102 sentences
A little rain falls into the mountain mist
2023-03-08 22:12:36
A compendium of sentence making

1. Every day when I come home from school, I do my homework first and then watch TV.

2. To learn to write brush characters, first prepare the brush, ink, paper and inkstone, and then calmly pick up the brush.

3. Although my parents love me, I can't understand their love for me.

4. To fly a kite in spring, first try the wind by grasping a handful of soil, and then release the long line.

5. On Saturday, I finished my homework, but my father gave me homework again.

6. When washing clothes, first wet them, then apply soap and rinse them clean.

7. Meet a person and then life changes. It turns out that love is not the only plot.

8. The night gave me a pair of black eyes, but I used it to find light.

9. He held a cigarette between his middle finger and index finger, took a puff, and exhaled.

10. The result of diligence but not efficiency is that the stupid birds fly first and then disappear.

11. Comets orbit the sun like planets, but their orbits are elongated ellipses.

12. The more you think about it, the more effective you don't do it. However, doing it without thinking about it will have no effect.

13. It is right to admit mistakes, but we lack the courage.

14. Although he is a family consultant, his own family life is in a mess.

15. Although your work is very slow, can't you spare some time to accompany the children?

16. First boil the water, then put the dumplings down, then pick them up, and finally eat them.

17. As long as you have strong willpower, you will naturally have ability, cleverness and knowledge.

18. The inevitable consequence of luxury and the disintegration of weathering, in turn, cause the corruption of taste.

19. The right path is this: absorb what your predecessors have done, and then move forward.

20. I spent a lot of time reading this text, but I still can't understand it until now.

21. The best way to change is to communicate with internal forces, and then it will change us.

22. There are extraordinary people, and then there are extraordinary things. Have extraordinary things, and then make extraordinary contributions.

23. Although I answered this question, it may not be correct. After all, I am ignorant.

24. When learning, first correct your learning attitude, and then find your own learning method.

25. There are several shining lights in the sky, and then they come from afar like the sound of ten thousand horses galloping.

26. Although all the peanut food is finished, my mother's words are still printed on my heart.

27. What position! What face! How many fools are afraid of your hypocritical appearance.

28. In spring, willows sprout first, then grow tender leaves, and then stretch their graceful and delicate bodies.

29. Time cannot add to one's life, but cherishing time can make life more valuable.

30. In the face of such accusations, many people will resign, but he stayed and survived.

31. The aspirant bravely admits his own shortcomings, finds his own weaknesses, and then tries to make up for them.

32. I took a white egg from the refrigerator, washed it with clean water, and dried the surface for my mother.

33. Sometimes you need to step back, wake up and remind yourself who I am and where I am going.

34. He waved his arms to divide the water, rolled up and down, left and right, and then suddenly sank to the bottom.

35. In people's eyes, autumn is often sad. However, in my eyes, autumn has a strange beauty.

36. The taste of missing someone is like drinking a large glass of ice water, and then it takes a long time to shed tears.

37. In the face of failure and frustration, it is optimistic and confident to laugh and then regroup, which is a kind of courage.

38. In the face of misunderstanding and hatred, a smile is a kind of calm tolerance, and then maintain the true color, which is a kind of philosophical.

39. From success to success, you should first do a thing successfully and then enlarge it, which is easier!

40. Her parents were so shocked that they tried their best to stop her, but they could not make Florence change his mind.

41. When her daughter saw her mother, she immediately ran to her, hugged her neck, kissed her, and then smiled sweetly.

42. Set yourself up in the dream and reality, and then concentrate on your goals and do your own things.

43. What is reading for? It should be to discover the profound truth in the book, and then apply it to practical life.

44. Life is like this. You have to have trouble and sorrow before you can laugh when you cry and say I'm OK.

45. Just spend a little time: carefully consider and plan, and then resolutely implement, we will be able to solve all the problems and problems in our work.

46. We should be grateful for the pain and frustration. It is our lesson. We should train from it, and then make breakthroughs. Only in this way can we truly be relieved.

47. Pessimistic people are defeated by themselves first and then by life; Optimistic people conquer themselves first and then life.

48. The flowers of success are soaked with tears and sweat of struggle. However, with tears and sweat, everything can be beautiful.

49. We cannot punish children in order to punish them. We should make them feel that these punishments are the natural consequences of their bad behavior.

50. If you find that you can't do an exercise, you should first think about it carefully, and then analyze and find out the knowledge points you can't do and get it right.

