On Good Words and Sentences in Junior Three
Bless you at the corner
2023-03-28 02:32:32
Complete sentences

good word

1. Vigorous, coquettish and gentle

2. Dancing with flying eyebrows, sinking fish and falling geese, eloquent

3. Immortality, high and furious

4. With a pleasant face, a brave and brave person, smiling

5. Mold and sample installation, relaxed and happy, persistent

6. Real talent, practical learning, playful smile, belly laugh

7. Be magnanimous, be overjoyed, and hang willows

8. Cheers, excitement, panic

9. Be shameless, be cheerful, and sacrifice yourself

10. As if nothing had happened

A good sentence

1. I like to listen to the sound of crystal snowflakes falling slowly. Whenever I hear this sound, I seem to see the snowflakes flying all over the sky, such as reed, white plum, catkins, duck feathers, duck down, and the beautiful silver butterflies dancing.

2. The luxuriant and fragrant grass, how can you bear to step on it? Touch it gently with your hand. It is as delicate as a baby's skin. Slips slip through the palm of your hand. A number of tiny life rhythms are passed from hand to heart. People can't help sighing in their hearts: such a delicate plant has such a strong life. Hard living takes the lead in responding to the spring breeze, attracting peaches and willows, bees and butterflies, and beautiful spring.

3. Rose thorns can't wither my love even if they hurt my fingers.

4. Motherly love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even in the cold winter; Motherly love is a clear spring, so that your feelings are still clear even covered with the dust of years.

5. Ignorant people wait hard for the illusion in their dreams. What they get back is not what they want, but the imprint of time on their faces. A person who does nothing will spend his life in vain. In life, instead of spending time waiting, we should speed up our pace to pursue our ideals and try to race against time. Maybe we will feel tired physically and mentally, but this life is full after all.

6. Many things pass too fast to look back. People only know the meaning of life after suffering disasters, and birds only know how to cherish their rich freedom after flying out of the cage. Time always hurries away happiness and freedom, leaving only some scars and some dust for later generations to make up and struggle slowly. Some things have gone away and are no longer worth making up for, so I only look back at the scenery along the way.

7. Each of us is eager for success, so we should use our unrepentant efforts to irrigate the budding seeds when we just started.

8. Maternal love is a great book that I cannot read all my life; Maternal love is a sky that I can never fly out of.

9. Approaching the wild, you can enjoy the beauty of spring; Only when you blend into rivers can you feel the tenderness of summer water; Only by picking fruits can we taste the taste of autumn; Through the cold winter, we can feel the warmth of spring!

10. The Yangtze River is like a mighty warrior, crossing mountains and mountains all the way to the sea; The Yangtze River is also like a kind and kind mother, who feeds generations of Chinese people with milk. Mount Tai, like an old man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life, has been through the wind and rain all his life, silently reading the world's spring and autumn. Mount Tai, like a man who stands up to the sky and stands up to the earth, is strong and unyielding, inspiring many Chinese people to march forward courageously.

11. The sun worked hard all year long and was so busy in winter that he was exhausted and could hardly release heat.

12. The reason why I sigh about life is that I have never done a magnificent feat before. I feel small and mediocre. It seems that life is too simple, which makes people feel irritable. I didn't talk about the future without shame. I just grasped the present more realistically. I think this is a road that everyone must take. I once saw a sentence: the process of growth is long but full, the process of self destruction is short but leaves a lifetime of pain. Life can be said to be a test, and where to go depends on yourself.

13. The happiness of life originally does not lie in people's environment, people's position, or the material things people can enjoy, but in how people's hearts correspond to life. Therefore, happiness is not determined by external things. The poor have the happiness of the poor, the rich have their happiness, the dignitaries have their happiness, and the lowly have their own happiness. In life, everyone has smiles and tears; In life, everyone has happiness and worry, which is the real appearance of the world.

14. Beauty is ordinary, so ordinary that you can't feel her existence; Beauty is plain, so plain that only warm memories remain; It is beautiful and peaceful. Only when you try your best can you stir up her ripples.

15. When you abandon the struggle for fame and wealth and selfish desire, your heart will naturally calm down and your mind will be very broad. "The sea embraces all rivers. If you have tolerance, you will be big. If you have no desire, you will be strong." Naturally, calm, modest, honest, honest, and so on will become your good qualities, and you will become "a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has separated from low-grade interests, and a person who is beneficial to the people.

16. Defects can sometimes create another kind of beauty. A leaky bucket is not perfect. Every time you draw water, you will spill half of the water because of its defects. However, inadvertently, those sprinkled water has become the spring of life for the little flowers. It is the leaked water that pours out the fragrance under people's feet. Yes, defects are not always bad, and may inadvertently create another kind of beauty.

