80 Classic Sentences of Fallen Novels
Aunt Bangbang
2023-02-20 16:00:09
Complete sentences

1、 Since then, he is not him.

2、 Yu Guangli couldn't get rid of his face.

3、 I swear by Gu Yidong! Always be nice to Joe!

4、 All narrow roads are designed for meeting.

5、 To live is to disappear in the soil.

6、 He appeared in all the past that I remember.

7、 Another place, and another place of their own.

8、 One day that I thought was far away has already appeared.

9、 Be a kind and liked person.

10、 It has not faded for a long time, like a hundred day flower.

11、 It is more unfortunate to know nothing than to be riddled with holes.

12、 You are you. It's a pity that I can't remember your nicknames.

13、 Distance is probably the most valuable respect I can give you.

14、 What is eternal is not us, but all the moments.

15、 In the evening, it stretches forward like half fluid, and stagnates the fatigue of two great forces.

16、 All the words seemed to melt into the body of alcohol, only boils in vain under the skin.

17、 If love is a fragile rose, I am willing to accept the perfection in the imperfection.

18、 Since the future can't give us the chance to meet, we can only see each other in memory.

19、 But they have already appeared on their heads like clouds in the ancient times.

20、 I'm right beside you. Why can't I let you know that I'm right beside you?

21、 You are my soft fragrance, and you are the orphan of a dinner that I can never lick on my chin.

22、 If I want to make a turn to the front, I can fall my head on your shoulder naturally.

23、 It is not "far away" that can decide if we are not separated.

24、 I am like you in your voice, like you in all this. I heard your voice in all your things.

25、 You are the most important place in my heart. Your voice is as beautiful as flowers. Your voice has prolonged this summer.

26、 It seems that we are just snuggling up to each other, and what will change for us is only around the decayed world. They bypass us and move forward.

27、 I turn the pure white side towards you to show you the golden yellow favor and the grass green thanks. Sky blue attachment.

28、 As for feelings, they can also grow steadily. In no time. It is not an instant. Not a moment is not instantaneous nor fleeting.

29、 Just leave for a moment. A short trance, leaving the original way, the correct consciousness quietly lost, then it is like a dead person.

30、 We are always used to hurting the people closest to us. Because our ability is limited to hurting those around us.

31、 Call happiness back from another universe, and let them swim from the sea to themselves along the sun like fish scales.

32、 If I have no other way out, I would rather. I think it is easier for such a transaction to be completed without any emotional debt.

33、 When I climbed to the top of the towering trees, the voice of ancient times came from the horizon. It said that we must be a kind person.

34、 How can you believe the stars hundreds of thousands or millions of light years away from you. They may have exploded and disappeared.

35、 Those who want to live can never understand those people, just as those who choose, they will not understand why some people will not understand.

36、 I know that there has always been an inexplicable emotion in my heart, like a hurricane sweeping the world, and you are the eye of the wind.

37、 It is more terrible than being touched by a stranger's handshake. It should be that you are repeatedly verified how ridiculous a fool you are on the way to find true love.

38、 At this moment, and all the time since, it will be in the deepest and quietest place in the heart, vaguely and permanently remember those things about the people you like.

39、 Distance. A few centimeters, thousands of miles. Still connected. The voice held them, and the handwriting joined them together. So it can't be said that this is separation.

40、 There are demons, ghosts, gods and demons in this world. In this world, there is also sweet and astringent, flexible, true, even, fuzzy, lush and stubborn love.

41、 Parents will not kill their hard, barren and hard work in the past because of their children's current success. How to fill the gap.

42、 The blue smoke rising in the sky is like a miniature cloud. At a certain moment, with a unique smell, the sieve that shakes with time is gently filtered at the bottom.

43、 When he turned around, his eyebrows and eyes were low, his smile was not very clear, he was very gentle, and his whole figure was soft, like a ready embrace in his chest.

44、 The two ends of the balance are matched with the same scale, so that we can meet the old face in the old place and time after death, without fear of time and all forces.

45、 From that small porcelain doll with a bow tie, he walked up to him, blinked his big eyes, stared at him and asked, "I'm Qiao Luo, who are you?

46、 It turned out that she was different from the ordinary one after all. In a word, one voice creates a strange truth, and the fake can also become true. What is said is what. When the cat runs past, it is more true than the real.

47、 So, the White Lady has been under the Leifeng Tower for many years, and she will not regret it? Regret, a look back after five thousand years of repair is just a dream. Do not regret, a thousand years of suffering from a disaster, but Juzhugeyan.

48、 Every time it appears. Then leave. They take something more or less from themselves. Maybe a little bit of vision. Maybe a little taste. A little memory. Or a favorite word.

49、 Because that beam of light, I must remember that it runs through almost every day, like moss clinging to the bottom of the boat, and I have a dull but powerless secret for you.

