119 Live broadcast of National Fire Fighting Day 2022
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-10-28 08:11:28

The first class in the morning was math class. We listened to the class and finished the exercises with great concentration as usual. Suddenly, an anxious urge came from the radio: "Students, emergency evacuation! Students, emergency evacuation!" The voice was rapid and loud. An idea flashed through my mind: Fire? The urging sound of the broadcast stopped and was replaced by a loud "boom" sound, like the sound of the earth cracking, or as if many buildings had collapsed. I can't bear to think too much. The teacher has already reacted and calmly commanded: "Students, the evacuation drill has begun, let's retreat quickly!" We put down the books as quickly as we could, scrambled to leave the seats, and ran to the stairs at a speed of 50 meters. Some students covered their mouths with their hands, some held their heads with their hands, and some cats walked out with their waists. The students in other classes also escaped under the command of the teacher. The students on the fourth floor diverted to the stairs on both sides and ran to the nearest staircase from the classroom. Although everyone is crowded in a stairwell, each class tries to be in order. The teachers stood at the turning corner and urged us to retreat quickly, reminding us to pay attention to the safety of our feet. We followed the students in front closely and rushed downstairs. On the third floor, the second floor and the first floor, we finally rushed out of the corridor to the open ground of the playground.

Many classes have successfully escaped from the playground, and students are squatting on the grass with their heads in their hands. We are also relatively safe. So we quickly lined up and squatted down with our heads folded. After the teacher counted the number of students, there were many students in the class. Great, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief. At this time, President Yu told us that this emergency evacuation was a fire drill of the school. Nearly 1600 teachers and students in the school were excellent. They were able to arrive at the safety zone quickly and orderly in more than two minutes, ensuring everyone's life safety. The drill was very successful. Listening to President Yu's words, we were all happy that we could safely evacuate within the three minute golden escape time.

What an important fire drill! Let every teacher and student understand the importance of life and master the ability to escape. Life is the most valuable, we should know how to cherish!