51. However, I don't know how many years and generations have passed. In a rainy August, it rained heavily for five days and five nights.

52. The green in the rain is difficult to be transferred on the painter's palette. However, as long as you have seen the green in the rain, you will be unforgettable.

53. The Tree Planting Day starts to plant trees. First, dig the hole, then put the young trees in the hole, fill the soil, and water. I hope the small trees will thrive.

54. You just have to believe in your own path and stride forward. Then you can become a person who can make others watch with a smile.

55. The successful flower is only admired by people for its present brightness! However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice.

56. The starry sky is like a piece of gauze, big and small, dotted with diamonds. This gauze is sprinkled with diamond powder and then spread on the sky.

57. Competitors are like grindstones. They sharpen us very sharp. Then we cut off our competitors.

58. If you want to learn well, you must first realize the importance of learning in thought, and then pay attention to scientific learning methods, in order to get what you want.

59. When recruiting, it is better to use all kinds of methods to become a good company, so that talents will naturally come together.

60. I went to the river to fish. First, I took out the fishing rod, then hung the bait on the hook, and then threw the line hard to the river, waiting for the fish to hook.

61. After saying that, I gave the girl another white look. I clearly saw that the white eyes like sanitary balls suddenly rolled up, and then retreated into the eyelids of pine bubbles.

62. The loneliness of youth is the embellishment of life. Youth without loneliness is sad. However, the lonely youth is not without happiness, but we do not know happiness.

63. When riding a bicycle, you should ride slowly for a few minutes, then fast for a few minutes, then slow and fast again. This alternate cycle exercise can effectively exercise the heart function.

64. When the dog eats, first check whether there is anyone around, smell it with his nose, then lick it with his tongue, and finally devour it.

65. Love is like watching TV, holding the remote control, waiting for a good program with expectation, and finally falling asleep after exhaustion. However, you can't help waiting the next day.

66. The rain is so heavy but indifferent that there is such a red lotus in the inaccessible gray! Like a pile of fire to be lit, like a pot of color to be poured immediately!

67. We need family, but we also need friends. With friends, life will be better; Without friends, life is boring. And friendship is just a kind of wealth.

68. A wild animal is injured. It can run to a cave to hide itself, and then lick the wound itself. It insists on doing so, but once it is asked for help, it can't stand it.

69. We walked on our respective paths in a hurry, never stopping. We met at a certain intersection inadvertently, so we greeted each other gently, exchanged greetings lightly, and then waved goodbye.

70. Her eyes were full of tears, which seemed to fall in the next second. However, she just smiled and swallowed the tears back into her eyes, and the girl's face immediately opened.

71. To cure a disease, one must first recognize the disease, and then discuss medicine, so that the medicine wins the disease. To recognize diseases, one or two of the thousands of medicines can be used to activate the mind; If you don't know the disease, you will be dizzy.

72. Xiaochen, wearing a pair of nail shoes, stopped a dozen paces away from the bunker. He looked at the tall pole in front of him and took a deep breath, then took a firm and powerful step.

73. The wheel of history has left countless traces and changed many habits. However, what remains unchanged is the great maternal love, which is always the protagonist of selfless spirit and never goes out of style.

74. Cherry blossom is the favorite flower in spring. They often open up quickly overnight. Suddenly, it is unstoppable. Then fall in the wind. There is no nostalgia. The Japanese call it flower blowing snow.

75. My mother is about 165 meters, neither fat nor thin, just a hundred pounds. Mother wears simple clothes, and she usually wears pajamas at home; When you go out, you often wear a pair of jeans, and then casually match a dress.

76. Time passed quickly. The East had shown its white belly. Soon, Father Sun showed a smiling face. In an instant, Sister Dong has quietly retired. At this time, the campus is so warm and charming.

77. Before I knew it, spring came, and it lit up on the gradually green hills, burning through the deep chill of winter. The gentle wind, with its moist fragrance, blows gently, which is the melody of spring.

78. The fireworks burst into the sky and gradually spread out, forming numerous flowers, sometimes red, sometimes yellow, sometimes green. Then, the fireworks fell from the sky like meteors. Don't mention how happy you are!

79. Some students' junior high school life began in happiness, some students' junior high school life began in pain, and some students' junior high school life began in haste. However, my junior high school life began in ignorance.

80. Grass looks monotonous in front of gorgeous flowers and weak at the foot of towering trees. However, although hurricanes can uproot trees and blow flowers to pieces, they can't take root in grass.

