83 short allegorical sayings
2023-03-31 00:17:11
Allegorical sayings

1. Blindless pig -- blind Lele

2. Rabbit's father, an old runner

3. Rabbit eyes - all the way

4. Beat the snake seven inches - find the key point

5. Poplar Peeling - Single

6. The coffin is sold - dead for money

7. Draw water from a basket of bamboo - nothing

8. Snake enters the cave - difficult to retreat

9. Snakes eat mallets - straight neck

10. Snakes catch mice - eat them alone

11. King Kong falls to the ground - a pool of mud

12. Duck eats worms - entangled

13. Ducks cross the river - follow the current

14. Go to court with a robe - dress decently

15. Take rat poison - move away

16. Belonging to the hare -- running out

17. Bees in Spring -- restless

18. Roasting red charcoal in summer - really hot

19. Painting Horses on Fire Ash - Empty Words

20. Bad foot duck - stop

21. Lead a cow and pull the tail - no effort

22. Monkeys ride camels - up

23. Monkey looking in the mirror - complacent

24. Sheep Ranging at the Fence -- A Dilemma

25. Silver Thread Wears Money - Two Matches

26. Gao Qiu plays football - making great strides

27. Chicken feather falling into the water - no response

28. Sell Hey, Buy Enough Pants - Tongue is Big

29. Spiders hanging from the web - hanging

30. Jiang Taigong is here - no taboos

31. Little rabbit meets the first snowfall

32. Zhang Fei Accepts the Spy - Play it by ear

33. In spring, the red sun shines in the sky - Tianhe

34. Wooden people get sores - no pain, no itch

35. Wu Dalang's Divination - Bad luck is not good

36. Father and son watch the tiger fight - make a fuss

37. Idiots talk in their dreams - nonsense

38. Dwarf Riding a Big Horse - Up and Down Dilemma

39. The weight falls into the chicken coop - mischief

40. Scholars become soldiers - capable of both writing and martial arts

41. Door God Roll Kitchen God

42. Eggs and watermelons - can't stand beating

43. One penny for two pigs - cheap animals

44. Rabbit becomes sperm - more powerful than tiger

45. One sorghum in ten mu of land - single root seedlings

46. The grinning pomegranate is full of red ideas

47. Lazy chick nests in a nest -- a few minutes at the stall

48. Ducks unable to reach the tree - cheap bones

49. Cowherd Baby Carries a Dirty Basket - One Takes Two

50. Niu Gu Jiao Ding Niu Gu Jiao - stubborn to stubborn

51. Cats want to eat grapes - their eyes are green

52. Tiger dozing off - a rare opportunity

53. The mouse sleeps in the rice jar - don't worry about food

54. Crane hanging chicken feather - not worth mentioning

55. Dishes on the wine table - chattering

56. Watching people in the crack of the door

57. The tortoise runs after the rabbit - out of reach

58. Five sentences in two - three or two sentences

59. Talking nonsense while intoxicated -- with ulterior motives

60. The tiger in the zoo can't eat people

61. Sales in the cosmetics shop - beauty

62. The beggar sits on the mandarin duck wheel -- home from all over the world

63. Little Wife Buys Pig Viscera -- Worried

64. Kid pays a visit to Tianshi Zhang - throws himself into the trap

65. The old abbot of Shaolin Temple is highly respected

66. Hold your head and drive away the mice -- run away

67. Holding the tripod on the tip of the flagpole - high skill and boldness

68. Thread a rope through the nose of an ox - which one is willing

69. The Queen Mother Visits Her Relatives - Flying in the Clouds

70. Pockmarked Wang Eats Walnuts - Ideas for Going Out

71. The mouse in the lime pile - staring at people

72. The mouse points the way to the elephant - getting narrower and narrower

73. The mouse gets stuck in the wind box - both ends get angry

74. Pinpoint to Chestnut Puncture - tit for tat

75. Eating Sugarcane and Going to Bamboo Tower - Step by step is sweeter

76. Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai one by one

77. The whistle light with air leakage - exhale and keep silent

78. Old sows chasing rabbits - not breathing down

79. Chopping vegetables in a wooden spoon with a horseshoe knife -- water will not leak

80. Lark and kangaroo can sing and dance

81. Ask a monkey to pick peaches - you can't get there

82. Mai Mai Hu Er takes the husk and pretends to be a big head

83. Grasping a tiger's beard and playing on a swing -- eating leopard gall