100 sentences about autumn
Harmony between heaven, earth and man
2023-07-12 12:03:51
Complete sentences

1. Autumn comes to the world quietly with a golden body and light footsteps.

2. Autumn is a kind of broad mind, and autumn is a kind of relaxed and comfortable leisure.

3. Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste every part of life.

4. The west wind is blowing all over the yard. It's hard to plant stamens, cold fragrance, and cold butterflies. I want to blossom together with peach blossoms for the Green Emperor.

5. The beauty of autumn is mature. It is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

6. The beauty of autumn is rational. It is not as charming as spring, hot in summer and implicit in winter.

7. The sunshine in autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

8. Are the leaves rustling, composing their own music? The voice varies from high to low.

9. The autumn light is gorgeous, the golden wind is refreshing, the sea like sorghum raises the torch, and the boundless soybeans ring the bronze bell.

10. Autumn, you are more prosperous than spring, you are more colorful than spring.

11. When autumn comes to September 8, I will have white flowers; The heavenly fragrance array penetrates Chang'an, and the city is covered with golden armour.

12. Autumn has come and opened. There are red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, and white ones. They are very beautiful!

13. I don't know when you gently landed on my bright red sweater. Do you also regard me as a flower?

14. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape.

15. The autumn wind is bleak, the trees are all dyed and golden; Walking in the dense forest under the sun has a different taste.

16. A leaf fell at my feet and sadly completed the journey of wandering with an unfinished yellow face and a creeping posture.

17. The golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.

18. The golden autumn sunshine is warm and quiet, the golden autumn breeze is warm and gentle, the golden autumn blue sky and white clouds are elegant, and the golden autumn fields are golden everywhere.

19. In autumn, the sky is particularly clear, and white clouds also smile. The tall poplar trees are clapping loudly, and the wind is quietly sending good news.

20. In the rice field, a piece of yellow rice rippled with the autumn wind. In the green vegetable field, the fat and tender leaves were shining with crystal dew.

21. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

22. The fruit of the grape is ripe. Under the green and yellow grape leaves, there are clusters of crystal clear grapes, like clusters of purple and black pearls.

23. The cool autumn wind is blowing flowers and trees, like a warm mother gently humming a lullaby to send her children to a sweet dream.

24. The fallen leaves began to hold the "Dance Forest Conference". They were dressed in bright yellow, dark red and light purple gauze clothes, rotating like dozens of butterflies, dancing.

25. In late autumn, the leaves withered and yellowed, falling on the ground like a layer of yellow carpet. Only cockscomb could not bear to wither, which was quite like an independent cold autumn.

26. Autumn has driven away the heat wave in summer and ushered in the harvest season. At this time, we should go to the wild, to nature, and feel the blue sky and the beauty of the earth.

27. One piece, two pieces, three pieces... The fallen leaves used their last strength to return their nutrition to the Earth Mother.

28. There are half a foot deep dead leaves in the woods. When the wind blows, they spin and fly up, and spread evenly, covering the path that slants and circles to the top of the mountain.

29. In autumn, leaves fall one by one, and with little regret, they throw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth. They jump, spin, dance, fly and fall.

30. Whenever this autumn comes, the riverside roads are full of fallen maple leaves. Under the touch of the autumn wind, the red maple leaf forest is more colorful and attractive.

31. A gust of autumn wind blew through the leaves and made loud laughter. Some leaves are like green needles and some are like children's palms. Some leaves fall like dancing butterflies.

32. In autumn, the bright red apples look out from the green leaves; Small red lanterns like dates hung all over the branches; Grapes like purple agate are hanging under the grape trellis in clusters. How charming!

33. Where the autumn wind passes, the grains are fragrant. From a distance, the crops look like thousands of waves rolling; At a close look, Daogu bent over with a smile, Sorghum blushed, and Maize was happy.

34. The weeping willows with long green hair have become yellow and dry today. With the cool autumn wind, leaves fall one after another, like little girls dancing for tourists.

35. The door opens in August, ushering in autumn. Looking forward to the beginning of autumn in the heat, the irritability in my heart immediately dispelled most of it. Not only that, the breeze blowing from the window in the morning also expresses the same feelings.

36. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape. A cool wind blows, and the fruit nods, sending out an attractive fragrance.

37. Autumn is often said to be golden? Indeed, she has brought rich fruits to nature, and has rewarded numerous living things, including people, with food that can sustain life.

38. Leaves fall from trees, some like butterflies dancing, some like geese flying. The ground is strewn with fallen leaves, like a golden avenue, carrying my dream far away.

39. The yellow rice ears hang heavily, and the cotton peach is like a small tree, bursting with egg like tidbits. Ah, not rice fields, but the sea of gold; It is not a cotton field, but a silver world.

