39 profound love sentences
The gentleness behind
2023-02-23 13:15:41
Complete sentences

1. You said how virtuous you are. I like you for so long. But how honored I am to meet you.

2. In my life, it's easier to meet people who are good to you, but it's hard to meet people who always treat you like you were before.

3. Those who want to get me, first help me put on the wedding dress! If you want to tie my heart, put a ring on me first!

4. I thought if I could make you laugh, you would like me, but I lost, lost to the person who can make you cry.

5. From the beginning to the present and in the future, the person in my heart has never been anyone else but you.

6. Take care of yourself when the wind blows. Don't get wet when it rains. You'll be better in the future. I'll walk slowly.

7. The so-called happiness is that a fool meets a fool, which attracts the envy and jealousy of countless people and leads to a dull life.

8. The water falls because the sky cannot bear its weight, and the tears fall because the heart can no longer bear such pain.

9. No one's life is always satisfactory. If there is, I don't want it to be the life I want to experience.

10. The funniest thing in the world is that when I know the truth, you are still lying and telling so true and deep.

11. The hardest thing to lose someone is that he is right beside you, but two hearts are like a world apart!

12. Some people can make you laugh, but you just fall in love with those who make you cry. That's your mistake.

13. I don't want mountains or seas. I just want to steal the moon quietly in the dark. With my love letter, come to you.

14. No matter how much you like each other, the initiative in love must be a man. If the man doesn't take the initiative, he would rather miss it.

15. It turns out that the right person is not the one you desperately pursue. It is the person who is willing to take you when you are tired.

16. There is only one heart, after all, there are not many people who can put it in mind; It's really hard to keep your feelings together.

17. Like a person is not hidden, even if the mouth does not say, will also run out of the eyes. I like you, serious and counseling, from one to the end.

18. Time is the greatest healer. No amount of wounds will disappear on the skin, dissolve into the heart, and become the most beautiful pattern on the ventricular wall.

19. Life is a landscape, love is a bunch of flowers. Without flowers, the scenery would not be beautiful. Without love, life would easily become desolate land.

20. Love is to find a special person who can always rely on to share happiness and pain. It is a partner, a lover and a friend.

21. I have loved you silently. Above friendship, love is not full. Perhaps there is a person living in everyone's heart, who either misses, secretly loves, or misses.

22. The most suitable two people do not agree at the beginning, but are willing to become better people for each other in the long years to come.

23. What I need is just one person who will protect me from panic, who will not give up on me in any case.

24. You and I are destined to be parallel tracks. Everywhere in the world, they are not interdependent. Just each other, listening to the fragments of life, left in the strange footprints, crying in a hurry.

25. The original vows of eternal love, watching them gradually leave me, standing in the distance watching me stay where I am. Laugh at our youth and ignorance. How to release your pain?

26. A person's kindness to you is not immediately visible. Because love comes and goes quickly. But the people who really treat you well are often the ones who flow with little water.

27. Don't try to cover up your pain with another relationship. If you really love each other, it will only make you more painful and hurt another person.

28. When love comes, of course, it is also happy. However, this kind of happiness is to pay, but also to learn to accept disappointment, pain and parting. Since then, life is no longer pure.

29. If predestined, time and space are not distances. If not, we can't get together all day long. Don't care too much about everything, let's just let everything go!

30. Being in love allows you to tolerate and accommodate each other, and if appropriate, make your life smooth and happy. Don't settle for it or suffer. If you are not the right person, the sooner you let go, the better.

31. Who is desperate to leave the whole body? Who is only for the aftertaste of feelings? Who is not the one who has sung the song of the long run, and finally become humble. Having seen so many love transpositions, I won't feel embarrassed like being laughed at any more.

32. A woman is water. If you meet her at 0 ℃, she will become ice immediately. If you love her with 100 degrees, she will immediately boil. Therefore, the temperature of your woman is your degree to her, and you know how warm and cold she is.

33. People can communicate with each other if they are sincere; Heart to heart, if you trust, you can know each other. The most beautiful words are not how beautiful, but how true; The best person is not how perfect, but how cherish.

34. In this world, it is not only strong liquor that can intoxicate people, and it is not only passionate love that can be unforgettable. Sometimes, a piece of light can be more lasting; A kind of unintentional, can be more haunted by dreams; A period of simplicity can sustain a lifetime.

35. Turn a windmill with the spring wind, spin in the warmth, hold a small umbrella with the spring rain, nourish in romance, take a picture with the eyes of spring, and circle in your world. In April, flowers bloom well, love you, and continue.

36. No beautiful song can match your gentle words, no touching poems can match your simple feelings, and no beautiful scenery can match your back. Dear, you are an indispensable part of my life. To love you is the honor of my life!

37. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness. We can love each other, but we are doomed not to be together. It's not that I don't love you enough, but I'm not sure whether this love is the most correct.

38. If you love someone and keep your love, you can go outing together in early spring, enjoy the lotus together in midsummer, watch the moon together in early autumn, and look for plum blossom together in late winter. You are not tired of it, but happy, unusual, and plain. Then, there will be no regrets in this life.

39. Time is very important for two people to get together. You appear when he wants to be stable... then you have a good chance of winning. You appear when he is full of curiosity about the world. Even if you are more beautiful and excellent, it is useless. Deep and early love is not as good as just love. If you can, let's stay together later for a lifetime.