50、 Many things are destined not to understand. The answer to which is more painful is obvious: "I can't figure it out" or "I can figure it out".

51. Contradictory stitches and threads are fast and confused. When they cannot be seen, they have woven a whole unpredictable cocoon, wrapped around the heart built by frustration and venting, so that it will never sink or disappear under repression, just floating like this.

52. Because I fully understand that since I like the same person, I can fully understand all those thoughts. Disturbed glances, pleasantly surprised conversations, nervous observations, or after embarrassments, I wish I could be as sad as death.

53. There are many rules, but they are picky. Romantically, they are impractical, but they always use reality to force themselves. When they encounter trouble, they will give way. It is called self-esteem and self love. In fact, they are afraid of losing face after failure. Not active, love is responsible, often refuse.

Fifty four. The outline of the side seems to have a rough edge in the rain. It is vague if there is nothing, which is very consistent with the weather. The hand holding the umbrella has a slender and beautiful skeleton, and it should be beautiful to hold anything. Sometimes a car with the lights running through his eyes, his face flows through a moment of moving light.

55. When I wake up, the water is gone, the mountain is gone, and you are gone. Only my heart is jumping lonely and tenaciously. Only my heart is on the windowsill. Still alone and tenaciously jumping. The spring flowers are beautiful, the summer rain is torrential, the autumn moon is treacherous, and the winter snow is grey.

56. Here. Thin pencil words, dot, horizontal, dot, horizontal. Leave his name. Give a shout, and someone will answer. Flowers take root in the air, countless dandelion seeds dance, the sun is so charming, and the rain overflows the valley. The sound of reincarnation, the silence of karma, the complexity of sound and silence.

57. It seems that the leaves fall carelessly, and the mat shows very shallow ripples. If he took two more steps, the ground would be covered with more quiet voices. The more true the voice was, the more I felt as if it were not there. I wonder if I really missed it and fell into the gap of the mat and got stuck.

58. At the beginning, the boy, with a cold thin catkin between his eyebrows, changed his way to the legendary direction with a mass of light. Finally, his gentleness was stamped with courtesy and slowly withdrew from the world she could see. Like a mast disappearing on the horizon, it takes away the blue of the ocean.

59. Let's listen to music together. We will divide two earphones equally. You wear the right machine on the left, while I wear the right machine on the right. I can't tell you how much I like the feeling that music is complete only because of us. Losing everything is just accompaniment.

60. I think the density of the soul should be heavier than water. So it will sink under the water, like a round gravel. Then only when sugar or salt is added and the density of water changes, can things at the bottom of the pool gradually emerge. Sugar or salt - sweet or bitter, let the soul surface.

61. In fact, for me, it's too insensitive to like my idol silently. I can clap my chest with a clear conscience and say that you are such a great person, and my love for you will never lose a point. It definitely deserves your glitter. I will be your strongest accompanist in every concert.

62. Recognize that there is a seed of integrity and justice growing in your body, which has successfully rooted and sprouted on a slightly wet heart. Then, perhaps overnight, the strange new wind blows from bottom to top, pulling it to the top of the dome, turning it into a towering shade, covering most of the wilderness. The highest place can see the arcing horizon.

63. I will take her through the applause of the crowd and take her to see the light and shadow that would not be expected in her childhood dreams. The snow fell on the mountain and turned into a river. We were all bound by our smiles. It seemed a little serious, but the footprints on the snow were two rows of solid, enviable roads that disappeared on the top of the mountain.

Sixty-four. concrete and small. A lot of pain. It is only in the palm of your hand that you accept them that sudden roots will grow and quickly penetrate into your heart. Otherwise, once they fall to the ground, they will be nothing but a small dust. But pain is necessary. It must be explained that our life is full of light.

65. In high school life, boys' basketball games seem to have become a symbol of freeze frame. But sunny days, sunshine, occasional vehicles outside the wall, unknown flowers inside the wall, and thin and long shadows are all coordinated with the same frequency, and finally become an experience of smell, slowly leaving the original beautiful picture in the years.

66. When two dust particles approach and meet in this universe and separate, they will face the boundless darkness in front of them, and they will never meet again. Although I can't say clearly, it was before that that, it was warmer to meet each other in an infinitely small chance from the infinite universe; After that, it is even more helpless to separate in the infinite universe with the same infinite time.

67. Even after the person who once made me give up everything for him appeared, I finally returned to my nature and could not give up anything for him. His proportion in my heart made me give a full score by deceiving myself. Just move a little and walk two steps away, and you can see the flaws. I obviously left many, many, many, and he kept pace, reluctant to move.

68. Occasionally. Think of some people who have met, may not meet again, or even never seen. Like monsoon transit. Wake up in the middle of the night and remember fondly. Who have you ever met? With yearning, through the long winter, embrace the blooming spring flowers. If the voice does not remember, it is not youth and we catch the wind. Those warm and beautiful things in life. We miss each other.

69. Most of the memorial books of junior high school graduation are written in childish handwriting, and the language seems to be very affectative now, but the power of piercing tears has become stronger and stronger over time. To be honest, there are many people in the middle. If it wasn't for this graduation album, I would have forgotten their names for a long time, although the sentence "Don't forget me" is often the most popular one

Seventy, his face was like a hand grasping the heart in the half dark gentle light, pinching my mind for an instant, unable to breathe. The heart jumped violently, as if even the soul would be shattered together. In the blank space left, I heard the secret hidden in my heart and slowly fell out - like falling into the unfathomable sea bottom, the world was buzzing.

Seventy one, I reflected on what you said when you left. Did you speak when you left. I think there should be. They should be like the rain on the umbrella bone, clear and unavoidable, or the bright dragon maiden flowers on the Zhongnan Mountain, maintaining a careful interpretation of eternity. But I want to break my head and cry, only you close and close your lips. When I closed the window, I left a good breath under the candle in the west window. As soon as I gave it away, there was only the sound of wind and rain.

Seventy two. Although it is not a wise decision to confess such innocent and superficial secret love at any time. But we are all incompetent guys who lost their clear minds for a time. So, even if you don't know me, you also want to tell you to listen, even if there are other girls around you, you also want to tell you to listen, even if we are at peace in the two spaces, we can only use strangers to explain our relationship, and also want to tell you to listen.

Seventy three. In those days when they ran in the hallway of the classroom, the teenagers' worries were not easy to be taken seriously as the dust raised. Although the focus of life may not be learning, it is definitely not emotion. Play seems to be more important. Those delicate and sensitive details are not easy to grasp, so I dare not look at them carefully. At that time, the beauty was often hazy, often green. In short, there was no result, only a few people were far and near.

Seventy-four, she always remembers that scene. The sky is high, without stars or moon, surrounded by dark heads, and only a white light on the stage indicates the focus of people's attention. That is the end of the fairy tale, the symbol of happiness for the prince and princess. He reached out and held her face in his hands. Close. A clear and distant move. The atmosphere suddenly solidified between contacts. At that moment, the heart was like amber wrapped in turpentine. Quiet pause, infinity.

Seventy five, probably because I feel that I am still young, even if I do something so irresponsible, I feel comfortable. I always feel that I will be forgiven. I think so with confidence that I don't know where I come from. I am still easily conquered by the secular world, easily defeated by myself, and easily muddle along. Maybe I can't do the arduous journey. Yes, I am so afraid of being proved to be a fool by the fruitless search in the future.

76. I am too old to sacrifice my head and blood for love and sell my relatives and friends at any cost. As long as I have a bed sheet to roll, I don't care how others scold me on Weibo. At present, I think it belongs to the same level as the Arabian Nights. I have given up this part of body function. Therefore, there are only residual nerves in the final struggle, just like those intercepted on the human tail vertebrae, symbolizing the existence of the tail in the past.

Seventy seven. An inconceivable voice can cause illusion in the eyes of the listener. He said "cat" and she saw "cat". He said "dandelion" and she was standing in the seeds all over the sky. If she accidentally intrudes into his circle, she will become a "person who knows the secrets of the other party". It sounds mysterious enough, but it is a big or small position, which is not suitable anywhere.

Seventy eight, you are not the boy at that time. You have someone you like. You are together. She knows the warmth of your gentle smile. But you talk to them, walk with them, show your gentleness, but not because you like her. Who do you hug and care for at a time I don't know. Who can be hugged and cared by you is the luckiest girl in the world. I have been a weak luck since I was born, so I haven't been able to exert its greatest power, and finally let me become a quiet and sad bystander.

79. What he also knew was that he was short, had long soft chestnut hair, and had similar excellent achievements to his own, but was unexpectedly careless. Dark brown pupils, short but long eyelashes, lovely radians in eyes and nose. Very easy to cry. Whether it's a mistake in the exam or a family member falls ill. Too standard girl. What he didn't know before was that she stood a few steps away, small but not flinching, and said with certainty: "He is the person I like and is in contact with." Her voice was full of her taste, texture, and some straightforward things. It made him feel like he was heading for an unknown place.

Eighty, nothing can not be forgotten. I will always forget you in the future. Anyway, I am not the best man in my heart. If I forget, I will forget. First forget your appearance, then forget your voice, then forget that you are good at laughing, or love to laugh, forget that you go through the light slowly from turbid to clear, forget that you change repeatedly in my mind, forget what you said. Like birds forget the marsh where they once lived, rhinoceros forget the taste of summer, people who lost their legs forget that they once walked like flies, and people in hell forget how beautiful heaven is. Can forget. Not now, but in the future. If we can't do it in the future, there will always be more future. Those who will eventually move towards their own future, we can expect it to take away all the memories.