38 words of blessing for giving birth to a baby girl
Keep a little beard
2023-02-12 00:28:35
SMS Collection

1. Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Wish you and your baby good luck in life!

2. A pair of cute twins! How happy! How lovely! You are not blessed by God once, but favored twice!

3. Congratulations! May your love be more beautiful than beauty; More fragrant than ointment; Sweeter than honey dripping from the hive; And more precious than extremely expensive treasures!

4. The day suddenly has a few more sweetness, and the air seems to have a few more sweetness. In this happy day, I wish my baby smart, lively and lovely.

5. When a baby is born, joy comes. When the baby cries, the whole family surrounds him. When the baby makes a noise, good luck comes. When the baby smiles, happiness reports. Wish the baby healthy and happy!

6. Congratulations on the birth of the baby. May the new baby bring you countless happiness. I wish the baby good health and healthy growth. I wish the new mother you happiness!

7. Congratulations on your spiritual support and your father's throne. Take the time to earn money. Your baby is waiting for you. I wish you a lively and healthy baby and your whole family!

8. When the baby was born, I heard you laughing, and my blessing was delivered. The home was more fun, and new hope appeared. The baby was the best in health. I wish the baby healthy and happy!

9. I come to congratulate you on the birth of your baby. I wish you countless happiness from the new baby. I wish you a healthy and healthy baby, and I wish you a happy new mother!

10. Small hands, small feet, small faces, cool in summer, healthy eating, healthy sleeping, healthy babies are the most lovely. Congratulations on your baby, you must be very happy.

11. Qianjin is a treasure, and her daughter is a sweet cotton padded jacket. In the future, there will be no darkness or cold in your life, because she is the sunshine in your life. Congratulations on the birth of Qianjin.

12. A small living treasure can be embraced with ten hands. All kinds of care and support are only for parents' sustenance and children's tomorrow. May the newborn baby grow up and become a big thing!

13. The sweetness of love is still in your dream last night. Today, your happiness has borne fruit all over the sky. On this happy day, I wish you peace and health, and I wish your baby happiness!

14. This is the call of love, this is the crystallization of love, but also the hope of love. The birth of a small life is accompanied by happiness, sweetness, and a sustenance and deep blessing!

15. Flowers are for the sake of beauty, green is for the sake of cool, fruit is for the sake of rich autumn, and your lovely baby is for the sake of your happiness, and life will be more wonderful from now on!

16. There is a kind of joy that is overjoyed, an atmosphere that is full of joy, a kind of luck that is double happiness, and a blessing that is the birth of a baby. I sincerely wish your baby a healthy growth.

17. Cry but not laugh, urinate everywhere. If I don't leave, I will be held by others. Better than stars, better than rioters. Is not your baby, the pride of the nation. May your baby grow healthily and smile every day.

18. The baby is born, happy from heaven. I hope the baby is smart, cute, healthy and healthy. I hope your baby will bring you a happy and sweet life. Since then, life has become happier and warmer.

19. The baby is born, carrying all people's expectations, bringing all people's happiness, and adding to everyone's fun. Baby cry, you and I laugh; Baby smiles, you and I are happy to taotao.

20. The baby is the continuation of your life and the crystallization of your love. His arrival is not an accident, but the most sacred gift from heaven. I wish you all a happy life!

21. Children grow like flowers, and happiness comes from children's happiness; Although there are few red envelopes, they represent my sincere blessing; I wish you and your husband love each other, your baby will grow up happily and healthily, and you will be carefree all your life.

22. You have a baby. Congratulations. I wish happiness will always surround him. Happiness will always follow him. Wisdom will only surround him. Disease will never hide from him. He will grow up healthily and healthily until he becomes a man of heaven and earth!

23. Congratulations on your daughter. From now on, the happiness of Qianjin will be on you. Qianjin's happiness will accompany you. Qianjin's sweetness will haunt your family. May your daughter grow up healthily and happily!

24. Butterflies are shocked to emerge from the cocoon. Mother has a hard time to conceive in October. Now your family has a baby. I send my most sincere blessing. May the baby be smart, beautiful, intelligent, talented and virtuous, and the whole family be healthy and happy.

25. When a good baby arrives at his new home, he has a good mother. In fact, his father is not bad, and his mother is happy. The lovely baby is really cute. Fortunately, happiness and peace come. She is smart, lively and fast growing. Bless your baby, your journey will be endless, and you will be healthy.

26. When your baby is born, you will feel happy and happy. Your life will be better and your work will be better. My blessings will not be lacking. I hope you will enjoy the happiness of being a new father and your baby will grow up healthily.

27. Congratulations on your baby's birth. I hope he can bring you more joy, sweetness and warmth; Sincerely wish your baby healthy, happy and thriving; May the new family you have formed be more sweet and happy!

28. Congratulations, you have finally completed the task of upgrading from expectant mother to mother and developed version 0! I hope your second edition will sweep all the way, and become your pillar and your proudest work!

29. From today on, be a happy person and stay with the baby bottles and diapers; From today on, declare your happiness and sleep with your baby's crying; From today on, you will become a father and the happiest person in the world!

30. The arrival of a life is the hope of the two of you to form a family of three. I wish him every success in learning from now on.

31. I sincerely wish you a healthy and happy growth. I sincerely hope that you can follow the song every day. I wish the horn will fly to the clouds, the healthy and handsome gods will help you, the healthy and smart people will follow the mountains and the sea, and the sea and the sky will solidify quickly. I am happy to paint the mountains and rivers into plum trees. I will thank the rising sun successfully, and the spring breeze of my family will shine brightly.

32. The family has added one more person, and since then it has become bustling; The family has added a mouth, from now on the day of prosperity; The family added a mouth of people, from now on life happy; Warmly welcome the young man in the family, and wish him healthy growth and promising future!

33. With a lovely face, waving legs, and the pouting mouth, the baby has a bright future when he sees his wealth for a hundred days. When he looks at the champion, he sees something unusual and has a bright future. May your baby be lively, healthy and happy!

34. Congratulations! The baby was born, so soon to find a stable long-term job, no longer worry about unemployment! I hope your baby will be in good health, happy and lucky! At the same time, we will harvest laughter and happiness.

35. New born children, new born hope, sincere blessing: may the baby be healthy, smart and lovely; May the new mother become more gentle and younger; May the new father become more mature and stronger, and may your family live a happy, happy and warm life.

36. I hope your baby will grow up healthily and healthily. When he grows up, he will have his mother's carefulness, his father's sense of responsibility and his own independent personality. In the future, there will be another treasure at home. I wish your baby a happy life and you will become a happy mother.

37. A small living treasure, with ten hands to embrace, all kinds of care and support, is only for the family to continue, only for the parents' sustenance, and only for the children's tomorrow. I wish the newborn baby to grow up healthily, live up to expectations, and finally become a big thing, which will lead to a happy gathering, good luck and happiness for the family.

38. All worries are caused by the baby's crying; All kinds of happiness, because of the baby's smile; Everything goes well because the baby is safe; Cute baby is your whole hobby; My best wishes are sincerely sent to you; I wish your baby a healthy full moon and a smooth growth; May you be happy and happy with your baby!