40. In the early morning, or in the evening, sitting alone in the autumn, the sky is high, the clouds are light, the mountains are far away, the trees are near, the birds are singing, and a distant symphony of nature rises in your heart.

41. When the autumn wind flashes, all the trees will give warm applause and graceful dancing. The scene is grand and grand, no less than the lively scene of the grand evening party, with butterfly like fallen leaves flying all over the sky.

42. The fields in autumn are bare. Without the prosperity of spring, it is so eye-catching and colorful; It is not as warm as summer, so dedicated to shaping, so moody and changeable.

43. In the field, on the dirt road and by the side of the path, no matter what green plants are, they will basically wither. Especially the grass, which is waiting for the arrival of spring, to add a green to the world.

44. The golden butterfly! Who are you dancing for? The flowers have no smile, and the grass has no luster. Oh, I see, you are blinking for the little daisy in the garden.

45. The pomegranate tree is very energetic in the light morning fog. The pomegranate fruit seems to know the arrival of autumn. It smiles, so pleased and lovely, and its bright red teeth also show!

46. Autumn is coming, which gives people the illusion of carelessness. It seems that the whole summer is long and short. Every day in summer is a hard time. It's too hot to bear. Mosquitoes bite. Fortunately, autumn is coming!

47. The autumn wind galloped across the fields, and everything in the fields became golden. Pieces of gauze like white clouds are slowly floating, as if nostalgic for the beautiful autumn scenery on earth, unwilling to leave.

48. The azure sky is spotless and crystal clear in late autumn. Clouds are shining on the clear river; The microwave of fish scales and the green river water add color to the floating clouds, which are particularly gorgeous.

49. Autumn is not as shy as spring, summer is so open, winter is so introverted, strong wind is flying, dead leaves are falling, and cicadas are chirping. Although declining, they are pregnant with hope, although withering, they are pregnant with harvest.

50. Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, is as desirable as the spring when flowers are in full bloom, as enthusiastic as the hot summer, and as charming as the snowy winter.

51. In autumn, the grass stands out from the withered, yellow and dead mother. It is green, short and thin, like several short green threads, as if it is so weak that it will blow down in one breath.

52. The morning breeze is blowing slightly, and many bright dewdrops slide down the leaves and jump happily. The green grass wakes up under the soft morning light, and looks more green under the washing of rain and dew.

53. Autumn is the harvest season. Time brings the dark green fields in midsummer to a charming and intoxicating dance under the golden wind; The fragrance of pink and daisy gives off an attractive fragrance; Colorful, dazzling.

54. Autumn is a dreamy paradise for maple leaves, and it is a season full of yearning. Every day I run around like a madman with a pen in this autumn, writing your name on every maple leaf.

55. Some people are sentimental about autumn. They think that the bleak leaves falling with the wind is a passing of life. But I think that the autumn leaves all over the ground just pave the streets with thick golden carpets, and it is so real when you step on them.

56. Autumn is red, maple leaves are red, persimmons are red, apples are red, and red faces are like red lanterns. Looking at the fields in autumn, I think that autumn is not a withering season, and autumn is full of vitality.

57. Autumn comes with the sound of falling leaves. The morning is as fresh as dew. The sky emits soft brightness, clear and ethereal, making people want to hear a burst of skylark singing, just like looking at the blue sea and hoping to see a white sail.

58. Although autumn is not as vibrant and colorful as the spring with white flowers in full bloom, nor as vibrant as the summer with green trees in shade, with numerous branches and green leaves, it has attractive and unique autumn colors and golden fruits to attract people.

59. The scenery in the morning was so charming that I was intoxicated. Everything was so harmonious, fresh and beautiful. Busy people started a new day's work in this kind of friendly, happy and very harmonious atmosphere.

60. One or two nights later, the autumn frost will cover the valleys under the moon, and then return to the mountains to the north to stop for a while, so that the golden early autumn can gently comfort the earth. A slight smell of fennel fills the sky. And the fragrant smell of chrysanthemum.

61. In autumn, there are no colorful flowers in spring, no luxuriant green trees in summer, and no snowflakes in winter. But there are fruit trees in autumn, which bring people the joy of harvest. There are fruits everywhere!

62. The autumn rain hit their faces. Piles of dark gray clouds are pressing the earth low. It is late autumn, and the endless trees in the forest are bare. The old tree stands gloomily, letting the brown moss cover its wrinkles.

63. I like autumn best all the year round. Love the autumn sky, high and pure; Love the autumn wind, fresh and cool; Love the autumn rain, dense and elegant; Love the color of autumn, colorful and gorgeous; Love the autumn atmosphere, mature and charming.

