101 sentences describing smiles
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-03-30 01:11:07
Complete sentences

1. I smile. Whenever I am sad or happy, I only have a smile.

2. Smile is like a spring breeze, a spring, an inspiring tonic, and a soothing pill.

3. Life is a mirror, optimistic people see their own smile; Pessimistic people see their own bitterness.

4. Smile smoothes the relationship between each other, eliminates the barriers between each other, clears up each other's scruples, and enhances each other's friendship!

5. Smile, smile again, let all smiles wander in happiness, and don't let any smile stay in the cracks of life.

6. Smile is a kind of magic power, which can give people beautiful enjoyment; Smile is a continuous spring, which can give you unlimited power.

7. A man's smile can be like a dream, a woman's smile can be like a flower. The charm of men and the charm of women can be contained in the silent smile.

8. Her smile is like the warm sun in winter, warming my frozen heart. Smile down to the city, and then smile down to the country. I don't know that falling down to the city is falling down to the country, and it's hard to get a beauty again.

9. When life is as light and smooth as a song, it is easy to smile; Only those who can smile when everything is bad can live a valuable life.

10. Smile is a kind of happiness; Smile is a kind of tolerance; Smile is an encouragement; Smile is a kind of happiness; Smile is the most beautiful language.

11. Smile is a kind of temperament, which benefits from cultivation; Smile is a kind of state, which depends on practice. When we meet, we will laugh away our gratitude and hatred, and the peach blossom will still smile at the spring breeze.

12. Smile is a grain of sugar, which makes coffee no longer bitter. Smile is a pill, which can eliminate pain. Smile is a rain, which makes the fire stop burning.

13. Smile is a spring breeze, so it will blow away the haze accumulated in the heart; If a smile is a touch of sunshine, it can warm the injured and depressed heart.

14. Smile is the expression of a good mood, indicating peace of mind and a happy mood; Smile is the expression of being kind to life and optimistic, which shows that psychology is full of sunshine.

15. Will be happier than before, even if sad, also have to face with a smile. Learn to be cold-blooded, only for those who are good to me. Learn to be lonely, no one will protect you as a treasure.

16. The truth that a smile carries and transmits is better than a thousand words, so there is a saying that "when we meet, we will lose gratitude and hatred with a smile".

17. She smiled, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and the tiny sunlight sprinkled on her through the lush leaves, just like an angel, with holy light shining around her.

18. Spring flowers and autumn moon are the scenes that poets sing, but I feel very ordinary about them. Only your smile embedded with a pear vortex is the most beautiful idol in my eyes.

19. Smile is a Libra, weighing one's morality; Smile is a caliper, measuring the size of a nation's cultural accumulation; Smile is a symbol, marking the spirit of an era.

20. There is always a reason for me to smile, no matter whether the smile is ironic or exists. Because the imperceptible smile is also a smile, and the magnified smile is also a smile.

21. Her open mouth is like a pomegranate with a sincere smile; His face looks so natural and comfortable. Under the fluorescent lamp, he seems to be a jade lotus in the moonlight.

22. Smile is a kind of silent and kind language; Smile is a silent and moving movement; Smile is a noble expression of human beings; Smile is the bright sunshine in life forever.

23. Smile is a meter of sunshine, which brings me light and hope. Smile is spring rain, moistening my dry heart. Smile is a big umbrella, which covers the wind and rain on the way of life for me.

24. Smile itself contains great charm. It makes all of us unable to refuse its infection. We always laugh and embrace happiness under all its troubles.

25. An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, which was like a ripple on the face. It quickly crossed the face, then condensed into two sparks in the eyes, and disappeared in the depths of the eye waves.

26. If you lose money, you only lose a small part; If you lose your health, you only lose half of it; If you lose your integrity, you will be almost penniless.

27. You are not tired. You are smiling happily. Your youthful smile is like a water lily that blooms quietly after the summer rain. With crystal rain, you nod your head timidly and elegantly.

28. She closed her mouth, and a beautiful and loving smile appeared on her face. The morning glow reflected her happy smiling face, as bright as roses; The slightly raised corners of the mouth are filled with joy.

