Words with a good attitude and a big pattern, Buddhist language points through life (selected 50 sentences)
Flowers in full bloom
2023-02-19 18:39:50
Complete sentences

1. The heart should be modest, indifferent, calm and free between gains and losses.

2. Only by facing the reality can you surpass it.

3. If life is a cup of water, then pain is the dust falling from the cup. No one's life is always full of happiness, and there are always some pains that will afflict our hearts.

4. People have their own algorithms, days have their own algorithms, and Buddhas have their own algorithms. People use smart abacus, heaven uses causal abacus, and Buddha uses compassionate abacus.

5. When you are happy, you should think that this happiness is not eternal; When you are suffering, you should think that the pain is not eternal.

6. Fang Rulai shares one Dharma body, one mind and one wisdom, and is fearless.

7. Only a quiet person can find his true self in this chaotic world.

8. Everything happens because of karma, so you don't have to be too persistent. Those who should come will come, and those who should go will go.

9. The music method is real and beneficial, and does not love all desires. Thinking, hearing and doing are far away.

10. Human calculation is a muddle headed account. It is public justice. Today, Zhang San and tomorrow, Li Tianquan are the most accurate. Karma is not happy at all.

11. Those who left you, no matter what reason they turned around to leave at that time, may have hesitated and struggled, but at least at the moment when he decided to leave, he felt that he would be better off without you.

12. Pain without words is a kind of tenacity, a kind of fortitude, a rock standing proudly in the fierce wind and waves, a populus euphratica standing upright in the rolling yellow sand, and a kind of integrity and pride that is branded in the blood of a strong man.

13. When people are around, they always feel that there are opportunities in the future. But they don't know that life is actually subtraction.

14. Build fences and plant chrysanthemums in your own world. People who are pure in heart win at the beginning.

15. Leave some benefits for others, some roads for others, and some time for yourself to think.

16. Pain is compared, happiness is treasured. The more we care about it, the more unbalanced the psychology is, the more unbalanced it is, and the more troubles we have, so we become uneasy.

17. A person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.

18. With a sense of meditation, we can defend our own pure land without fighting or grabbing, which is a kind of indifference.

19. To live one day is to be blessed, and we should cherish it.

20. It is not true wisdom to be able to speak but not to act.

21. To be angry is to punish yourself for others' mistakes. To forgive others is to be kind to yourself.

22. When heart beats, things move; when heart is still, things are still.

23. We often feel sorry for missing something, but in fact, the mystery of life often exceeds your expectations. No matter when, you should believe that everything is the best arrangement.

24. Everyone has life, but not everyone understands life and even cherishes it. For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment.

25. A small heart will make all small things bigger; With a big heart, all the big things are small; Look down on the vicissitudes of life, and feel safe inside.