Feelings after reading fables
If the youth is as green as before
2023-07-04 09:12:44

Today, I read a fable called Fox and Grape. The content of the story is like this: on the grape trellis, there are several clusters of ripe grapes, which are purple and shiny, very beautiful. A fox saw it and wanted to eat it. But the grape trellis is too high, it can't be picked no matter how. The fox was very angry, thought for a while and said, "The grapes must be sour, not delicious.". This story tells us that some people can't do anything, and they always look for all kinds of lofty reasons to whitewash themselves and whitewash their mistakes.

There are many people like foxes in life. Once, my mother handed me a piece of thick paper. When I looked closely, it was a math problem. One of them said that one ship hit a rock, and another ship came to rescue after receiving news. The ship kept moving at a constant speed. After a certain distance, the helicopter on the ship flew over to save the ship that hit the rocks. The average speed is 2000 m/h. The total distance from the ship to the ship that hit the rocks is 480 kilometers. Ask how many kilometers the plane will take off after the ship has traveled. This problem has been compressed by me, otherwise it will be more complicated and difficult. I read it again and again, almost ten times, and finally understood it.

Just as I was about to do it, I got stuck again. It's not because of anything else, it's just because there's no way! Heaven and earth, can't the god of thought visit me? I took out all the brain plasm. After 100 million brain cells died, I gave up. I shouted angrily: "This question is wrong"! Mother came when she heard the cry. She picked up her pen and wrote quickly, and explained clearly. I am convinced.

Yes, there are many such cases. I have decided to guard against arrogance and rashness from now on, do everything conscientiously, and not be a fox in life!