to miss you. That feeling, when I am unprepared, rushes into my mind and reaches my heart.

24. It's winter and windy. May your troubles blow away with the cool wind; It's winter and it's snowing. May my greetings fall with the snowflakes. It's cold, and I have to take care of myself. My friend reminds me!

25. If you keep walking in the snow, will you walk to the white end.

26. Obstacles and failures are the most reliable stepping stones to success. If you are willing to study and use them, you can cultivate success from failure.

27. It's too cold. Even the small flowers and grass beside the road have shrunk. The bitter north wind blew and howled like a roaring lion. The wind is like a knife, mercilessly hurting me. The wind is also like a naughty child. I have already grasped my clothes tightly, but the wind can still run into my body.

28. The ants tremble their wings in winter, waiting for the end of the lean winter. I love you in a slow and clumsy way. I hardly speak, only a few words.

29. After a long winter, I lost you in the spring!

30. Spring outing -- the east wind knows that I want a mountain, and the sound of rain accumulates between the eaves.

31. The height is not enough, and what we see is all problems; The pattern is too small, and the entanglement is trivial.

32. Why are northerners straightforward? It's freezing cold. Who has time to write with you!

33. When you like a person, even his name sounds beautiful.

34. Cool down and warm up. May you be healthy and moist!

35. If you like a person, you can chase him, but if you love a person, you should not do what she does not want to do.

36. Don't send a circle of friends when it snows. Tell me where to pay.

37. In winter, many moments will think: If only the person you like was around.

38. Well, autumn will accompany you and winter will accompany you.

39. It's good for love in winter. While talking about how cold your hands are, you put your hands in your pockets and quietly steal 50 yuan from you.

40. It's a pity that we didn't stay up until winter, otherwise we could watch the snow together.

41. Only with cold eyes can we have more opportunities, and we can talk about enthusiasm after we have it.

42. Send you a caring scarf to prevent the invasion of cold.

43. It really freezes to death. In summer, the temperature changes too much.

44. In the silent night, the cool wind is bleak. The grey moon, dim and dim, is like a boat slowly moving forward in the vast night. My heart is disconsolate. Looking at the scene from afar, I feel faint pain. I have no choice but to look up to the sky and howl.