29. She has an even figure, neither fat nor thin. Her dark hair is combed into two long and thin braids. Her rosy face, round eyes, and two deep dimples on her cheeks are lively and lovely.

30. Smile like a warm spring breeze, bathed in my heart's touch. Not sad, not hurt; Gentle and grand. The soul is like a transparent window, experiencing the best of life. No falsehood; Calm down.

31. Smile is like a sweet spring water, letting you know the taste of life. Smile is like a needle when you get lost. Smiling helps us a lot in life.

32. Choose to smile, and use trusted, grateful, lovely, affectionate, open, happy and selfless smiles to form the colorful sunshine, so as to have a good exchange with the world around you.

33. Smile means understanding and friendliness. Smile means sincerity and love. Smile is a blooming flower in life. Smile is a happy note in society. Smile is a link between people's hearts.

34. The power of smile is great. Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings. Then, start with a smile! Even if it is late autumn or cold winter now, the next spring will come as scheduled.

35. My smile does not mean that I am happy. I hold an umbrella, not just for shelter. You never understand what I'm thinking. I want to embrace everyone, but I have to warm myself first. Please bear with me.

36. Smile is the sunshine in winter, warming people's hearts; Smile is a gust of wind in the noise, gently brushing away the dust of the soul; Smile is a light in the darkness, making people's hearts no longer dark.

37. You are not tired. You are smiling happily. Your youthful smile is like a water lily that blooms quietly after the summer rain, with sparkling raindrops, and you nod your head timidly and elegantly.

38. Others can violate cause and effect, and others can harm us, beat us, and slander us. But we can't hate others for it. Why? We must keep a complete nature and a pure heart.

39. Smile is a kind of temperament, which is suitable for cultivation; Culture is a kind of realm, which needs to be honed; Life is constrained in the city, and mood is not constrained. As long as the mood is clear, there will be no rainy days in life.

40. Smiling people are not without pain, but they are good at hammering pain into poetry; Smiling people are not without tears, but they are good at turning tears into spiritual lamps, illuminating the way forward.

41. Smiling people are not without pain, but they are good at hammering pain into poetry; Smiling people are not without tears, but they are good at turning tears into spiritual lamps, illuminating the way forward.

42. Smile is the performance of confident people; Smile is the sign of happy people; Smile is a winner's credit; Smile is the beacon of the loser; Smile is the rebirth of the sinner; Smile is the capital of the unemployed.

43. Smiling is not only a kind of cultivation, but also a kind of internal self-restraint. It gives others kindness, encouragement and warmth. People who really know how to smile always live more easily and gain more than others.

44. Life is like a stream, which will always encounter difficulties. If you are depressed, you will stop moving forward. If you can smile like a stream and sing a cheerful song, you can spend it easily and finally reach the other side of happiness.

45. Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings. She is a beacon of hope built with confidence, a piece of sunshine of love in the palm of the weak, a piece of sweet cheese in the heart of the beggars, and a raging fire for the cold to melt the iceberg.

46. Ripples are the smile of the lake; The glow is the smile in the morning; Spring breeze is the smile of the earth. Smile is the sun of nature. Smile, make strangers feel kind; Comfort a friend; Make relatives feel happy.

47. I smile. I hope you will give me a smile back; I treat you well, and I hope you treat me well; I give my love and hope to get your love. I'm not a great person. I just give without asking for return. I'm sorry I can't do it.

48. The elegant jade face is painted with light plum makeup, and the delicate face is charming and soul stirring; If it was like a fairy with a brilliant demeanor, but now it is like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world by mistake.

49. Start with a smile, happy yourself, happy yourself. Smile is a rainbow, reflecting seven colors of light in the sun; Smile is a flower, shining in the green leaves; Smile is a seed, sprouting green shoots in the soil.

50. Smile is nectar, which moistens people's dry hearts; Smile is sunshine, illuminating every dark corner of the soul; Smile is the spring breeze, which wakes up every side of the land; Smile is green tea, which cleanses every piece of pure water.