17. If you want to harvest fruits in the golden autumn, you should roll up your pants in the early spring when the cold is biting, and go on pioneering, sowing, and plowing until the day of harvest.

18. Never failing means never succeeding; Never defeat means never win; Never reflecting means never experiencing; Never fall means never climb the top.

19. The "height" of an ordinary brush is about 6 inches. This structure is just to meet the writing needs of regular script, running script, cursive script and other different styles.

20. Seeing this scene, I was so happy to turn over on the ground, laughing and shouting loudly, clapping my hands and stamping my feet.

21. The night wind kept awake, which caused a section of cicadas to sing, and turned into thousands of hands in the shadow of the trees. It moved the moon, lost the branches of the silver tray, and dropped to the ground to make a burst of noise.

22. I like to see the beautiful scenery on the south bank of the Caolu River. How tender the stems are when they run away in the bleak winter with their laughter. In the cracks in the rocks and on the soil, they bravely straighten their thin waists. In the cold wind and rain, they grow inch by inch, gradually obliterate the embankment and the earth, and weave exciting spring clothes under the blue sky and light wind.

23. Tolerance is a poem. If the land tolerates the seed, the land will have the harvest; The sea tolerates rivers, and the sea has vastness; If the sky tolerates the clouds, the sky will have a look; Life is tolerant of regret, and life has a future. With a peaceful heart, a smiling face and a pair of warm hands, you will find sincerity and happiness everywhere around you.

24. The truth in the world is like a big net, warming people's hearts all the time, just like mother's love, never ending.

25. The neon lights on the roadside are flashing. I don't know when I have stopped working, but I don't have the slightest impression in my mind. Maybe the stars in the sky are brighter than neon lights. Everything in the late night is silent in the dark, only under the shining stars in the sky.

26. I rejoice in life itself. For me, life is not a short candle. It is a kind of shining torch, which is owned by me now; Before handing it over to future generations, I will make it as bright as possible.

27. The moon is like a shy girl. She hides in the clouds for a while, and then lifts her veil to reveal her charming face. The whole world is immersed in a dreamy silver gray by the moonlight.

28. The lamp, with a bright light, accompanies you every night, so unknown. It is ordinary. Whether it looks gorgeous or not is the same. The lamp decorated with pearls and crystals can only be used for decoration to satisfy people's vanity. Compared with this, ordinary fluorescent lamps are lucky because their lighting nature has not changed, just like some people in life are ordinary but real.

29. The clear streams become muddy, smelly and dirty, and the green mountains become mottled. I can't bear to look at the dirty white papers.

30. Pursuit is the eternal love for thousands of years and the dream spread for hundreds of generations; It is refreshing and lingering pastoral scenery; It is the lofty ideal of one person, one family, one nation and one country. Because of the pursuit, there are ancient and beautiful legends; With the pursuit, there are endless steel Great Wall built with flesh and blood; With the pursuit, there will be a statue standing between heaven and earth, never bowing.

31. If you are hesitant to wander at the crossroads of life, then pick up your brush and describe the spectacular scene of the sea and the sky. The sea swallow sweeping the waves will give you courage. Look, birds can fly over the wind and rain. What else can you not leap over, and what is cowardice?

32. On the long road of life, we will experience many failures, large and small. Some failures even exceed our psychological endurance. However, we should not be discouraged and admit defeat to failure. That would be tantamount to abandoning ourselves. We should move forward bravely and focus on the moment of defeating or winning, without any distractions. Not only is it cruel, but also too happy will affect our judgment.

33. Learn to enjoy life: enjoy the joy of work, enjoy the laughter of friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation, and enjoy the sweetness of fruits.

34. There are more than 90000 books in the library, ranging from students' exercises to Shakespeare's plays, from simple science books to Einstein's great works.

35. Happiness gives people comfort, but it also gives people early death; Work can give people a long time, but it can give them a long time.

36. The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, the pink clouds were reflected on the flowing water, the whole river became purple, and the horizon seemed to ignite a fire.

37. I never know that one day I will meet you. Do you know that one day you will leave me. Your story was written about your departure, and my story was horribly blank from then on. Sadly, when I meet another woman, I only care about your shadow on her.

38. Of course, tolerance is by no means unprincipled leniency, but moderate leniency based on self-confidence, helping others and being beneficial to society, which must comply with the legal system and moral norms. For the vast majority of people who can be educated well, we should adopt a combination of forgiveness and restraint; And we should not be soft on those who are unreasonable and refuse to correct after repeated admonitions. In this sense, the attitude that "big things are about principles, and small things about style" should be taken.

39. The beauty of life is always shown in her progress; Just like the beauty of a big tree, it is shown in its vigorous vitality, which rises to the sky; The beauty like an eagle is shown in the soaring of its soul fighting the wind and rain like the sky; The beauty like a river is shown in its surging torrents.

