Birthday copywriting friends wish themselves
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2023-07-29 21:09:59
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1. I want you and me for the rest of my life. Happy birthday to myself.

2. Nothing else is important. The most important thing is to use your heart to wish yourself a happy birthday!

3. Time is running like water, and we are going to celebrate our 23rd birthday again. Should we say that we are one year older or older.

4. I hope you can happily enjoy the relaxation and make up for your hard work this year in this day that only belongs to you.

5. More beautiful sentences, please pay attention to: beautiful and sentimental sentences. Happy birthday to yourself.

6. It's another beautiful beginning. May my sincere wishes bring me a successful year and happy birthday!

7. May I sow in the season of hope and harvest in the joy of autumn! Happy birthday! be promoted step by step!

8. I have given my birthday wishes, and I will buy myself a birthday cake. Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

9. After all, it is a birthday, so today is a special day, and you should be happy to live this day. Friends, bless me.

10. Leave, let things become simple, people become kind, like a child, we start again. Happy birthday to myself!

11. Life is hard to avoid setbacks, after the wind and rain is a rainbow; Life is hard to avoid suffering, there will be sunshine after rain. Happy birthday to myself!

12. What a special day! Today is my birthday and I forgot it. I wish myself a happy birthday. No amount of money can buy time.

13. Without a clear mind, no matter how fast the pace is, it will go awry; Without careful steps, no matter how flat the road is, it will fall. Happy birthday to myself.

14. What's wrong with love? If you are still with me now, we may be really happy now. Happy birthday to myself!

15. Life can't play with life, otherwise nothing will be achieved; Life cannot be without games, otherwise it will be boring. Happy birthday to myself.

16. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Happy birthday to myself.

17. My birthday also wishes my relatives happy life every day! Bless all my friends to share my happiness and be happy forever!

18. I always hide in the depths of dreams and seasons, listening to flowers and nights sing all nightmares, sing all prosperity, and sing all the ways of memory. Happy birthday to myself!

19. Memory is like water poured into the palm. No matter you spread it or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers. Happy birthday to myself!

20. If you want to pry up the world, its best fulcrum is not the whole earth, not a country, a nation, or others, but only your own heart.

21. There is no end to missing. The caring heart will never change. A string of sincere wishes, an extraordinary heart, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

22. Like me, the wound is a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow. Happy birthday to myself!

23. I wish myself a happy birthday. I hope that I can be more mature and confident, calm and calm towards tomorrow, and be stronger and bolder in the future

24. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. Never embarrass yourself, such as not eating, crying, autism and depression. These are all things that fools do.

25. A cheerful personality can not only keep you happy, but also infect people around you, making them feel that life is full of harmony and brightness. Happy birthday to myself

26. "Losing is blessing" is not only a life strategy, but also a life wisdom. Eating small losses can not only win people's admiration, but also learn great wisdom of life. Happy birthday to myself!

27. Today last year, it was very lively; Today of this year, I am so lonely. Happiness and unhappiness are the same. I wish me every day in the future, happy every day, and everything I want to achieve. Finally, I wish myself a happy birthday!

28. No one can stop the way forward, and no one can stop the feeling of missing you. Today every year, it is like a special function to remind ourselves that we should send greetings to you and wish you a happy birthday! Always young!

29. I am one year older. I hope I can become more mature and happier. If I can lose weight and become more beautiful, it would be better! ha-ha! In fact, life is your own, happiness and happiness depend on yourself!

30. I don't want others to see my pain. I just want them to see my happiness and let them envy and pursue it. But in the end, I understand that I am not as good as others, and I am not as good as others. Simplicity is happiness. Happy birthday to myself.

31. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. Don't be too low-key. Sometimes be tough. When you are bullied, you must get it back! But don't hold grudges. Let the villains see you. Pity will make you noble.

32. The year has passed again, and I have grown up one year old again. I will slowly become mature and grow up. I will learn to live and take good care of myself. No matter what the future will be, I will face it firmly, come on, believe in myself, and I will be able!

33. At the sound of the clock, one year old again, people have to lament the passing of youth. The familiar melody seems to ring in my ears again: the bloom of youth makes me tired but not regretful, thank parents, thank all children's shoes, thank you for having you... Happy birthday to myself!

34. If we can go back in time, we will fight for some small things and join hands to fight for the same enemy. Would you like a girl to speak out loudly on the grassland? Thinking about these past events will be unforgettable for a lifetime. Friend, I hope you will always smile when your birthday comes!

35. If you think of good things, the troubles of life will be easy to leave; If you think about success, life's setbacks are not a problem; If you think about your relatives and friends, the power in your heart will rise; Thinking about the ideal, the pace of progress will be more firm; Remembering heroes, the courage to overcome difficulties will surge; Recalling the motherland, the enthusiasm for work will be doubled. Happy birthday to myself.

36. My breakfast today is the overnight meal of yesterday, my lunch is cooked by myself, and my dinner is pig intestines powder. Don't feel sorry for me, because at least before I went to bed, I got some sincere blessings from SMS, phone and microblog. Although the number of your guardians is one in a billion, I still feel much happier than last year and today.