When Happiness Knocks on the Door
Both wind and rain
2023-10-02 02:23:14
Junior two
impressions of after reading

When Happiness Knocks on the Door: Never Give Up
Yesterday I saw the American film "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", which is a very moving film starring a father and son in life. The film tells the story of a small man who finally succeeds through hard work. This story comes from real people and stories. Its prototype is American millionaire Chris, who once wandered and was jailed; He sold his blood to make a living, but he never gave up his dream! He wrote and filmed 25 years of struggle stories, proving to the world that if you work hard enough today, a happy tomorrow will come!
The owner is called Harris, who makes a living by selling "bone density tester". He has to sell 2 instruments every month to ensure the basic family life and the cost of his son's kindergarten.
Thinking that life was difficult, his wife left him. He lives and works with his 5-year-old son. My son will go with my father to sell the equipment to support their life on weekends. He tried hard to sell instruments to support his son, but it was difficult to sell one. He could not pay the rent, so he had to leave home and stay in a small motel at a very low cost. He was shut down by the police for one night because he could not pay taxes. The police did not release him until the next day after they confirmed that he was indeed unable to pay the fine.
But later, he could not even pay the rent, and their things were left outside by the landlord. However, he and his son went to the subway station and spent a hard night in the toilet. At night, he sat on the ground and his son slept soundly on his father's leg. When someone knocked at the door outside, he didn't have the heart to disturb his son's dream, but let his tears flow
Later, he and his son found a shelter as a temporary shelter.
Happiness, where is happiness?
Once, he found a new job opportunity to learn to be a broker. However, there is a premise that there is no salary in the first six months, and everyone has to contact many customers while attending training. When graduation in six months, one of the 21 people can be admitted only after strict examination and comprehensive evaluation of work attitude and performance at ordinary times!
During the day, he worked hard. He keeps calling a lot of customers and going out to visit them. At the same time, he has to do a lot of chores for people in the company. In order to save time, he seldom drinks water during the day to save time to go to the toilet; He never put the receiver on the phone after making a call, and then made the next call. He cherishes every minute every day, because he has to leave work early, pick up the child at the fastest speed, then rush to the shelter to seize the place to live, and later there will be no place to live.
At night, he worked hard to read and study. There was no electricity in the room at night, so he had to read with the help of street lights, and at the same time he had to repair the remaining damaged instrument.
He takes his work seriously and persistently. He has moved many customers with sincerity. Happiness is approaching him step by step.
Six months later, he won 31 customers! He got excellent results in the exam. He deserved a reward of 800000 dollars. When the company informed him that he was accepted, he cried. Years of hard work and hard work have finally paid off; How many times of struggle and despair will become the past at this moment.
Later, he had his own company and became an outstanding businessman. Happiness finally came!
This story tells us that the road of life will never be smooth, and we will encounter countless difficulties and hardships. When facing pain, when disaster comes, when life is poor, when you are desperate, never give up your dream! As long as we stick to our belief and keep moving towards happiness, happiness will come eventually!
When Happiness Knocks on the Door
Recently, I watched the movie "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", which was adapted from the true story of today's black American investment expert Chris Gardner. At first, I thought it was a love movie when I heard the name of the movie. After watching it, I found it was an inspirational movie, and I learned a lot from it.
The film mainly describes the process of Chris, the hero, who is positive and hardworking, and finally turns from an ordinary salesman to an employee of the big company he has always dreamed of. In the face of the ups and downs of fate, the difficulties of survival and the attitude of facing life, the calm, calm and persistence were deeply shocked. His dream is to become an investment expert. However, facing the hardship of life, his wife resolutely left him. His sadness and helplessness hurt me again and again, and he was living in torment. He watched the landlord angrily leave his and his son's things outside the house because he could not pay the rent, but he could only take his tired heart, drag his beloved son, and began to wander around looking for a place to live. When father and son are snuggling in the corner of the public toilet, and someone wants to be convenient recently, but he is holding his foot against the door, locking the door, dare not speak, and tears of pain and sadness flow down my cheeks, I feel sad! Life, why should we torture such a hardworking person. On the one hand, he will try to pass the six-month internship without salary; On the one hand, he wants to sell medical equipment to make a living; On the one hand, he should protect his son's young heart. After hard work, there will always be gains. Chris was finally happy. When his boss told Chris Garner to officially join the company, his eyes were full of tears. Chris Garner rushed to the nursery and embraced his son. He felt no longer guilty of his son, no longer disappointed in life, and no longer only experienced frustration. Finally, it's sweet after suffering!
Comment: The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the qi narration is orderly and not disorderly. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot twists and turns, and the narrative process has a certain sense of ups and downs, which reflects the curved beauty of the plot and is fascinating.