Feelings after reading "Chicken Feather Letter"
Half a cigarette
2024-01-05 22:21:36
Junior 1
reaction to a book or an article

The article "Chicken Feather Letter" mainly tells the story of a hero, Xiao Ba Lu.
Haiwa, the 14-year-old head of Longmen Village Children's League, was entrusted by her father to send a very important and urgent chicken feather letter to Wangwuzhuang. He was first found by a group of food grabbing devils, and when he was in a hurry, he hanged the chicken feather letter on the sheep's tail and escaped the search. But the cruel devils did not let the sheep go, prepared to eat them, and put Haiwa under house arrest. But the resourceful Haiwa escaped. But on the way, the chicken feather letter fell on the small mountain mouth. Haiwa turned back to look for her, but unfortunately, the devil found her and forced her to lead the way. Finally, Haiwa delivered the chicken feather letter safely, but she was also injured.
This article makes me feel very deeply, especially the hero Haiwa. Because his behavior seems to have been carefully considered. But don't forget, he is just a child, a 14-year-old child.
When reading that Haiwa found that the chicken feather letter was missing, he knew that the devil might find him returning, or even lose his life in serious cases. But he ignored this completely, and still immediately went back to look for the feather letter, which shows how strong Haiwa's sense of responsibility is! As children living in peaceful times, perhaps most of them are "greedy for life and afraid of death". If they were sent to the era of war, perhaps older children would not look for them. By comparison, Haiwa's sense of responsibility can be better reflected.
After Haiwa wakes up from a coma after being injured, the first sentence is neither to care about her own injury, nor to cry out for pain; It's not like shouting, "Wow! I'm afraid! I want my father! I want my mother!"; Instead, they care about their own tasks and send chicken feather letters. What does this mean? It shows that Haiwa is always thinking about the feather letter in her heart. People without sense of responsibility will not think about other things when they are close to the edge of life. In this case, they only care about their own injuries, and never think of: Wow! I still have a task to finish. This also fully shows how strong Haiwa's sense of responsibility is.
In a word, Haiwa is worthy of being a hero; May his wit, courage and sense of responsibility become a legend passed down from generation to generation.