The classic lines of a thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand classic lines (35 selected lines)
Yu Yangjun
2023-02-23 13:41:14
Classic lines

1. Don't eat too fat, you will be killed!

2. People often cheat you to let you know that sometimes the only person you should trust is yourself.

3. One village was very poor. Most of the men in the village had gone out to work, but there was a young man who was determined to work in agriculture at home. Finally, all the people who went out to work came back and collectively paid for him to marry his wife.

4. What happened will not be forgotten, just can not remember.

5. I will wait for you in the future and cherish it.

6. I believe that in this world, some people have some things and some love. The first time they see them, they are destined to fetter them for life. They are destined to grow like a tree in their heart and live forever.

7. I am nothing but silently guarding you!

8. What has come to an end, rebirth is just another death. Just like all the beginnings, they are actually just a written ending.

9. When the person accompanying you wants to get off the bus, you should be grateful even if you don't give up, and then wave goodbye.

10. One road cannot be turned back, that is, there are many roads to go in life, and there is a way to grow. Many things cannot be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on, and you can't stop or turn back.

11. I have prepared enough umbrellas to block the rain, but I have not waited for the rain to come. This embarrassment is just a small episode in my long life.

12. Strangely, I forgot my own name, but I always remember Qianxun's name.

13. People never know who will never see you again after saying goodbye.

14. You can't give me what I want. Living in your own world is meaningless.

15. The world is really realistic. Everyone is working hard for the same purpose at all costs, willingly becoming a slave of money and paying for the land.

16. Once the name is taken away by Qianyou Qianxun, the way home will never be found again.

17. It is impossible to forget what has happened, just can't remember it.

18. Please remember those who treat you well, because he could have done otherwise.

19. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.

20. Because I met you, I knew that I could also have beautiful memories. Therefore, no matter how you treat me, I will spare your hate and remember your good intentions.

21. Understanding others' words with a kind heart will make the world simple, beautiful and easy. The world is so big, but I am lucky to meet some people.

22. I can't remember my name until now. But it's hard to imagine that I still remember your name.

23. He likes her, not love. She was happy, so he was also happy.

24. Life is a train to the tomb. There will be many stations on the way, and it is difficult for someone to accompany the journey from beginning to end.

25. I didn't know the feeling of parting was so bleak, and I didn't know how strong it would be to say goodbye.

26. People always make mistakes. Although they are confused, their hands are still looking for light.

27. He loves her, not love. She is beautiful, so is he.

28. In this world, you can meet opportunities, but you can never meet the "God"'s own way. You have to go your own way!

29. It is impossible to forget what happened, but I can't remember it.

30. Once the name is taken away, you will never find your way home.

31. I can only send you here. You should go the rest of the way without turning back.

32. No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how rugged, you are closer to happiness than standing in the same place.

33. There is a way in the world that can not be taken in any way, that is, the wrong way. If you take a wrong step, you will be crushed to pieces.

34. I don't know how sad it is to leave. I don't know how strong it is to say goodbye.

35. Only one person can hear his own voice when traveling. It will tell you that the world is wider than imagined. In this world, you can meet opportunities, but you can never meet the "God"'s own road. You have to go your own way!