81 famous sayings about literature
Old boy
2023-05-15 01:01:36
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 I am like a cow, eating grass and extruding milk.

2、 It is never too late to learn—— Golgi

3、 Style is character—— Balzac

4、 Feng Menglong: Drinking too much and losing his life

5、 Aesthetics is man's literary understanding—— nameless

6、 Literature is the tutor of society—— nameless

7、 The ambition is enough for writing, and the feeling is sincere and the words are skillful—— Liu Xie

8、 Literature is the textbook of human life—— nameless

9、 Spring is the doctor of flowers, wine is the matchmaker of colors -- Feng Menglong

10、 If you want to learn poetry, you should spend time outside poetry—— Lu You

11、 Literature is the tutor of society—— Belinsky

12、 To know the world, you must read the ancient books—— Feng Menglong

13、 Learning without thinking is loss, thinking without learning is perilous—— Confucius

14、 The change of literature is related to the world situation, and the rise and fall of literature is related to the order—— Liu Xie

15、 No one can become famous by imitating others—— nameless

16、 Five cars are rich in books in the chest, and the lines in the pen are high for thousands of years -- Feng Menglong

17、 Without thinking and sorrow, there would be no literature—— nameless

18、 Don't let your ambitions fall down when you are frustrated—— Feng Menglong

19、 Only a great personality can have a great style—— Goethe

20、 Literature is the textbook of human life—— Chernychevsky

21、 All the rivers and mountains in the eye are clear, and the soul can be seen through orchids and bamboos—— Xu Naizhao

22、 When you meet someone, you should talk three times, but not all of your heart—— Feng Menglong

23、 Closing the door to make sentences is not a poetic method, but a collection of own poems—— Yang Wanli

24、 This is the origin of poetry—— (Zhu Xi, Song Dynasty)

25、 We must inherit all outstanding literary and artistic heritage—— nameless

26、 The ancients believed that medicine was in the heart, and medicine was in the heart—— Feng Menglong's Alerting to the World

27、 In the heart for ambition, speech for poetry—— Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi

28、 If love gets craftwork, a masterpiece is in sight—— JohoRukjh

29、 Reading all good books is talking to many noble people—— Descartes

30、 The beauty of things exists in the minds of people who observe them carefully—— nameless

31、 When you climb high, you will feel inferior; when you travel far, you will feel close—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

32、 Knowledge is the light that guides life to a bright and true state—— Li Dazhao

33、 When literature becomes half commodity and half art, it will flourish (Ralph Eng)

34、 Those who have achieved great things will not be ashamed of small shames; Those who have made great contributions are not afraid to forgive—— Feng Menglong

35、 The beauty of things exists in the minds of people who observe them carefully—— Hume

36、 Benevolent people do not forget their relatives despite resentment, and do not abandon their gifts despite anger—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

37、 Don't wait for tomorrow what you do today, and don't wait for others what you do—— Goethe

38、 The seedling of a speaker's ambition is the root of a traveler's prose—— Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi

39、 Speech is related to current affairs, and the chapter is related to national style—— Tang Dynasty, Du Xunhe

40、 No matter how you probe into excellent works, you can't probe them to the end—— Goethe

41、 If you don't frown in your life, there should be no one who cuts teeth—— Feng Menglong's Alerting to the World

42、 In the final analysis, the immortal thing in literature is style, not thought—— nameless

43、 Art is not a way of observation. What is it—— ThomasBerger

44、 The seedling of a speaker's ambition is the root of a traveler's prose—— (Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi)

45、 Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and those who know the opportunities to change are heroes—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

46、 People who are engaged in literature should be tough, serious and tough—— Lu Xun

47、 The world is full of knowledge, and the human experience is full of articles—— Qing Dynasty, Cao Xueqin

48、 Fantasy, like wandering children, will appear when you least expect it—— nameless

49、 Honor and wealth, without intelligence, are very insecure assets—— Democrite

50、 Closing the door to make sentences is not a poetic method, but a collection of own poems—— Song Dynasty, Yang Wanli

