38 verses describing waiting for love
Drunken by Red Rim
2023-05-04 11:58:39
Complete Poems

1. Where to synthesize sorrow, leaving people's hearts in autumn.

2. When your eyes are dry, you will see your bones. The world will be merciless.

3. The falling flower people are independent, and the micro swallow flies together.

4. If a thousand gold coins buy a portrait, who will tell the story.

5. I only hope that your heart is like mine, and I will never miss you.

6. Once spring is over, the beauty is old, and when flowers fall and people die, we don't know.

7. If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night.

8. When people become sentimental, they become less sentimental now.

9. People, like wind, enter the river and clouds, feeling like rain and sticky ground.

10. It seems that this star was not last night, for whom the wind was exposed, it was midnight.

11. Poor bones beside the Wuding River, still a dream in spring.

12. Poor bones beside the Wuding River are still people in the dream of spring boudoir.

13. The sky is full of moons, and the world is full of emotions.

14. Do not spend together in spring to fight for hair, an inch of Acacia an inch of ash.

15. Knowing that love is always there, I look at the sound of the river.

16. An Hongdou, an exquisite dice, is missing one's bones?

17. It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate.

18. Guanguan Jujiu is a beautiful lady on the river island, a good match for a gentleman.

19. Can you bear to smile at the reward? After all, lovesickness is not like meeting.

20. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

21. Constant cutting, disordered management and sorrow of separation; Don't take it personally!

22. Drop endless love, blood and tears, throw red beans, and open endless spring willows and flowers all over the painting floor.

23. You are a rock, and my concubine is a bulrush. Pu reed is as tough as silk, and the rock has no transfer.

24. Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches are sent in spring. I hope you can pick more. This is the most lovesick thing.

25. The phoenix seeks her husband. There are beautiful people in the zither songs. When they see them, they will never forget them. When they don't see them for a day, they will think about them like crazy.

26. Over the years, it should be that the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day is not real, and even if there are thousands of customs, let's talk to who.

27. This past year should be a good time and a good scene. Even if there are thousands of customs, more with whom.

28. People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.!

29. Gathering and leaving in a hurry, this hatred is endless! This year's flowers are more red than last year's. It's a pity that flowers will be better next year. Who do you know?

30. Flowing flowers and flowing water, one kind of lovesickness, two places of leisure sorrow. There is no way to eliminate this situation, so I just frown, but my heart is up.

31. When you know that I have a husband, you will give me two pearls. Feel the lingering feeling of the king, tied in the red Luo Ru. Return your bright pearl to tears, and hate not to meet when you are not married.

32. It's a golden marriage. I only want to learn from the alliance in front of wood and stone. The sky is opposite, and the mountain is full of shining snow; In the end, I will never forget the lonely forest of fairy girls.

33. The flowers in the forest withered the spring red. They were too hurried, but the cold rain came in the morning and the wind came in the evening. The rouge tears will stay drunk. When will they be heavy. I hate water and east forever.

34. On the first night of last year, the flower market lights were like day; On the top of the willow, about dusk. On the first night of this year, the moon and the light are still there; No last year, tears wet spring sleeves.

35. The drums are used to stop people walking, and the sound of geese is heard in autumn. The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown. All the younger brothers are scattered, and there is no family to ask about life and death. If the head of the book is not up to speed, the army is not suspended.

36. When will this love end? It affects the clouds in the sky. In the clouds were twin swallows, but now they are all dreamers. Where do you want to find Yingxue? Wandering willow catkins offer sacrifices to fragrant souls. After sacrificing the fragrant soul, there was another spring, but still no green skirt.

37. Ten years of life and death are boundless. I will never forget it if I don't think about it. A thousand miles of solitary graves, where there is no desolation. Even if we meet, we should not know each other. Our face is covered with dust, and our temples are like frost. In the night, I suddenly returned to my hometown. I was dressing up in the small window. Looking at each other without saying a word, there are only a thousand lines of tears. It is expected that at the place where the heart is broken every year, the moon is bright, and the pine hill is short.

38. When you see a beauty, you will never forget it. After a day's absence, I think like crazy. The phoenix flies and dances, seeking its mate from all over the world. But beauty is not on the east wall. Zhang Xian speaks on behalf of his heart. When will I see Xu Xi and comfort my hesitation? Let's go hand in hand! Do not fly away, make me perish.