88 painful sentences from the circle of friends
keep one 's head above water
2023-04-02 20:33:08
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1. It's better to wait for death than wait for you. At least death will come.

2. I would rather laugh and cry than cry and say regret.

3. We begin with strangeness and end with strangeness.

4. My ears are full of sadness, I can't hear happiness.

5. You left, I hope you won't look back this time.

6. Don't wait for me to change before you say you miss me.

7. Don't say love easily. The promise you make is the debt you owe!

8. I only loved you once. Why did you hurt me so deeply.

9. Some things take a long time to succeed, and only a moment to destroy them.

10. I want to become a small sun, warming your dark heart.

11. Wipe away the tears on your face, but can't take away the pain in your heart.

12. When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding.

13. My acting must be so good that no one even knows I'm sad.

14. Walk alone, sleep alone; A person fidgety, a person experience.

15. If you don't cry pain, you may not feel it; Not required, not necessarily not expected.

16. If I fall in love with your smile, how can I collect it and own it?

17. Heartbroken, but no one knows, only one knows.

18. I have practiced smiling every day to cover up the tears that quietly fall.

19. Sometimes I really want to give up, I don't want to torture myself like this again.

20. You can only see my joy, but you can't see my desire to stop.

21. When you are more and more polite to me, maybe we will become more and more strange.

22. The stupidest thing I did was to waste my precious years on you.

23. Only I know how painful it is to tear my heart apart and close it again.

24. When I was young, a smile was a kind of mood. When I grow up, a smile is an expression.

25. Pick up all your memories and carefully put them into the memory box.

26. I once rejected everyone for one person, but ended up with nothing.

27. I finally understand that in love, the more you pay, the more you get.

28. In the short decades of life, the most important thing is to satisfy yourself, not to please others.

29. You never know that I love you more than myself. I can only be happy when you are happy.

30. In fact, I have been waiting for you to turn around, but you have refused to give me this opportunity.

31. Be jealous because you like it, angry because you care, and sad because you don't want to lose it.

32. In your eyes, I'm not good enough. It turns out that you just didn't love me.

33. Exactly. It's a romantic dream, but now it's time to wake up.

34. How many people change from fat to thin, from love to hate, and from simplicity to degeneration for the sake of their other half.

35. I would rather always remember the painful memories than forget the sweetness of our love.

36. The teacher's classic lie: I treat both good and bad students equally.

37. The street is bustling with people coming and going, but at this moment, only you are facing the shadow.

38. It's actually easy for people to live a free and easy life, as long as they don't talk about grand scenery and deep feelings.

39. You said you would miss or remember our memories. Should I say thank you?

40. Because I have loved, I will not become an enemy. Because I have been hurt, I will not become a friend.

41. I learned to swallow a long paragraph of words and all my emotions, and express all my thoughts with only "um".

42. When you don't have the heart to slap others, they may have the heart to shoot you.

43. I understand the taste of returning to the origin. Please don't let me return to the origin, ok? Because I'm afraid.

44. I have done two bravest things: probably one is to like you and the other is to decide to forget you.

45. Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it will never come back.

46. It's sad to be ignored by people who care. And what is more sad is to pretend not to care at all.

47. Time goes by little by little, and we don't care when we can appreciate when we are alive.

48. The rain drenched air, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

49. The man cried because he really loved him; The woman cried because she really gave up.

50. Youth is destined to be a melancholy song. Although the tune is melodious, the lyrics are always so sad.

51. You see, we who lost our fate will not meet again even if we live in the same city.

52. It's not that I can't find a better one, but because I already have you, I don't want to find a better one.

53. Looking back, those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

54. Most feared: strangers after deep friendship; Pain after being serious; Utilization after trust; The indifference after gentleness.