51. Sunshine is always after rain. No matter failure or pain, if we can smile happily and sing about how good life is, how beautiful the blue sky and white clouds are, we will be happy with a smile, and even have golden fruits.

52. Smiling is the most direct expression between people and the most direct way to convey feelings. Smile, a simple action, can give people the strength to move forward, the confidence to live, and the courage to work hard. So the power of smile is huge.

53. Smile, like a bud, is sincere, kind and full, touching; Smile, like the orchid fairy grass, and warm, romantic and colorful, not pick but wear; Smile, like a flame, giving warm, warm and energetic, brainstorming.

54. Smile is a fresh spring, which cleans people's minds; Smile is a ray of sunshine, melting the ice between hearts; When smiling, a bunch of flowers will blow away the foul smell and leave fragrance; Smile is a string of wind chimes, playing the beautiful music of people's hearts.

55. When I think of the so-called happy things, I always smile and wipe away the tears from my eyes. Looking at the parking station in the distance, you can see the transparent umbrella. I am in the rain, just want to wash my heart which has been tortured by you.

56. She is a famous handsome girl in the mountains far and near here. She is exposed to the sun all day long, but she can't wither or tan. Her face is white and her eyebrows are clear and bright. When I smile, my mouth looks like a quiet crescent moon. When I talk, my voice sounds like a yellow warbler beating its hooves.

57. When you hold on to something, you can only have it. If you are willing to let go, you have the opportunity to choose something else. If a person's mind sticks to his own ideas and refuses to let them go, then his wisdom can only reach a certain level.

58. She turned around, like a blue wave with clear eyes, filled with this faint warmth, and the radian of her mouth was as perfect as the crescent moon. Perhaps this was the angel's smile, which drove away all the haze, and made me feel that the sky was so bright, without meaningful flaws.

59. If setbacks are thorns, smiles are noble lilies; If failure is that steep cliff, then smile is that flat sunshine road; If melancholy is the bald locust tree, the smile is the green holly in the north.

60. Smile, my friends! Make yourself smile as much as possible, let the smile bring you a good mood, let the smile warm your injured or cold heart! Please also remember to give the people around you more caring smile and bring them some happiness.

61. Life needs a smile. Smiling when meeting friends and relatives can stimulate people's hearts and enhance friendship between them; Accepting the help of a strange friend and returning it with a smile will make both parties feel comfortable; Give yourself a smile, life will be better!

62. Smile is a beam of sunshine, illuminating others and illuminating our own way forward; Smile is a kindness. Helping others is always helping yourself; Smile is a transmission, you are here, he is there, thousands of miles away, can also enjoy the wine.

63. Once there was a smile in my life, but it finally dissipated like fog, and that smile became a swift river deeply buried in my heart, unable to swim, and the voice of the river became my song of despair every day and night.

64. Life is understanding, and life is smiling at reality. Life is to cross the barriers of the mind, calm the mind, and indifferent to fame and wealth. Life is to look beyond obstacles into the future. Life is to have a balance on your body, on which to measure good and evil.

65. Life needs smiles. Smiling when meeting friends and relatives can stimulate people's hearts and enhance friendship between them; Accepting the help of a strange friend and returning it with a smile will make both parties feel comfortable; Give yourself a smile, life will be better!

66. A lonely heart needs the nourishment of love; A cold heart needs the warmth of friendship; A desperate heart needs strength to comfort; A pale heart needs sincere help; How much a door full of vigilance needs the key of sincerity to open!

67. Smile is a sign of self-confidence, a positive and positive attitude towards your charm and ability; Smile is the natural expression of sincerity and friendliness in the heart, which shows the openness and kindness of the heart; Smile is also a correct understanding of the meaning of work, showing the spirit of dedication.

68. There is a kind of pain you don't understand. I can cover it with a smile and pack it with indifference. This kind of pain you do not understand, because we end in a different way, you indulge in your world, I stick in my heart. Some people accompany you far away, but that is just the surface intersection, and there has never been a collision in the heart.

