My heart is still there
2023-08-24 00:52:17
Senior 2
impressions of after reading

In the afternoon, the school organized our fourth, fifth and sixth grade students to watch the movie Tianhe at Poly Theater. Although I didn't go, my mother told me once that Tianhe is about major decisions, land acquisition and resettlement, project construction and other issues involved in the implementation of the Middle Route Project of South to North Water Transfer.
Through this film, we have once again realized the reality that Beijing, as a large city, is extremely short of water resources per capita. It makes us realize that the water we use everyday is hard won. It is our duty and obligation to cherish water resources and save every drop of water.
The story told in Tianhe happened right beside us. Wukesong subway, Beijing overpass, Beijing TV tower... Our life is very peaceful, it seems that there is no story. Through my mother telling me the film, I learned that there are so many people and families working hard and making sacrifices for our happy life. We should love life and always be grateful.
Today, we came to the cinema in Greenland Square to watch the documentary Tianhe. My mother and I rode to the gate of the cinema. I am very excited because this is our first time to watch a movie.
At the beginning of the film, it became completely silent. The movie tells the story of the South to North Water Diversion Project. The water came from underground caves in the south to Beijing. It is difficult to dig because there is a subway under Wukesong. Through the efforts of the workers, they overcame many difficulties and finally led the water to Beijing
After this movie, I learned that we should save water in the future. Beijing is a city short of water. Saving water starts with me. 1 Don't wash your hands without playing. Don't forget to turn off the tap before leaving. 2 Clothes washing water and vegetable washing water should be stored in vats to mop the floor or flush the toilet. If we waste water, we will run out of water one day. In this way, we will all die of thirst, plants will dry up, and the earth will crack. The world will soon become a desert.
We must save water!
I am not very happy today, because I saw a movie today, its name is Tianhe. At the beginning, when I heard that I wanted to see a movie, I was very excited. I thought the movie was a fairy story. But after I saw it, I knew that it was about the South to North Water Diversion Project. But at the end, I didn't know why I wanted to start Tianhe.
When I saw those people strongly opposed Dong Wangchuan and others to pass water through their ancestral graves, I thought they remembered their ancestors, and they looked at their ancestral graves bigger than the sky and the earth. Teenagers like us can't remember at all, but we can remember some of them. I also know "Lei Feng", "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", "Qiu Shaoyun", etc. When I saw that they strongly opposed Dong Wangchuan's wife to move away from the Martyrs' Garden, I thought they were a group of people who knew that a drop of water would repay each other. They could give up their ancestral graves for the sake of those who had saved them. Because that person saved their ancestors. If their ancestors had not been saved at that time, they would not be the same today. I believe that their ancestors are under the Jiuquan River, and they will feel that they are right to do so.
Pupils 300 words (4)
At one o'clock this afternoon, the school organized us to watch the movie Tianhe at Poly Cinema. Our class organized and orderly entered the projection hall in the cinema. Our class was arranged on the top floor, and we could see rows of neat seats. In front of us was a very large screen. When all the lights went out, everyone immediately quieted down, and the film officially began.
Tianhe is mainly about the South to North Water Transfer Project. As our generation has not realized the problem of water shortage, every time the tap is opened, there is always a clatter of water flowing out. In fact, the water shortage in Beijing, Tianjin and other areas in North China has become very serious. Therefore, the country has implemented the policy of diverting water from the south to the north to solve the problem of water shortage in the north. The whole project is very large and complex. It needs to pass through many, many areas, and faces various difficulties and dangers during the construction process. Most of the people who have to emigrate are unwilling to leave their hometown, their own land, move their ancestral graves, and close their factories. However, through constant propaganda, constant adjustment and constant persuasion, everyone finally understood the significance of this project and agreed. The South to North Water Transfer Project was finally successfully completed after the construction workers worked hard to overcome many difficulties.
With the end of the film, my heart was also very excited, and I admired the heroes who had worked hard for this great project. In the near future, we can deeply appreciate the benefits of this project.
This afternoon, the school organized us to watch the movie Tianhe, which tells the construction process of China's South to North Water Transfer Middle Route Project.
What impressed me most in the film was Jiang Hao. In order to solve his family's difficulties, he had to give up the construction of the South to North Water Diversion Project and enter a private enterprise. But after his company won the bid for the South to North Water Diversion Project, in order to concentrate on his work, he sent his seriously ill father to the construction site to take care of him. In the process of excavating the culvert, the shield machine broke down. He ignored the danger of oxygen deficiency in the culvert, and repaired the machine alone to ensure that the construction continued. Watching the rescue team searching Jiang Hao everywhere, I was worried about him, afraid that the rescue team would not find him. Finally, the rescuers finally found Jiang Hao, lifted him out of the culvert, looked at his muddy face, slowly opened his eyes, and finally the big stone in my heart fell to the ground.
The South to North Water Diversion Project is a grand project that benefits the country and the people. It introduces water from the south to the north and solves the problem of water use in the north. Behind this great project are countless engineering technicians and construction personnel who have made unknown sacrifices and contributions. Thousands of relocated people have given up their homes for the sake of the country.
After thousands of hardships, Beijing has attracted water from the Yangtze River, which makes me deeply realize the importance of saving water. We should drink from the source and cherish the hard won Tianhe River.
Comment: The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the qi narration is orderly and not disorderly. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot change does not fall into the stereotype. Occasionally, suspense suddenly arises and waves rise again and again, which is unexpected. The development process of the event reflects the author's innovative ideas.