40. The less you ask your parents, the better; the less you ask the society, the better; It is better to ask for more from books, and it is better to ask for more from wisdom.

41. If I had never met you, I would not believe that there would be such a touching smile in the reciprocation of life, nor that in the ordinary process, someone would wait for the scenery of flowers to open the window of my heart quietly. The desolation of a place has dissipated, and I am used to being green and astringent from far away, although the distant one has to wait until the next life!

42. In fact, in the face of life, we don't have to leave behind any great achievements, nor do we have to create much wealth for people. For many students: "This question, we can't do it, we can't do it!" "This subject, we can't learn it, we can't learn it, Maybe you can do it, even better than others! The process is beautiful in everything!

43. Behave with grace, stand with height, work with law, work with enthusiasm, think deeply, treat people with temperature, have moderate hobbies, and travel with speed.

44. Once you smile, I can be happy for several days; But once you cry, I feel sad for several years.

45. The soft sunlight slants on the evergreen branches and leaves of the pines and cypresses, making them appear so quiet and solemn. The green lawn and white cement are dignified, the steps are so light, but everyone's heart is so excited and full of thoughts.

46. The tranquility of the night just allows me to meditate well. I also lost countless times, but each time I struggled in the shadow of failure, and finally stood up. However, this failure has enveloped me with a strong sense of frustration. When can such struggles be meaningful? I kept asking myself.

47. Open the abstract and meditate quietly. In silence, I have understood thousands of centuries. Opening the abstract is like opening my heart. Open the abstract and you will find a colorful world.

48. Some people love the fog, its haziness and its mistiness; Some people love frost, its whiteness and elegance; Some people also love dew, its crystal clear, its small and exquisite; More people love snow, its purity and its elegance.

49. In the cool autumn morning, riding the lazy morning wind, I passed by the way deep in Xiaolin. Dew hit my face and stirred the hazy fog, isolating the world in my impression. The quiet dawn, only the restless birdsong, passing by the ear, stirred up the feeling of ripples. I want to give a loud shout to shock the weak life and soothe the disturbed mind.

50. If your childhood is not fun, your youth is not eager to learn, your youth is not determined, and your middle age is not entrepreneurial, then your life will die with age.

51. The outside world is so novel that we use this heart to communicate. However, some of the most attractive things we can't escape are youth. Only when I was a freshman did I know that youth can be desolate. We have tasted the forbidden fruit of youth one after another, but we have shouted that we are forthright. Since then, we have enjoyed the sweetness of youth, lived a comfortable poetic life, forgotten the beautiful days we had been together, and forgotten the heroic words we had promised.

52. If you think more in advance, you will regret less afterwards; If teenagers work harder, then old people will be more happy; If you have more confidence in your life, your career will be more successful; If you have more creativity, life will be more colorful; If you love others more, you will have more friends; If you have more humor in talking and laughing, your friends will laugh more; If you devote more to your cause, you will be more great.

53. If God let me choose, I would like to see the sunshine again, I would like to stop smelling the fragrance of flowers, I would like to do nothing, to repay my past life debt to you, this life's endless love for you, to fulfill my promise: life, love you more than! Just can I choose? Can I decide? I only complain that people are in the wind, and it's not up to me to gather and disperse!

54. People's efforts don't care how much they must get in return. A "sorry" when a quarrel occurs and a "thank you" when they get help will make us full of illusions about the world and longing for the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature! This is just a process.

55. He buried himself in his homework again. The room was quiet, and only heard the pen rustling on the paper.

56. Self abandonment is the slave of fate, and self-improvement is the angel of life; I don't want to use other people's sweat to irrigate my heart. I would like to use other people's cotton padded jacket to warm my body. I just want to be an upright person. I just want to do things openly and honestly. I will not forget what should be remembered, and I will not store what should be forgotten.

57. Summer rain, you are not as misty and poetic as spring rain. But you are irresistible, magnificent, and can also bring people a happy feeling. I like your summer rain.

58. At night, the curved moon and bright stars are reflected on the quiet river. The curved moon is like a curved boat; And the bright stars seem to blink with countless eyes, as if they are talking to you. The bright moonlight envelops Hanjiang, which is hazy and beautiful!

59. Friends always shield you from the wind and rain. If you are in the distance and I can't do anything, I will pray to let those storms fall on me.

60. After listening to such wonderful music, he could not help himself to dance.

61. I once thought that the star that belonged to me would not fall, but when it did fall, I found that there was really no eternity in the world.

62. Father, I will take over everything you have done to me. I know that in your heart, I am not sensible and obedient. However, you can rest assured that I will use my heart and my feelings. Like you, though white headed, your heart depends on you!

