800 words after the movie "War Wolf 2"
time brings great changes to the world
2023-10-18 18:12:57

A few days ago, my mother took me to see the latest super hot movie - War Wolf 2. The film mainly tells that Leng Feng, a member of the Warrior Wolf Special Forces, was caught because he could not stand bullies bullying the families of his sacrificial comrades, and shot and injured the bullies. After being released from prison, he got the news that his girlfriend was killed in Africa on a mission, so he went to Africa with the bullet that hit his girlfriend to find clues to avenge her. When civil strife broke out in Africa, Leng Feng escorted his African son to the Chinese Embassy and set foot on a navy ship for rescue. However, he thought that there were Chinese in a factory and the sense of mission cultivated in the army made him return resolutely and embark on a difficult rescue road. Leng Feng, with his kung fu and military duties, saved Chinese compatriots and African friends in the Chinese Investment Factory, and avenged his girlfriend.

At the end of the film, a Chinese passport appeared, which said: Citizens of the People's Republic of China, when you encounter difficulties overseas, don't give up. Please remember, there is a strong motherland behind you.

Yeah! We have a strong motherland! She has suffered a lot of hardships and humiliations. Her children were called "Sick Man of East Asia" by the invaders, but as Leng Feng said in the film, "That's the past, She should better protect her people.

There is a speed called Chinese rescue.

In 20XX, an earthquake occurred on New Zealand Island, and Kaiku, the nearest to the epicenter, became an isolated city in an instant. After receiving the news, the Chinese consulate rented all available helicopters at the first time to evacuate Chinese citizens safely. On that day, there were Chinese planes all over the sky. On that day, Chinese people left the disaster area at the first time in the eyes of people all over the world who were envious and helpless.

There is a feeling that the motherland will take you home.

In 20XX, the situation in Libya was turbulent. In order to protect overseas Chinese, China mobilized 182 civil aviation aircraft, 5 cargo ships, 4 military aircraft, rented more than 20 secondary foreign cruise ships, and safely withdrew more than 30000 Chinese people. This evacuation is unprecedented!

There is a voice calling Chinese people to come here.

At the beginning of 20XX, the civil war broke out in Yemen. At that time, the United States, Britain, Germany, France and other countries closed their embassies and asked their citizens to evacuate on their own, while China sent the Chinese navy to take Chinese citizens home safely. In the face of possible bombing at any time, a Chinese warship flying a five-star red flag left many Chinese in tears!

When I wrote here, I remembered a sentence: My eyes are full of tears, because I love this land deeply. We love our motherland, and the motherland is our most powerful backing! I love my country.