69. In fact, everyone can smile and turn around to cry. In fact, everyone will be vulnerable to want to stop. In fact, everyone wants to complete the promise with someone. In fact, everyone's life is more or less bitter. After the trials and hardships, I just want to be less sad and sad and more happy.

70. Take it slowly and learn not to complain about sadness. Yes, bear with it. I will work hard. I will return to the original indifference. Goodbye, self righteous youth, good-bye, imagined beauty. When reality tells you that you must face it, you can only smile, except for a smile.

71. Smiling is a common action in the world. But a smile gives people happiness; A smile conveys encouragement; A smile contains the greatest love in the world. That time, a smile from my mother is still treasured in the deepest part of my heart.

72. She closed her mouth and showed a beautiful and loving smile on her face. The morning glow reflected her happy smiling face, as bright as roses; The slightly raised corners of the mouth are filled with joy. Laughter is like the ripples of a clear spring, overflowing from the small whirlpool around his mouth and rippling all over his face.

73. Smile is a beautiful flower that blooms on people's faces and emits charming fragrance all the time. Smile is a traditional popular song. Every note shows sincerity. A frozen smile is a landscape painting that is both refined and popular, implicit and elegant.

74. Don't become cold. I have a reason to smile. Why don't I learn to find a reason to smile. I can't do it. Every day, I silently say to myself: the world needs my smile. Life, the world, is the reason for my smile.

75. A smile is a beautiful flower in full bloom on people's faces, emitting charming fragrance all the time. Smile is a traditional and popular song. Every note shows sincerity. A frozen smile is a landscape painting that is both refined and popular, implicit and elegant.

76. I want someone who can always smile at me; I want someone who can always talk to me from the bottom of his heart; I want someone who can cherish every minute we are together; I want someone who can accompany me when I am lonely and helpless; I want someone who loves me.

77. There is a kind of pain that you don't understand. I can cover it with a smile and pack it with indifference. This kind of pain, you do not understand, because we are at the end of the road, you indulge in your world, I stick in my heart. Some people can accompany you far away, but that is just the intersection of the surface, and there has never been a collision between the hearts.

78. If I were a floating cloud, my mother would be the boundless sky; If I were a shining moon in the starry sky, the golden sun would be my kind and respectable mother. Mother's smile, including how much the sky is generous, how much the sun shines!

79. A little more smile in life means more confidence and beauty. Every time in the sports test, I always sighed and lost my spirit because of the unsatisfactory results. Later, the teacher encouraged me to do everything with a smile. I finally got good results in the final sports test.

80. When you give others a smile, others return your friendship. You didn't pay anything, but you got a precious emotional gift. Steed said it brilliantly: a smile costs nothing, but creates a lot of value. Smile makes people who get it rich, but it does not make people who give it poor.

81. Smile is a magic key, which can open the shackles of the mind; A dose of good medicine can eliminate the barriers between people; Smile is a person's virtue, which can sublimate your sentiment; Smile is a universal attraction, which can make groups and nations cohere and unite.

82. Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings; Smile is the key to open the heart; Smile is a bridge between people; Smile is an indispensable part of life. In order to build a more harmonious society and make our life better, let's learn to smile together and be good at smiling!

83. Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings; Smile is the key to open the heart; Smile is a bridge between people; Smile is an indispensable part of life. In order to build a more harmonious society and make our life better, let's learn to smile together and be good at smiling!

84. Smiling is the most basic human action. A smile is not only a purifying agent for one's own soul, but also can bring happiness to others. Mother's smile makes me feel the warmth of family affection; My father's smile is a hundredfold increase in my confidence. The smiles of teachers and students make me grow up in the class.

85. Smile is an international language, which can move people's hearts without translation; Smile is a kind of art, with self-confidence charm to penetrate and conquer everything; Smile is a spring breeze, so it will blow away the haze accumulated in the heart; If a smile is a touch of sunshine, it can warm the injured and depressed heart.

86. I prefer to see my mother's smile, which is pure and elegant, with happiness between the eyebrows, and always infects the relatives around me. Mother is like an angel delivering happiness. Smile is your feather floating in the air, falling gently on everyone's palm, gently touching everyone's heart.

