2022 Centennial Commemoration of the Communist Youth League in Japanese (99 selected sentences)
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2023-04-19 04:52:48
Complete sentences

1. Looking back on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, young people in the new era should aspire to greatness and leap forward. Young people should tie the first button of life and take every step of life well.

2. Success depends not on how much you get, but on how much you throw away. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, as a young party member in the new era, we should follow the example force as the spiritual nourishment and continue to write our own youth song.

3. When the Communist Youth League of China is approaching for 100 years, they have already blossomed and taken root.

4. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, may you be young and energetic, year after year.

5. The red flag represents the direction of progress and endless hope. It is our guide and our light. The future will be bright. Hello, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China!

6. Young people are ambitious, the country is hopeful, and we are witnesses of the great moment on the 100 year journey. How can we not be proud of it and firmly choose to go forward for it!

7. Youth is a beautiful and endless period, and it is also the beginning of all the brightness and happiness in the future. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, carrying forward national traditions, striving to be the vanguard of the times

8. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the league makes people feel that the struggling youth is like a lamp, illuminating our beautiful Douguan years!

9. The history of blood and fire, the baptism of wind and rain let us grow rapidly; Little by little, let us witness the great arrival. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League, let's pray together for a more brilliant future.

10. The youth of New China are happy Do you believe that the new generation of young people will be happier? We believe and firmly believe!

11. Youth is a dazzling halo. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the league. In the past 100 years, people have felt that the road to pursue dreams has never been smooth, but as long as we work hard, we will always reach the other side of the ideal.

12. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the League is coming. As middle school students, we should be a qualified League member with youthful vitality and full of enthusiasm, play the exemplary role of League members, work hard and strive hard!

13. When the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China comes, let's hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League and follow the Party, and devote our youth to our posts.

14. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, we should raise the sails of youth. As teenagers, we should continue to gallop in the ocean of life, light up the dream of youth, climb on the peak of career, release the feelings of youth, and harvest a wonderful life.

15. The 100 year history of the Communist Youth League of China contains countless achievements and countless dreams and youth. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th birthday!

16. No pains, no gains. The greater efforts, the greater gains. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the league, let's continue to struggle together! struggle! struggle!

17. As a member of the Communist Youth League, we should always work hard and never slack off. When we witnessed the 100 year history of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we were moved by it and continued to struggle for it.

18. The glory of time has brought us a grand gift - the Communist Youth League for 100 years. It is a great honor for us to witness this great moment together.

19. May 4th, we welcome the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League! I wish the motherland more and more prosperity, and the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years old!

20. There is a day called sharing weal and woe; There is a kind of emotion, that is, sharing happiness with the people; There is a pursuit, that is, the country is rich and the people are strong; There is a festival called the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. Wish all the members a happy holiday!

21. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, the young generation, under the guidance of patriotism, cut through the waves, forge ahead bravely, cultivate a strong patriotic background, forge patriotic feelings, and become defenders, promoters, disseminators and practitioners of patriotism!

22. The years of youth are always glorious, and the blood of youth is always surging. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League. Let's drink to happiness, cheer for youth, and continue to strive for a better life in the future!

23. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, every promising step taken by the youth league members in ordinary positions is imbued with the painstaking efforts of the league organization, and every achievement is shining with the glory of the league flag.

24. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, in this new era full of individuality and publicity, we want to express the beautiful chapters of young people in the new era.

25. Time passes through the baptism of wind and rain. When the spring is warm again, we ushered in the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China.

26. The Communist Youth League and the Party have worked together for 100 years. Let the banner of the Communist Youth League guide us forward and let the Party's sunshine Portuguese grow. I wish the Communist Youth League and the country better and better.

27. The centennial journey of the Communist Youth League of China is brilliant, resplendent and a witness of history. Let's wish the Communist Youth League to continue to write a better page.

28. The past is not equal to the future. Every day can create miracles. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the league is coming. At present, we should cherish the happy life, and work hard to fight for a better future!

29. What is youth? That is to be proud and proud, and never forget the mission of our shoulders. The Communist Youth League of China has hundreds of years to go, and we need young people to carry on from generation to generation.

30. The flowering season in May brings us the best gift - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. At this historic moment, let's work hard together to create a better future.

31. In the cold city of youth, dreams are lighthouses that give people direction. Blink, this year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the league. Let's follow the footsteps of dreams, continue to move forward, work hard, and reap the ideal fruits!

32. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, let's hold the flag high and follow the pace of the Party closely, expressing our youth style.

33. Youth is like charm, and it is just the time to realize the dream. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. As teenagers in the new era, we shoulder the heavy responsibility, act as the spirit of the May 4th Movement, and spread patriotism.