51. An article about liver and lung tells people that I have frosty sideburns—— (Su Shi, Song Dynasty)

52. A great poem is like a fountain, always bursting with wisdom and happiness—— Shelley

Fifty three. If you have a high mind, if you are determined to be the master, you will be ambitious—— (Qing Dynasty, Fang Dongshu)

54. Hope is attached to existence. When there is existence, there is hope. When there is hope, there is light—— Lu Xun

55. The victory over the enemy is a temporary success; He who believes in everything will benefit the whole world—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

56. Yun then pulls out a hairpin to sell wine, and does not show any emotion. On beautiful days, he does not let it go lightly—— Shen Fu's Six Chapters of Floating Life

Fifty-seven, if the tiger belittles its potential, it will strike; If the civet shrinks, it will take something—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

58. Do not judge him as a gentleman for a short time, or as a villain for a short time—— Feng Menglong

59. Only those who are virtuous and righteous can benefit the people. Only those who can benefit the people can use the army—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

60. Books have turned me into a happy person and turned my life into a relaxed and comfortable poem—— Golgi

61. The words of those who are rich in things and the feelings of those who are ambitious...... Liang Su

62. When the wax is over, the sorrow is hard to be over, and when the spring comes back, no one returns. Chaolai hates loneliness and refuses to try new clothes—— Feng Menglong's Yu Shi Ming Yan

63. When literature becomes half commodity and half art, it will flourish—— Ralph Ying

64. Of course, a writer must earn money to live and write, but he should never live and write in order to earn money—— Marx

65. Virtue oriented and Weiji oriented. Virtue without prestige, its foreign cut; If it is not dignified, its people will collapse—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

66. Any literature that does not aim at improving morality, ideals and usefulness is sick and unhealthy—— Dumas Minor

67. Literature makes thought full of blood and flesh. It can give thought greater clarity and explanation than science and philosophy

68. Literature makes thought full of blood and flesh. It can give thought greater clarity and explanation than science and philosophy—— Golgi

69. Literature makes thought full of flesh and blood. It is more powerful than philosophy or science and gives thought great clarity and explanation—— Golgi

70. I never remember what has been printed in the dictionary. My memory is used to remember things that are not in books—— Einstein

71. In the world's affairs, reason prevails over reason to maintain stability, and force prevails over reason to change. The strength lies in the strength of the moment, and the victory and defeat of the ages lie in reason—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

72. I have never made an accidental invention in my life. All my inventions are the result of careful and rigorous experiments—— Edison

73. Literature, in fact, has always been the partner of education; The development of literature and education has always been parallel—— Dobroliupov

Seventy-four, not much knowledge is ignorance; Not accustomed to thinking is rude or stupid; Without noble sentiments, it is vulgar—— Chernychevsky

Seventy five. Literature should foresee the future and run ahead with its most beautiful and inspiring achievements, as if it were protecting life and moving forward—— nameless

Seventy six. I testify with a clump of wild grass before offering it to friends and enemies, people and animals, lovers and unlovers, in the light and darkness, life and death, past and future—— Lu Xun

Seventy seven. Literature is like fire in a furnace. We borrow fire from others, light ourselves, and then pass it on to others, so that it is shared by all—— Flaubert

78. Literary works should enable readers to get happiness not only from the things they say, but also from the way they tell them; Otherwise, it is not literature—— Brooke

79. Literature is like fire in a furnace. We borrow fire from others, light ourselves, and then pass it on to others, so that it is shared by all—— France Flaubert

80. Literature is also like all other noteworthy intellectual or moral activities. In terms of its nature, its instinct is not the embodiment of the wishes of the times, nor the expression of the ideas of the times—— Chernychevsky

Eighty one, the three emperors and five emperors of morality, who won fame in the Shang and Zhou dynasties after the summer; The Five Heroes made a scene in the Spring and Autumn Period, and soon rose and fell! Several lines of names in the history of the Qing Dynasty, countless barren hills in Beimang; Our predecessors and descendants have collected the land, saying that there is a fierce struggle between the dragon and the tiger—— Feng Menglong's Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty