How to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival
2023-07-02 23:42:44
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1. The bright moon is priceless, and all mountains have feelings. May your life be as full as the moon of the 15th Five Year Plan!

2. The family is as happy as the moon. Life is as sweet as moon cakes. The future is as bright as moonlight. The wife is as beautiful as Chang'e. Mid Autumn Festival, send you warm greetings, I wish you a happy holiday and all the best.

3. When the moon was full last year, the lanterns were as bright as day; On the moon, willow heads slightly, about dusk. When the moon is full this year, the moon and the lamp remain the same, and no one is seen last year. Tears wet the sleeves of the spring shirt.

4. The high and cool autumn day coincides with the festival, and it is another good night for us to enjoy the full moon and flowers. Pay attention to the white clouds under the moon. That's my greeting to thousands of people. I will double my love. I only wish you the best! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

5. On the 15th day of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is full, and families get together. Harmony and happy laughter spread, and the Jade Rabbit saw the world at the news. Sweet round cakes are shared together, and the good wine gift is for seniors to taste. The world is full of family love, and envies the world reunion. Mid Autumn Festival, Jade Rabbit wishes you a happy reunion!

6. The Mid Autumn Lucky Flight took off at this time. The lucky passengers are: reunion Mid Autumn Festival, healthy Mid Autumn Festival, happy Mid Autumn Festival, lucky Mid Autumn Festival and stimulating Mid Autumn Festival. The starting point is my heart forever, and the ending point is your happy hometown. Ha ha, happy Mid Autumn Festival!

7. On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, people buy all kinds of things except moon cakes, most of which are food. In the evening, the family ate a reunion dinner, looked at the sky that was going to be dark, and hoped that the moon would come out earlier.

8. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Travelers will miss their relatives. No matter where you are now, I wish you happiness and health. The whole family will be reunited at home, and you should not be idle outside. Pull friends together for a meal and have a happy year.

9. The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival hangs quietly outside the window. I stared at it blankly, as if it was a mirror. You and I were looking at each other, sending each other thoughts and blessings: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, sweetheart!

10. Buddha promised me that on the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, you just need to squat on the road with a broken bowl and messy hair and ragged clothes, saying, "Please do me a favor!"! You will make a lot of money. You can do what you want!

11. Make skin with romance; Make stuffing with warmth; Happiness is the king of eggs; You don't need many people who know how to taste. You'd better be the only one!

12. The moon shines softly in the vestibule, and the osmanthus fragrance in the backyard. Sweet and crisp moon cakes celebrate reunion, and delicacies are accompanied by hot soup. The Mid Autumn Festival wishes are hidden in the heart, and the chimes of blessing ring. The floating clouds and the autumn waters are long, and people are healthy when they are happy. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

13. In August and 15, every family will celebrate their reunion. The whole family sat around the table and could not finish talking happily. A round moon cake is sweeter than honey. A cup of good wine will give you good wishes. I only wish that every year there would be today, when the moon is full, people will get together happily. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

14. The moon and the breeze send Acacia! Let the moon carry my blessing to you; Let the yearning turn into a breeze and kiss your face softly!

15. On the Mid Autumn Festival, sweet scented osmanthus fills the palace, and Chang'e Toad Palace comes to bless you. The blessing never stops. I wish you a happy reunion, peace, happiness, health, longevity, happiness, and forever.

16. The bright moon shines high everywhere, and the fragrance of sweet osmanthus spreads far and wide. It was the Mid Autumn Festival again, and the family was reunited and happy. Years are similar, but people are different from year to year. I hope that this situation and this scene can always exist, and the flower of happiness will never fail!

17. The bright moon shines in the sky, and the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful night; Wish the festival more good luck, full moon, people round everything round!

18. The bright moon, twinkling, hangs on the horizon; Miss, a little bit, even into a line; Memory, scene after scene, in front of us; I hope that, year by year, people are happy, everything is good, and people are reunited when the moon is full.

19. When will moon cakes be available? Today is very sweet. I have to eat more. It's hard for me to digest. I get up and exercise. I watch you smile and you eat moon cakes. Let's go out together.

20. The bright autumn day coincides with the Mid Autumn Festival. Huahaoyue Garden has another good night tonight. Pay attention to the white clouds under the moon, maybe I greet thousands of people. Acacia, I wish you good luck.

21. On the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is round, the hometown is far away, the dreams of relatives surround the soul, the love of lovers is endless, and the friendship is endless. I wish this scene and the warmth of my heart are infinite!

22. Do you know that eating mooncakes is called lunar eclipse for short. Opening the package is called first sight. One bite on the side is called partial lunar eclipse, and one bite in the middle is called annular lunar eclipse. Eating them all at once is called total lunar eclipse, and eating them all at once is called leftovers. Ha ha! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

23. I personally took charge of the quality inspection and created a green moon cake: no radiation pollution, no camouflage of dyed steamed bread, no exaggeration of puffiness, which is really sincere. Presented by Sister Chang'e, Kaifeng has a surprise: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

24. With the Mid Autumn Festival approaching, I will have six wishes; Be conscientious, have a smooth and profitable career, do good things one after another, feel happy, have a healthy body, and have a harmonious family; Make moon cakes for you, dear customer, and wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

25. Since ancient times, the Moon has been the brightest in the Mid Autumn Festival, and the night is clear when the wind is cool. One day, the weather sank, and fish and dragons from all over the world jumped into the water. The Mid Autumn Festival is especially bright, and it is also a reunion day. I wish you a happy holiday and good health!

26. The Mid Autumn Festival is in front of us. We miss each other with blue ripples, and our friends are connected. We wish you the best of luck; Life is like a mooncake, sweet and moist; Happiness is just laurel, fragrance floating in my mind. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

27. Give the long-awaited creativity to Qiufeng to interpret the lovesickness melody; Let the heart hoping for reunion leap into space, and continue the eternal theme under the laurel tree in the moon palace. As the Mid Autumn Festival approaches, I wish you a fresh heart and a beautiful smile!

28. On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you a pleasant mood! Smiling faces always bloom like flowers! Wishes come true! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!