The Story of Psychology
Settle down and look forward to the future
2023-11-19 09:11:57

I always think I know a little about psychology. Whether it's the study in middle school, or the tutorial books you read extra, or the special psychology courses and exams in college. In my opinion, psychology is a very interesting subject, which can analyze oneself, understand others and analyze things. No matter Johannes or Freud, Vont or Watson, they always have something to say. Maybe when I saw such a book, Psychological Story, I was convinced by the authoritative psychological explanation. This is a thick book about the history of psychology. As the inscription in the book says, when we study a science, we must understand its current situation and its history, so that we can master the complete knowledge of this science.

The author Li Hansong is a teacher of Beijing Normal University. Maybe there are other titles, but the students who make the preface for him are already senior professors of the School of Psychology of Beijing Normal University. It is expected that this octogenarian scholar has studied psychology for many years in the course of psychology. Psychology is divided into two parts in the book. The first part tells about the period of philosophical psychology, and the second part tells about the founding period of scientific psychology. The two parts are divided into five chapters, including the ancient European soul functional psychology, the modern European experience psychology of consciousness, the birth of experimental psychology at the end of modern times, modern western skilful psychology and modern western structuralist psychology. Zhu Zi said in his genre that we should not ignore the name, but seek the reason. This is the purpose of Li Lao's writing this book, so that people can understand the development history of psychology. From the philosophical psychology of ancient Greece to the new progress of contemporary western psychology, this paper discusses its development in the order of time development, and reviews the achievements and shortcomings of history. The article is quick and clear, with profound and wise views. It tells many unknown historical facts of psychological history, views of schools and anecdotes rarely known by psychologists.

In this article, through the research and understanding of psychology by the characters in different periods, we will tell the details and depth of psychological research. The opening portrait, celebrity quotes and 'summary' at the end of each chapter can help readers quickly understand the development process of each period. It allows readers to sort out a train of thought for the development of the whole psychology, and then to understand psychology and understand psychology in depth. There are so many famous psychologists abroad, but there are no famous psychologists in China. This objective book about psychology may help people who like and study psychology get inspiration and become a great help for research.

Psychology will be interspersed in the reading age, but in the real society, it seems that there is not much practical psychology, and even less about the development history of psychology. And such a complete history of psychological development is enough for people in initial psychology to have a good understanding of psychology and the history of psychology. As an auxiliary tool, it is worth collecting.