81. As soon as September comes, there will be a sense of autumn. It will slip in a foggy dawn and disappear in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

82. The oil at the bottom of the pan makes the eggs puff like balloons. At this time, the fragrance slowly floated out, and then turned the egg upside down. The egg is yellow and round, like the moon.

83. Stepping on her soft soil, I know that the hotbed of life can be so flat. As long as the old people come in the season, all the sleeping seeds can be bred here and give life a changing attitude.

84. We walked quietly into the yard. Grandpa asked me to poke away the grass and turn over the stones. Sure enough, I saw a little black bug lying on the ground. But before I could reach out my hand, it jumped up quickly and then disappeared.

85. A single pear flower is not very beautiful, but a tree of pear flowers is different. Thousands of pear flowers form a snow-white whole, like Chang'e in a plain skirt standing in the spring wind; As soon as the breeze passes, it seems to be dancing again.

86. In the morning, the kitten stretched out first, then sat up, licked a little saliva on the tip of his tongue with his two forepaws, washed his face like a man, and licked his fur with his tongue until it was a little shiny.

87. The success of successful people depends on strength and insight. The reason why people fail is that they take chances at the beginning of their work, rather than looking at the essence of the phenomenon and finding solutions.

88. Taking a hard seat by train is crowded and noisy, which is a disadvantage, but it has an inherent advantage. People from all over the world who meet by chance can speak freely and speak freely, and can hear the voices of civilians that cannot be heard at meetings.

89. Genius is recognized by all as the essence of human beings. However, it creates misery and chaos everywhere. Genius is often born in isolation, with a lonely fate. Genius cannot be inherited. Genius often has the tendency to give up.

90. The corridor in the midday sun, with the shadow of long pillars, is empty and silent. Around the corridor, you can watch the murals carefully. The wonderful places have been touched smooth and shining. Then walk across the big square.

91. The autumn wind is rustling. With a little melancholy in my heart, the leaves are still dancing, and I can't see any sadness. In people's eyes, autumn is often sad, however, in my eyes, autumn has a strange beauty.

In May, the campus was filled with the fragrance of gardenia. Walking in the night, the white flowers give off a strong fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed. However, the day passed unhappily, and the air in May was hot and dry, which made people upset.

93. Dark clouds cover the sky, and it is dark in front of us. Only when lightning strikes, a line of light can be drawn to sweep away the gloom caused by darkness. After the lightning, there was a rumbling thunder. It rolled over from the top of the head and then exploded with a heavy bang. It was so scary.

94. The orioles just finished singing. Over the village, in the trees and on the dirt ground of others, a group of flower magpies appeared brightly in black and white simple skirts, and then they chattered happily all day.

95. When Mr. Lv saw this, he immediately strode forward to the student, held him to his seat, and gently stroked him to massage his green bag. How familiar and skillful a series of movements were. Then he went to the podium to continue to correct his homework.

96. We came to a chicken dealer. My mother picked a fat chicken and gave it to the chicken dealer. The chicken vendor first broke the neck of the chicken, then scalded the chicken in hot water, skillfully plucked its feathers, and finally cut the chicken into four pieces and put them into a pocket.

97. Children's moral sense must first be aroused from their energetic and pure emotions; Then they must practice self-control and teach them to care about everything and form correct ideas about the moral rights and obligations of their status and environment.

98. A man's 100 boyfriends are not as good as a good woman; A man's 100 boyfriends are not enough to replace a good woman; A good woman is an indomitable force for a good man to find himself, walk towards himself, and then walk boldly towards life.

99. Grandma Liu went to the front gate of Rong Mansion, next to the stone lions, and saw the sedan horses at the gate. Granny Liu dared not go there. She dusted her clothes and taught Baner a few words. Then she slipped to the corner gate and saw several people sitting on the gate, talking about things.

100. The long night has finally passed. Early in the morning, I went straight to soybeans, opened the towel, and was surprised to find that some beans had sprouted, revealing a sharp head, as if curious about this strange world. I wet my hands with water and then pour them on the beans.

101. The small blue flower of "lichen orchid" is like a grain of rice in a myriad of greens. However, when they grow into one piece, and the flowers open together, it is another magnificent landscape. They tell us that unity is a kind of beauty.

102. The meaning of "home" is familiar to everyone, and everyone has the experience of "home". However, it is not easy to write an article with such a seemingly simple topic, and you need to work hard on selecting materials. General students write "home" only to show their family harmony, warmth and happiness.