55. It's my fault to love, to wait, and to imagine that I will be the exception, somehow.

56. The most painful thing in the world is to have to accept the reality of breaking up when you still love someone.

57. Later, when I met someone who was excited, I would think, "Forget it, it's good to be a friend. It's really good.".

58. I am afraid that I have decided to live without you in my life, but suddenly I hear from you.

59. There is no joy when you should smile, no tears when you should cry, and no promise when you should believe.

60. Seeing you from afar through the crowd, I was thinking that this person was so good with me before, but not now.

61. In fact, there is nothing that can't be put down. It's just a pity that I have paid so much for my feelings. If I say no, it will be gone.

62. Despair is accumulated in every disappointment, while love is consumed by people who are ungrateful.

63. The wind is very strong at night in this city, which blows away the magnanimity and grandiosity. You always miss home when you are tired and miss him when you are lonely.

64. I have always worked hard to like her. I thought that I could impress her as long as I was serious, but it turned out that I impressed myself.

65. If you don't love, don't choose. If you love, you should stick to it. Real happiness is achieved bit by bit and accumulated day by day.

66. Although I know the outcome, I still devote myself to it. You must not know that I once liked you so hopelessly.

67. When I said goodbye to you in tears, you just said goodbye to me coldly. I didn't feel your indifferent eyes, and my heart was broken into thousands of pieces.

68. I think I have lost my way: in the warm spring, I am full of tears; On the busy road, I can't find the way.

69. Memories are always beautiful, and time is a dose. Maybe it can really make people forget the pain, but it can't erase the missing in the heart.

70. Forget it, just be alone. I don't like the feeling of worrying about gain and loss. No matter who it is, I may not be confident that I can keep you.

71. If you want to know whether a person loves you or not, it depends on whether he is energetic and happy with you.

72. I really envy that you are spoiled by him. You must not know that the love you have now is something that I can't change after a thousand efforts.

73. He knows all your hints and your subtext, but he is indifferent. It is not a battle of wits. He just doesn't like you.

74. Some thoughts can only be said to themselves, and some secrets can only be told to friends. Some of the pain can only be endured silently, but I still have to rely on myself to save.

75. The simple and quiet life is actually not happy, so I only embrace the lasting feeling of the moment. It is not happy at all, so I only believe in the moment.

76. After all, you should learn to say no to what you like with a tearful smile and shaking your head, and get out of the mud of true love to make peace with life.

77. It is always a long time before we know that what we once gave up will never be seen again in the days to come.

78. Hiding in a certain time, missing the palm print of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands in the way of origin and also in the way of destination.

79. I miss you very much. Maybe this time, we are really going to separate. I can't bear it, especially, but I really can't accept it any more.

80. I am afraid that I will lose even if I am afraid of the company day after day and pay wholeheartedly. If I lose to something called novelty, it is ridiculous.

81. Some things will come to mind inadvertently; Some memories, white haired can not forget; Some wounds can never be seen by others, because they are hidden in your heart.

82. Life is not easy. You don't need to yearn for others' understanding and recognition. Just live your own life quietly. If the heart does not move, the wind will do nothing. If you do not hurt, the years will be fine.

83. Accept the unexpected loss and cherish the unexpected surprise. When the mood is low, lazy and powerless, one can learn to be strong by receiving emotions where others cannot see them.

84. No one can see or understand the pain in the heart. Even if you have many brilliant, that unforgettable pain, will also come back again and again, dejected.

85. Later, you went to a better way, and I gradually got used to the life without you. The two people who once loved each other were still like two parallel lines. Although they were very close, they never intersected.

86. To cure oneself, one must first manage one's own greed, open one's mind to others, learn to withdraw from relationships, retain positive energy, avoid dependence, and do not bear the life of others, so as to reserve the conditions for self love and other love.

87. In the world of love, there are always some absurd things happening. When a person can pay off his guilt and live a life without guilt, he has reached the end. It is not only love but life that is so unbearable.

88. Some things can only be accepted when they happen. Some people have to let go when they lose. Some roads have no turning back. We try to grow up, stumble and bruise all the way, maybe this is the price of growth.