Sentences about sad love
Minor maturity
2023-05-18 00:48:17
Complete sentences

1. Those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

2. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

3. Because I know you are a child who is easy to worry, so I give you the line, but I dare not fly too far.

4. Once a thing is owned, it immediately depreciates.

5. My infatuation is not called infatuation, but a kind of persistence and single-minded love

6. I'm not trying to help you. I just want to prove that only I can bully you in this world, and no one else can.

7. I would rather say goodbye with a smile than say goodbye with a cry.

8. There is no humble love in this world. It seems that the humble love is just because of loving you too much. In the final transformation into wordless, there is no fulfillment, no resentment, no blessing, only a bleak look, drifting in the wind.

9. Nima, what hurt me? Don't look at your own match.

10. Take a step back and feel more sad.

11. I think love can overcome everything, who knows she sometimes has no power. I think love can fill the regret of life, however, it is love that makes more regrets. The ups and downs are repeated in a love story. For another person, the sky is not always blue.

12. Dear, as long as you love, I will tell you that I will always be, always be, always love.

13. The life you are looking forward to always passes away in your self righteous dreams, and then gives you a very disappointed blow.

14. I let go again and again, but you cheated again and again

15. Some things are always beautiful when you think about them, so in your imagination, you abandoned a reality that could have been very happy.

16. Sometimes, I want to disappear and see if you will miss me

17. Pursuit and desire can lead to happiness, depression and disappointment. After depression and disappointment, we learned to cherish. If you were once unloved, you will cherish the person who loves you in the future.

18. I look at you smiling, silent, proud and lost just like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I have always stood in the present while you have always stayed in the past

19. Like a person, there is no pain. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

20. Maybe I really don't know about love. I just know how to pay and wait. I thought I would stay together forever if I made a promise. I thought I could live together if I made a promise. It turned out that it was just a joke, but he let me fall into it until I got deeper and deeper, unable to extricate myself.

21. No one can be pure all the way to the end, but remember not to forget the original self.

22. It is wrong to meet, know, be together, be attracted to you, fall in love with you or fall in love with you.

23. I am living fairly well, neither good nor bad, neither surprised nor pleased. Everything is just fine.

24. No matter how bright the sun is, in the end, it is still cold.