Describe the appearance of the characters
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2023-08-24 00:50:44
fourth grade

Little friend, do you know her? She is tall and thin, with long hair and always wears a ponytail. When she walks, the ponytail with a bow will swing behind her head, looking very beautiful. A pair of flexible, sharp eyes, flickering. The melon seed shaped face is white and red, with a small cherry mouth and a tall nose, it looks more beautiful. She is my classmate Wenwen.
Wenwen's personality is the same as her name, Wenwen is quiet. Then don't look down upon her! Singing, painting and reading are all her hobbies, especially painting, which is very powerful. The vivid colored paintings are all from her small hands. They are really beautiful. In the last issue, her paintings won a lot of prizes! Reading is another hobby of her. As we all know, Wenwen cherishes time very much. Even when she is ill, she can't forget to take a book to the hospital to read. I really want to learn from her.
Wenwen is not only careful in reading and painting, but also a good student who is willing to help others! There is a female classmate in our class who has poor grades. Usually, few students play with her. After class, Wenwen took the initiative to her seat and asked her to read the text, calculate math problems and recite English words. Even the teacher praised her as a good child! Wenwen Quiet Wenwen classmate, I want to learn from you!