Reflections on the 2022 Xinjiang Western Plan Online Lecture
Lotus floating in clear spring
2023-09-16 04:12:00

Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no firm direction, and there is no life! I want to live for my ideal, be happy for my ideal, and strive for my ideal!

Some people live without ideals, just like in hell, while others live with ideals, just like in heaven. People without ideals are like walking corpses. They are not exciting and tasteless about life. I am a person who is full of hope for life, never gives up, and fights for ideals. My ideal is to be a doctor. Because of it, I am happy. Because of it, my life is wonderful.

When I was young, my body was weak, and I would get sick once in less than a week. My mother often took me to the clinic in the village to see a doctor. The place there was full of happiness, because there was an angel in white. Although all the people who came there were patients, they were happy as well. I liked the aunt in white very much. She was so kind and loving, He treats every patient like his own baby. She treats me better than my mother. Whenever I go to her place to see a doctor, she will inevitably use her sweetest voice to greet me when I feel uncomfortable. In the long run, my body slowly cured her.

She will be very happy every day. No matter what unpleasant things happen, she will still be like that. I once asked her a sentence: "Why are you so happy every day?" She said: "Because of you, because of your existence, and the white dress on my body." After hearing this, I was very confused, and I asked her what it meant again? But she didn't explain, but smiled and said, "When you grow up and have an ideal, you will understand!"

As I grew older and more knowledgeable, I finally understood her words, which meant her ideal. Since then, I decided that when I grow up, I must become a doctor, because this is my ideal, because I feel the joy of having an ideal from her, this is the ideal of serving the people, and I feel the wonderful struggle for the ideal. I want to live for my ideal, be happy for my ideal, and strive for my ideal. This is the real meaning of life!