The Doctrine of the Mean
Children chasing dreams
2023-06-04 16:13:26

The Doctrine of the Mean is one of the important classics of Confucianism in China. It tells the ethical and moral thoughts of Confucianism on self-cultivation, governing the country, and dealing with the world. It requires people to adjust their own thoughts, words, and deeds according to these moral norms and principles, so as to be impartial, impartial, and not inferior. "If you are prepared, you will stand; if you are not prepared, you will lose. Before you speak, you will not be confused. Before you travel, you will not feel guilty. Before you walk, you will not be poor." It tells us a simple and profound philosophy of dealing with people.

It is said in the book that "impartiality is called 'medium', and unchanging is not more called 'mean'; medium is the right way of the world, and mean is the theorem of the world." The mean is the highest moral standard of Confucianism. The Doctrine of the Mean takes "honesty" and "moderation" as the basic concepts to describe the ideal of "harmony between man and nature". It is said in the book that "nature" and "Tao" should not leave themselves for a moment. We should cultivate our own morality from "caution", "fear", "implicit", "prudent solitude" and other aspects, master the doctrine of the mean, and achieve neutrality. When neutralization is achieved, everything in the world will be in its place, and everything will grow and grow. "Tao" originates from itself and is separated from the ego. A gentleman can only get it if he learns to turn his back on himself. A real gentleman should learn from the facts, go out to seduce others, and act as his natural goodness. This quality of self-cultivation and introspection makes me understand that no matter what people or things we encounter, no matter what setbacks we will encounter in the future, we should learn to "turn to ourselves" and find reasons for everything from ourselves. People have a pair of eyes. They can see the boundless and vast world from the outside, and can see the infinite and deep heart from the inside. However, many people, looking outward and outward, have never gone deep into it. When I was in primary school, if I didn't do well in the exam, I would go home and say that when I took the exam, my answer was wrong, or I was nervous, or what reason. In a word, I dare not face up to my own failure and do not look for the root cause from my heart. Now, everything will turn to me. If I think about it from a different standpoint, I will actually become peaceful.

Another important word in The Doctrine of the Mean is "honesty". There is a saying that as long as you are honest with yourself, the world will not deceive you. The reason why honesty is difficult to do is mostly due to some shortcomings of people. For example, hypocrisy, face saving, and pursuing something that is not important to life itself, such as fame and wealth. It makes people lose the purity of their own nature. One word of "greed" makes the word of "honesty" more tortuous. According to Buddhism, people have three poisons: greed, anger and ignorance. Since ancient times, greedy people have lived in pain, but it seems that many people can not walk out of this strange circle, and the mean can overcome human greed, so that people can be satisfied. That kind of cautious attitude towards places that can't be seen and places that can't be heard by everyone has fear and dare not neglect. This kind of cautious attitude makes me understand, quantify every detail, and do every detail carefully. Some people say that details determine success or failure, and details are shown in all aspects of our lives. In short, after reading the Doctrine of the Mean, you will benefit a lot from your behavior and life.

There is no shortage of dreams in this world, but there is a shortage of people who can make dreams come true. The philosophy of the golden mean tells us to keep a relaxed attitude to face things and treat nature with a natural mind under any circumstances. The development of education is changing with each passing day. The teaching materials are constantly updated, and at intervals, some teaching contents corresponding to the level of scientific and technological development will be added; The educational ideology is also constantly updated. The new century of scientific and technological innovation requires the cultivation of builders and successors with innovative qualities who keep pace with the times. Teachers must thoroughly change their educational concepts and change the former "full house" teaching into the current heuristic teaching; Students' vision has also been expanded unprecedentedly in the information age, and they can handle things that adults will not. Thousands of years ago, the ancients knew the importance of "preparation". No matter what they said or did, they would be invincible as long as they prepared well in advance. As an educator who has been trained by the country for many years, only "preparation" can be worthy of the country, the people and the next generation of the motherland in order to successfully complete the educational and teaching tasks.

The "preparation" of teachers is nothing more than two aspects, one is the preparation of thought, the other is the preparation of action. Thought is the guide of action. Students' achievements can be distinguished by passing one or two examinations, but the quality of education needs to be tested for a long time. Whether they can innovate after being integrated into the society is the test standard. It is easy for teachers to teach students with high scores, but it is relatively difficult to cultivate students' innovative spirit. We should have a correct understanding of how to cultivate students. Teachers' responsibility is to cultivate students' good learning habits. It is important to teach students knowledge, but more important is to give students the way to learn knowledge. With such thinking and understanding, the preparation for action will have goals and directions. Renewing educational concepts and innovating educational teaching methods are teachers' primary work. Teachers should always pay attention to the external educational trends in the education and teaching work, pay attention to the research of methods to stimulate students' interest in learning, and explore how to reflect the effectiveness of cooperative learning; Updating knowledge reserves is the focus of teachers' work. Teachers and students are the relationship between a bucket of water and a bowl of water. Teachers' knowledge should not only be broad, but also deep. The main reason for the prominent contradiction between overstaffing and lack of personnel in rural schools is that the knowledge of teachers is too narrow, which affects the development of schools and the improvement of students' comprehensive quality. When it comes to depth, our teachers often encounter such embarrassing things. If students ask about the next stage or the relevant knowledge of the scientific and technological frontier, we tend to prevaricate with "I can't understand what I have told you", Have we ever thought about how deeply such answers hurt students?

For the development of the school, for the healthy growth of children, and for our ease in education and teaching, we must develop a lifelong learning plan, and adhere to learning like a long drought meets a sweet rain; It is particularly important to study students in the new educational situation. It is necessary to study not only the environment of students' growth, but also their psychology, classify the first class students according to different situations, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude according to advanced educational theories and actual conditions.

The thought of moderation gave me inspiration and strength. It will be another pursuit of my work to reserve knowledge from now on. I haven't read the book "The Doctrine of the Mean" because I don't read much. But I saw a book "The Doctrine of the Mean Wisdom Experience" on Sohu some time ago, which is a book containing the philosophy of doing things, so I read it.

This book is divided into three chapters - accessible from top to bottom, boundless love, honesty and justice. It introduces the philosophy of the Doctrine of the Mean from three aspects: holding the middle, benevolence and honesty.

In the middle part, it is mainly said that there must be a certain degree in dealing with things. It is not advisable to go too far or too far. This is also the philosophy of "middle" in the book The Doctrine of the Mean. In fact, the truth is very simple. Most people understand it, but how to grasp this knowledge is very important. It is a feature of this book to demonstrate through examples. Through reading these examples, we have benefited a lot. For example, in life, we should learn to control our emotions, learn to get along with people, get along with leaders, and be good at seizing opportunities. But I think that if you pay too much attention to "neutrality" in life, you will lose yourself and become indecisive. You have many friends, but not many intimate friends. Because your performance is too slick, it will backfire. This is also what I learned to be moderate in everything. When you express your views, you should show yourself, Your personality needs to be exposed.

As a teacher, the benevolence in The Doctrine of the Mean has benefited a lot. Teachers' love for students, their love for work, and their love for their families, etc. Only by giving love can they get love. "In the face of this great love, all the misfortunes, pains, troubles, and even disasters in the world can be resolved and healed." Everyone will feel the same.

Honesty education has been emphasized in the fourth grade "Morality and Society" textbook, and now students especially need honesty education. It seems that modern children are born with lies, even my three-year-old daughter's lies are true. In the face of such a group of smart students, honesty education is indispensable. Of course, as a teacher, he should set an example for students. He must do what he says and use his personality charm to infect students.