64. It is late autumn. The endless trees in the forest are bare. The old tree stands gloomily, letting the brown moss cover its wrinkles. The relentless autumn stripped off their beautiful clothes, and they had to stand there bald.

65. In the morning of late autumn, the branches on the roof of the earth are covered with frost. The rustling autumn wind blows, and the yellow leaves are flying and withering. However, it stands upright, stretches its branches, opens its leaves and blooms its flowers, which shows its character of being proud of frost and cold.

66. In autumn and October, the sparse leaves on the trees are as dry as dry tobacco leaves. Mother Earth opens her broad mind as if to welcome and embrace the returning children. The fallen leaves return to Mother Earth's arms and sleep with the earth sweetly.

67. Life is like autumn. Through the hard work of spring and the growth of summer, we have accumulated many joys and sorrows. The water flows eastward in the morning, and the sun falls westward in the evening. How about tomorrow in a hundred years? The years of youth have gone with the water, but the road ahead is still long.

68. Autumn is coming. The sky is high and the clouds are light. In the blue sky, geese fly to the south in groups. Sometimes they are in the shape of "one", sometimes they are in the shape of "man".

69. The earth put on a golden sweater, and the withered and yellow leaves and bright maple leaves floated down, as if several colorful butterflies were flying in the air. Although the frost came, Grandpa Qingsong still wore a green robe, which made him more green.

70. Autumn is painting, colorful clouds, flowing clouds, maturity and harvest. Let's praise autumn, the prospect of harvest, the gorgeous autumn style, and cherish the good time of "middle-aged".

71. There is a bamboo forest in the southwest, which blocks the sky and the sun. Each tree is green and tall. A burst of autumn wind blows, and the woods rustle. What an intoxicating piece of music it is. It is a song played by nature.

72. In autumn, you cover up your sadness and pain in the daytime, let us enjoy your beauty, and let us feel happy. At night, you release your true feelings, secretly cry. The bitter wind and rain are still relentlessly tormenting you, beating you, but people ignore you.

73. In autumn, you cover up your sadness and pain in the daytime, let us enjoy your beauty, and let us feel happy. At night, you release your true feelings, secretly cry, and the bitter wind and rain are still relentlessly tormenting you and slapping you. People ignored it.

74. The pear trees are full of yellow pears, just like cute gourds. A closer look shows that there are many small freckles on the pear's face! There are a lot of pears. The branches are bending more and more. Some pears simply sit on the ground.

75. The hot summer is gone, and the cool autumn is coming. The high sky is as fresh and bright as if it had just been washed, especially blue. In the distance, a group of geese are lining up in a neat line and moving their whole family to the south, because they know that when autumn comes, winter will not be far away.

76. Autumn is coming, the weather is cool, and the sky is as blue as it has just been washed. Groups of geese are flying to the warm south in neat lines. The forest park is foggy, as if white dragons were twining around the green trees, forming a gorgeous picture.

77. Autumn is coming. The weather is getting cooler and cooler day by day, as if to tell people that summer has passed and autumn has begun. With the arrival of the autumn wind, the color of the leaves of the trees is changing constantly to adapt to the changes in the environment, gradually turning red, and then they begin to fall.

78. In autumn, most of the leaves have gradually turned yellow, and some have withered down. Only the maple leaves have become red, which adds a bright landscape for autumn. It is really "the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February"!

79. You told me quietly that people are changed from green butterflies. In spring and summer people flock to the trees. Spring gives people new green and summer gives people shade. When autumn comes, you change into golden clothes and fly around to find your beloved friends.

80. Autumn leaves cover every corner of the world. As soon as they pass by, they seem to be playing beautiful piano music one after another. It has the momentum of "big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate", and "the lingering sound lingers around the beam for three days"

81. Autumn is coming. The leaves are yellowed one by one by the naughty autumn wind, turning the green leaves into red ones, and then they are picked and collected quietly. The autumn wind paints the grass and flowers yellow. At this time, osmanthus blooms and blows the fragrance thousands of miles away, so that people can enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

82. Autumn is often said to be golden? Indeed, she has brought rich fruits to nature, and has rewarded numerous living things, including people, with food that can sustain life. "Since ancient times, it is sad and lonely in autumn" is the common view.

83. Autumn is coming. The leaves are yellowed one by one by the naughty autumn wind, turning the green leaves into red ones, and then they are picked and collected quietly. The autumn wind paints the grass and flowers yellow. At this time, osmanthus blooms and blows the fragrance thousands of miles away, so that people can enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

84. Gradually lift the full moon into the sky. A piece of transparent gray cloud, slightly blocking the moonlight, the field above, as if a cage of light smoke, strands off, as if falling into a dream. After the evening clouds pass by, the mist disappears on the fields, and the water like light washes the soft autumn night.