87. The departure of some people. What should be done is not sentimentality. Instead, we should learn to cherish. Cherish what you have now. Years later. When I began to recall those lost people or things. I will be open-minded and smile. Smile and remember everything, including you, including yourself who lost yourself.

88. I prefer to see my mother's smile, which is pure and elegant, and the breath of happiness between her eyebrows can always infect the relatives around me. Mother is like an angel delivering happiness. Smile is your feather floating in the air, falling gently on everyone's palm, gently touching everyone's heart.

89. Suddenly, I miss someone or a story quietly. I used to think it was a kind of strong, a kind of hope to stick to a persistence; I thought that as long as I grew up, I could always smile. However, when they no longer cry easily, they know that the pain of growth is sharper than imagined.

90. Smiling relieves those who are worried: when we are in trouble and pain, we suddenly encounter a smiling face, whose frown is deeply locked, and whose stiff shoulders are slightly relaxed, we suddenly find that the world is not as dark as imagined; It turns out that smile can bring you freedom and freedom.

91. Smile is from the heart, neither humble nor overbearing. It is neither a fool to the weak nor a flattery to the strong. The smile at the time of flattery is a fake smile, and the mask on the face will not last long. Once there is a chance, the mask of hypocrisy will be removed, revealing the ugly face.

92. In life, we can choose to praise and rejoice, but we cannot ignore the smile; We can choose anger and silence, but we can't give up smiling; We can choose sadness and loss, but we can't refuse to smile. Smile is wordless, but its artistic conception is better than thousands of words, but it can bring us a lot of hope and courage!

93. Smile makes you bravely overcome difficulties; Smile makes you strong to face everything; Smile makes you walk forward confidently. Smile makes you believe; Smile makes you never flinch; Smile is your choice of courage. Smile makes people with low self-esteem regain self-confidence; Smile makes confident people more confident; Smiling makes a conceited person reconsider himself.

94. Smiling comforts sad people: When we feel sad and sad when we encounter dissatisfaction, grievances, or ostracism, slander, or sarcasm in the workplace, if we have a few words of comfort or a gentle smile, we will get great comfort, and we may immediately forget about our sadness.

95. Learning requires smiling. After studying hard, my mother brought me a glass of milk, smiled and watched you drink it. If you gave your mother a smile, my mother would be very pleased, and you would be more confident, more hardworking and hard to study because of a glass of milk and my mother's smile. Give yourself a smile, and hard work will certainly yield something.

96. When you calm down, give a smile to the other party, which not only preserves the friendship of each other, but also preserves their self-esteem and a harmonious land; When you calm down, give yourself a bright light, shine on yourself, at the same time, give you a good memory, give you a success, also give the society a peace.

97. Smile is a bright beacon, guiding you; Smile is a land in the desert, making you see hope; Smile is a teacher, guiding you forward. So, my friends, no matter how gloomy the sky is, as long as you set up a rainbow bridge in your heart and look at the world with an optimistic eye, everything is beautiful.

98. Smile can make your grievances fall from the tip of your eyebrows. Smile can smooth out troubles on a day when water drips into ice. Sunshine always comes after rain, no matter failure or pain, if we can smile happily, sing how good life is, how beautiful the blue sky and white clouds are, we will be happy with a smile, and even have golden fruits.

99. Smiling does not destroy the deep, but only injects relaxation into the deep. Some people think that a deep person is serious. If deep is true, then I would rather not be deep. Life is heavy enough, why should we live more tired for a deep and inexplicable life? I like to be relaxed, so I like to smile.

100. Smiling can not only make you feel great power, but also affect others. Let others feel trust and responsibility. There is a western proverb that says, "Only those who speak with a smile can take on the important task." This saying shows that smile can resolve the problems in people's communication, make people have a sense of trust, and then entrust them with the important task.

101. Smile is a happy expression, which gives people warmth and friendliness! Smile when you are happy, smile when you are bitter, "Happy life is a day, unhappy is a day, why not?" When you are angry, you always pout; When you are happy, you always smile at the corners of your mouth. Only when you are happy, you will know that you are actually more beautiful when you smile!