63. It may be a mountain that makes you feel lofty, it may be a sea that makes you feel magnificent, it may be a symphony that makes you feel exciting, and it may be a stone sculpture that makes you understand majesty.

64. Plum blossom is proud of snow, and peach and plum compete for spring. There are countless beauty in nature. However, what really makes me feel beautiful is the white magnolia in front of the school building. Her beauty makes me drunk.

65. My life is like a kaleidoscope, colorful, with both happiness and sadness. Let me share my happiness with you!

66. The rewards of life are far from the end of the journey, not near the beginning. I don't know how many steps to take to reach the goal. When I step onto the first thousand steps, I may still encounter failure. But I will not give up, I will persevere until success!

67. Maybe from that moment on, in my eyes, friendship played a very important role in many feelings. Although it was no more ordinary at that moment, and it was not an earthshaking and touching thing, it left a deep impression on me and moved me for the first time because of the existence of friendship.

68. The whole world, because of the sunshine, the city has vitality; Small heart, because of the sun, the heart has a comfortable. The bright golden yellow color, the small shadows among the trees like broken golden spots on the leaves, and the direct reflection on the sea surface reflects the fragments left rolling with the waves layer by layer, creating a beautiful scenery for the nature, an intoxicating warm feeling, and the bright and tender feelings mixed in the thick warmth, so that the soul of the sun has been re nourished after rain!

69. Love is Cupid's divine arrow, which can make the heart bleed; Love is a good seed of Shennong, which can prevent the heart from being deserted; Love is rose colored. It can inspire and inspire people and create miracles in the world; Love is black. It can make people feel like they are in a sea of pain, dark and dark. It can make people feel like they are facing an abyss and destroy them.

70. I like to listen to the gurgling sound of a small stream in the mountains. Whenever I hear this sound, I seem to see the clear and transparent stream flowing down the winding valley, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. It plays while running. One moment I patted the colorful pebbles on the bank, another I felt the grass on the sand, another I let the floating leaves turn, another I scratched the itch of the tadpoles chasing it.

71. The spring silkworm died, but left behind the luxurious silk; Butterfly died, but left beautiful clothes; The thrush flew away, but left a beautiful song; The flowers withered, but left wisps of fragrance; The candle burned out, but left a light; The thunderstorm passed, but left colorful neon.

72. He reluctantly braced himself and opened the book. At the beginning, he felt that lines of words were moving on it, like flying; Later, I thought it was just a vague piece, like a nest of ants crawling on the paper.

73. Time is a poem, a poem with rich philosophy. Time is a camel, carrying the dreams of countless people.

74. The process of tolerance is also a process of "complementarity". If we can face up to others' mistakes and criticize and help them in an appropriate way, we can avoid serious mistakes. If you have made a mistake, you don't need to be discouraged and depressed. You should also learn a lesson, learn a lesson, learn from others' strengths, and make up for your shortcomings.

75. Without exercise, life is like sleeping; Without thinking, life is blind obedience; Without temperance, life equals destruction; Without happiness, life is solidification.

76. Focus on the distance, and you will speed up your pace; Watch the scenery, you will walk lightly; Accompanied, you can sing and laugh; Only through trials and hardships can you reach the summit successfully.

77. If you think the work is boring, then the performance will be out of your league; If you think life is boring, then happiness will not be with you; If you think reading is useless, then knowledge will be out of your league; If you think friends are superfluous, then laughter will be out of your league.

78. The purpose of life is not the length but how we use it. Many people have not lived many days, but have lived for a long time.

79. The fate of a ship lies in drifting; The fate of sails lies in chasing the wind and waves; The destiny of life is to grasp it. Only by grasping and believing in life can we be young and worthy.

80. Once upon a time, I thought that my soul would want to break the line of Zhiyuan. Under the effect of gravity, it would sink more and more, and become more and more tired, and never fly to the sky again. Once upon a time, I thought that my soul would be like falling leaves, buried in the soil, gradually covered with layers of falling flowers and leaves, and then buried very deep, and never see the sun again.

81. There are only so many places around a person, and you can only give so much. In this narrow circle, some people have to leave if they want to come in.

82. Because of love, homeless people can return to their homes; It is because of love that the tired soul can be as energetic as before. The desire for love is like the desire of stars to reflect each other; The longing for love is like the song of the century longing to be sung forever.

83. I still remember that when I was not in Grade 5, our class's sports were very poor, and we often failed to get a place in the sports meeting, so I always went with hope and disappointment. This failure has hit us countless times. On several occasions, we even shed tears. However, we believed at that time that nothing was impossible as long as we worked hard, so we always played in the best condition!

84. The bright red sunset lingers on the treetops, dropping a touch of melancholy. The woods in the twilight are so quiet and beautiful.