Excerpts of Confession Sentences
Be happy to know the destiny
2023-04-10 16:12:54
Complete sentences

1. I will turn into the wind and gently surround you.

2. When can I hold your hand and see the sea and sky become one color?

3. You make me happy and I love you all my life!

4. I am the devil of hell, and also the naughty guy who loves you.

5. Our current relationship is very good, not suitable for further development.

6. For you, I can give each other everything, regardless of everything.

7. So far, you are still in my heart, I still love you, do you understand?

8. A friend is: you can't see my expression, but you will understand my mood.

9. I want to have an unspoken agreement with you. We will stay together for life without separation.

10. If I can see you again, I will let that cold heart warm in my warm heart.

11. I am no longer alone on the road of life, and there is still one you with me.

12. I love you because loving you makes me confident, and because I don't know how to live without you!

13. I promise not to let anyone hurt you, including myself. Believe me, I will give you happiness.

14. The great wheel of time can't erase my missing for you. Even if the sea is dry and the rocks are crumbling, your figure will always be in my heart.

15. Meeting you is a kind of fate, falling in love with you is a kind of beauty, and accompanying you is a kind of happiness. I would like to accompany you forever.

16. I like three things in the world: the sun, the moon and you. The sun is in the day, the moon is at night, and you are forever!

17. I can miss the rising sun and the setting sun. Only you and I can't miss it. You are my choice without regret in this life!

18. I love you more than myself. Because of you, I found the value of my existence. Because of you, my life is brilliant

19. "Don't walk so fast. I'll try to follow you. When you start, you can walk together. If you want to stop, just say it." This implicit expression is really sweet.

20. Although a hug is simple, it is the warmest dependence; An ordinary listening is the best comfort. Although I love you is ordinary, it is the most true expression.

21. When I wake up and open my eyes every day, I see your sunny smile on the wall. I wish that when I wake up one day, the first thing I see is the real flower like sweet sleeping face of you.

22. Spring has gone and spring has returned. The moon is full and the moon is short. It's Valentine's Day again. Dear, do you know my heart? My dear, I don't hold hands. How can this world be like this? I hope this Valentine's Day will promise you a lifetime!

23. Love turns around, wipes the tears from the corners of her eyes and says goodbye. The happiness of the past has disappeared, prevents love from spreading in the bottom of her heart, forgets all the sweet promises, and we will never owe each other from now on!

24. Orange said that life needs to be broken off one by one to have a taste. Green tea says that life needs to be savored one mouthful at a time. Coffee says life is bitter but sweet. I said that love and righteousness are precious in life.

25. Bitter wine breaks the willow, and now we are apart. There is no wind, no moon, and no you. The willow is broken to see you off. After drinking the bitter wine, wave goodbye. There will be no wind and moon, no sorrow in your heart. Once the willow is broken, drink again, and then say goodbye three times.

26. I like you not because of your good looks, but because you have given me a feeling that others can't give me at a special time. Sometimes I can't tell you what's good about you, but no one can replace you.

27. Assume that I am a star in the sky, although not the brightest, I would like to give this heart to you, and I will wait for you at the crossroads. Although there are many passers-by, as long as you are in my eyes, I will wait for your return in situ.

28. Loneliness and boredom have become the poison of lovesickness when you are not around me. Jealousy and missing have become my wayward and noisy attitude towards you. You are my unique taste and my only dependence. I don't want anything except you!

29. Nothing. I just want to tell you that I miss you a little, but only a little; I never thought about it in the past, only at this moment; I have never thought about the next life. I just want to spend this life with you!

30. I really want to hold your hand, but I'm shy but defensive. Do you have any feelings? Please give me a happy lesson, so that my missing will not be so thin, and our future will be fruitful in this season. 912 will love, and the heart of loving you will stay for you forever!

31. Warm, sweet, happy, healthy, safe, happy, loving, plus my full blessing, I hope that the dear who received this message will always be happy, happy, healthy and happy! Happy Valentine's Day!

32. "I miss you when I am calm, just like the flowers in spring are warm and blooming; I miss you when I am excited, just like the trees in summer; I miss you when I am happy, just like the fruits in autumn; I miss you when I am sad, just like the snow in winter. 527, I love my wife, just want to tell you that I miss you every day, every season, every moment."

33. If the sea can speak, I would like to ask the spray to tell my deep concern. If the sand can dance, I would urge them to dance a song to leave your sweet smile. If the wind can sing, I would like to blend a deep love into its arms and stay with you forever. Orange Valentine's Day, let the romantic love, through the years of footprints, bloom orange sweet at every moment!