85. The clear sky at the end of late autumn is like an endless calm blue sea; The strong white light is beating in the air, just like the microwave rising from the sea; At the foot of the mountain, patches of sorghum swayed with plump ears, like waving red water; The yellowing leaves give the fields a languid color.

86. The breath of autumn has crossed my face, and there is a sense of coolness in the clearness. However, this autumn has no sense of falling leaves. Maybe it is the late autumn when the natural season has not yet arrived, or maybe it is my heart that has passed the falling leaves and is quietly fascinated by the beauty of the rich golden autumn.

87. Dawn: Dawn in the mountain village opens its eyes in the chicken coop. With the sound of "oh, oh, oh", the rooster crowed, hugged and kissed the sky and the earth all night, reluctantly released his hand, and a new world appeared on the lips of heaven and earth.

88. When the sharp west wind sweeps the sky higher and higher; When the babe on the street looked at the last goose flying south; When the boundless grass in the vast field is swayed to wither and yellow - at this time, it is autumn, and it is the season for trees to fall.

89. The sky is blue in autumn. The wild geese flew south in a neat line. Their voices chirped as if they were saying, "My dear friends, I will come back!" The autumn fields were yellow. The rice is ripe, the millet is ripe, and the wheat is also ripe.

90. When it comes to maple trees, I feel very much. Because the maple leaves in Shaoxing are very beautiful. But it is still early autumn. Before the time to watch the maple, the maple leaves are only red with green. But if it comes to late autumn, the fiery maple leaves will dazzle you. They are as red as flames and pierce your eyes.

91. Autumn comes with the sound of falling leaves. The morning is as fresh as dew. The sky emits soft brightness, clear and ethereal, making people want to hear a burst of skylark singing, just like looking at the blue sea and hoping to see a white sail. The setting sun is the wing of time. When it flies away, it unfolds in an extremely gorgeous moment. So it was dusk.

92. The autumn rain comes gently. With a bang, who knocked over the ink bottle? The autumn rain came under the cover of clouds. It was a magical painter. The earth becomes more beautiful under its pen. The trees are straight and the flowers are beautiful. In this way, the autumn rain comes back in change, and its beautiful figure is branded in people's hearts.

93. How blue the sky is in autumn! The sky is blue; What a beautiful autumn sky! Pieces of white clouds are inlaid in the sky, like white diamonds inlaid in blue armor; The autumn sky can really decorate itself! I found soft white clouds to match with me. Its beautiful body can rival the landscape of Guilin.

94. Tasting the autumn rain carefully, let's walk into the street in autumn! On both sides of the street, the old trees with luxuriant branches and leaves seem to have lost their due color. The sky was pale silver, and the continuous autumn rain was as thin as cow hair. The continuous autumn rain slowly falls and flows into the earth; Into the stream; Flowing into the Yangtze River; It flows into people's hearts.

95. Autumn fruits are colorful. There are red pomegranates, which are like red agate, crystal clear! And that bunch of diseased grapes, purple, fresh and tender! Like a string of upside down jewels! There are also yellow pears, like large gourds. Uncle Farmer, watch and be happy every day, just like children's success!

96. The weak sound of autumn cicadas is a specialty of the Northern Kingdom; Because there are trees everywhere in Peiping and the houses are low, their singing can be heard everywhere. In the south, you have to go to the countryside or the mountains to hear it. The chirping of autumn cicadas is like crickets and mice in Peiping. It is like a household insect that every household keeps at home.

97. Autumn is coming, and the little animals are busy. Ants have been storing food since summer. Little squirrels pick up the fallen pinecones on the ground. Little bees fill their honeycombs with honey that has already been stored. Little swallows fly south and come back after winter. Some hibernating animals, such as turtles, snakes, hedgehogs and frogs, have also prepared food for the winter.

98. When I came to the mountains, I seemed to smell the fragrance of osmanthus. Every corner of the mountains seemed to be full of fragrance. I continued to walk forward. A maple leaf swayed on the branch not far away. It seemed to beckon to me. I quickened my pace and grabbed the maple leaf. The color on the handle of the small maple leaf had changed from green to light red. Ah! I feel autumn.

99. You see, in the farmland, the rice smiles and bends, the sorghum blushes, and the pods shake and rattle, as if singing a harvest hymn; Pieces of cotton peaches were also cracked by the autumn wind. They rushed to spit out white cotton one after another. I wonder how happy they were when they saw the farmer's uncle harvesting in the field?

100. The golden ears of rice bent over with laughter, and the red sorghum held up the burning torch. Dew is shining on the green vegetable leaves in the green vegetable fields. The poplar leaves in the distance are yellow, and the breeze blows, and the golden leaves fall in the air, like butterflies flying in the air; Falling in the clear river, like golden boats; Falling on the ground, like cars.